Inuyasha: InuLuver1990 would like to eveyone!

InuLuver1990: Yeah thank you so much! It's been loads of fun writing this fic and just hearing what you all have to say about it. I hope more reviews come in as time goes by and I'd like for everyone to look out for my new fanfics which I am working on. I'll do an Author's Note so that you all can see the summaries for other stories I'm working on.

Inuyasha: I'll let you ramble on a while longer since this is the last chapter and you let me and Kagome finally fuc-

Kagome (Face Red): INUYASHA SITBOY!

InuLuver1990 laughs heartily: I don't own Inuyasha, on with the epilogue.

He Loves Me,

She Loves Me Not.


Three weeks later

"Mom," Kagome called when she entered her mother's room.

"Yes honey?" Sakura replied as she watched her daughter sit beside her on her bed. Then before she could ask Kagome what the matter was; her daughter leaned on her shoulder and began to cry.

She put her motherly arms around her, securely to comfort her and then asked, "What's wrong, Kagome?"

Kagome sobbed as she talked. "Oh mom, I just can't find a way to tell Inuyasha something he really wants to know." She cried.

"What does he want to know?" Sakura wondered.

"Why I broke up with him last September." Kagome sniffed and swiped the tears from her eyes.

Sakura's eyes widened with astonishment. "You mean you two haven't talked about that yet?"

She shook her head. "I told him we would talk when I am ready; the thing is, mom. I'm not ready and I don't think I'll ever be ready to tell him."

Sakura inhaled deeply and then let the air out slowly. "Why not?"

Kagome looked into her mother's eyes with her big, puffy, brown orbs and sighed. "I'm scared." She said softly.

"Scared?" She repeated unbelievingly. "Scared to talk to Inuyasha?"

She shook her head. "I'm not afraid to tell him, I'm afraid he will do what he did again."

"And what did he do?"

She bit her lip and looked away. "Last September, the first day of the month, I was going to Ame's to meet him there and I saw him inside with another girl."

Sakura nodded, not liking what her daughter was saying at all.

"She was small and pretty and fragile looking, like a glass doll. And the way he held her and laughed with her and kissed her told me that he was cheating on me."

Sakura's eyes nearly dropped out of her sockets. "Honey, surely you were mistaken."

She shook her head. "Mom, I'm not mistaken. He was cheating on me, so I broke up with him."

"And you didn't tell him that you saw him with that other girl?" She asked.

Then Kagome got up and began to rage. "Mom! How do you know that that girl is the 'other' girl?" Kagome shouted. "Suppose I'm the 'other' girl?"

Sakura sighed. "Then you'll never know for certain until you ask."

Kagome bit her lip. "I'm afraid he's going to tell me that…"

"Honey," Sakura held her hands and squeezed. "Listen to me; you need to go to him. You need to face him. You need to tell him straight and plain that if he was cheating on you back then; you won't allow it now. He needs to know that you know what he did so he never does it again; because honey, guys do go astray sometimes." Sakura sighed softly.

"Did I ever tell you about how your father and I broke up the first and only time?" Kagome's mother asked her.

Kagome shook her head.

"Well, sit down," She said and once Kagome was seated she began to tell her about how Hayate, her deceased husband, had thought she had cheated and how it was all a misunderstanding.

When she was finished, Kagome began to hope. She hoped that if Inuyasha had cheated he would never do it again and that they could move on with their lives. She hoped that she had been wrong and that Inuyasha had been faithful all along.

"So you see honey," Sakura said. "You need to go to him and tell him you don't appreciate what he did and also if you ever see him with another girl, you go straight up to them, introduce yourself as his girlfriend and let your emotions take over."

Kagome nodded. She was strengthened now. Now she could go and face Inuyasha. It was Saturday; Inuyasha would be waiting for her at Ame's by now. Kagome got up, kissed and thanked her mother and then dashed out of her mother's room.

She went to her room, made herself look even more beautiful than she already looked, she dressed to kill and when she saw her reflection, she was satisfied.

'Inuyasha will never cheat on me again and if he never did then he definitely never will.'

Sakura watched as her daughter, left the house to go to Ame's. She sighed and then smiled, Kagome reminded her and Hayate so much and so did Hayate's cousin Jirou.

"Jirou," She smiled. "He's a good man, Hayate." she sighed as she picked up her husband's portrait. "Would it be okay to date him?"

Then she heard her husband's voice suddenly, 'I only want you happy Sakura, and if you're happy with Jirou, it's fine with me. Just love Jirou for him like you loved me for me. Never think that Jirou is me or can replace me, never think that the love we had will ever die. I will always be with you, no matter who else you love or be with. I will always be yours.'

Sakura inhaled deeply and kissed her husband's picture. "I will always love you, Hayate."

Kagome stopped abruptly as she looked into Ame's Ice-cream Parlor. What she was seeing was like the scene she had seen last September. Inside, seated on twin stools were her boyfriend, Inuyasha Takahashi and another…woman. Kagome watched as her handsome boyfriend chuckled sexily as he touched the woman's protruding belly.

Kagome's eyes widened. The woman was pregnant. The woman looked about ready to burst how big her belly was. Kagome's heart began to slow. Hot, raging flames of fury and jealousy began to simmer inside of her soul and permeate through her skin.

It was the same woman Kagome had seen last September. The woman was small, fragile looking, dressed in maternal wear and definitely raven-haired.

'I hate brunettes!'

Kagome bit into her lip and watched her boyfriend with the eyesight of an eagle. She could see that he was pleased, too pleased. His dark eyes crinkled at the corners, his sexy lips popped into a grin, his sinewy, strong shoulders rose and fell with delight. Again, Kagome could tell that this girl or woman dressed in the maternity clothing meant a lot to him.

'Is that his baby?' Kagome's eyes began to burn at the thought. She was definitely about to cry and could anyone blame her? She had known Inuyasha for three years, plus after their first break up, they had gotten back together and their relationship had been going well for the past three weeks, until he started becoming distant.

'Was Inuyasha distant because he was thinking about that woman?' Kagome bit her lip. 'Was he thinking about the fact that he was a father?'

"Maybe I should go inside and face them" Kagome inhaled deeply and then remembered what her mother had told her a while ago.

"You need to go to him and tell him you don't appreciate what he did and if you ever see him with another girl, you go straight up to them, introduce yourself as his girlfriend and let your emotions take over."

Kagome inhaled deeply. She would do what her mother said. Kagome plastered on a smile and strutted into Ame's Ice-cream Parlor to face her no-good cheating boyfriend, the guy she loved and would always love.

"So, you finally did it, eh?" Inuyasha grinned at her not knowing that his girlfriend was directly behind him.

The woman blushed and nodded. "I had help but yes," She held her stomach. "You should see the scans. The babies are so tiny."

Inuyasha's eyes widened. "Babies!"

The pregnant woman nodded. "I'm having twins. Isn't that wonderful, Yasha?"

"Oh my gosh!" Inuyasha exclaimed. "Twins?"

She sighed. "Oh yes,"

"Congratulations." Kagome said suddenly.

Inuyasha turned and his face lit up like a beacon when he saw her. For a moment, Kagome thought that maybe she was mistaken.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha beamed and put his hands on her waist. "Hey baby."

Kagome frowned and pulled out of his arms.

He blinked and frowned also. "What's the matter?"

Kagome licked her lips and turned from Inuyasha to look at the woman. She had green eyes and definitely pregnant. "Hello, my name's Kagome Higurashi. I'm Inuyasha's girlfriend."

The woman smiled at her. "Oh! So you're the girl who's stolen my baby from me."

Kagome frowned even more. "Your baby?"

The woman nodded. "Oh yes, Inuyasha has always been my baby boy."

Kagome bit her lip and turned to her boyfriend. "Really?"

Inuyasha blushed and nodded. "Yes, Kagome."

Kagome nodded stiffly. "Oh, all right, I think… I think I'm going to leave."

"Oh no!" The woman smiled at her. "You don't have to my husband's coming right now."

Kagome's eyes widened. "Husband?"

The woman giggled knowingly. "Oh yes, Daisuke." She pointed and then Kagome saw a big, tall handsome man coming.

Kagome bit her lip and turned back to the woman who was standing. "Inuyasha go meet him, I want to talk to Kagome." She said.

Inuyasha nodded and left still worried about what was wrong with his girlfriend.

"My name's Rin, by the way." The brunette haired green-eyed woman smiled softly. "Rin Takahashi was my maiden name but now I'm a Hachiro. That's my husband Daisuke and Inuyasha's my baby boy, my baby cousin. I know Aiko, Keiko and Hitomi are the youngest cousins I have but Inuyasha's the only male cousin and so I call him my baby boy."

"Oh," Kagome blushed furiously. "I thought…"

Then Rin laughed. "Don't tell me you thought that Inuyasha and I…"

Kagome nodded and then Rin peeled with laughter. "Do I really look that young?"

"Last September you sure did."

Lila grinned. "I was married in September, and I came to tell Inuyasha since he couldn't attend it. I kind of eloped, my father Sesshoumaru was furious when he found out but he and Daisuke get along quite well."

Kagome sighed. "I can't believe I actually thought… do you know I broke up with Inuyasha because of that?"

Rin's eyes widened and then she laughed again. "Oh my gosh! Why didn't you go to him?"

Kagome looked away. "I didn't want to hear him say he was cheating on me."

Rin smiled and then put her hand on Kagome's shoulder. "I saw you through the window staring, today I mean."

Kagome nodded.

"You looked like you wanted to run away."

Kagome licked her lips and then stared at Inuyasha who was talking to Daisuke. "I did want to, but then, my mother told me that I have to face Inuyasha if he's ever with another girl and that's what I did."

Rin sighed. "Well, I have laughed a whole lot today; my doctor says it's good for the babies. I'm having twins you know."

Kagome smiled. "Congratulations again,"

"Thank you, now I think it is best you go get some ice cream and you and Inuyasha go to the beach and you tell him what you thought. He told me he was having some issues when it came to talking with you, so now I'm telling you, he's ready to listen."

Kagome nodded. "Thank you so much."

Rin sighed. "Daisuke and I are staying with my Uncle Inutaisho and Aunt Izayoi so we'll see each other many days I'm sure. Daisuke's even thinking about buying a house here, I'd love to live around here, it's so peaceful at times."

"Honey," Daisuke said as he came and wrapped his big arms around her. "How was your ice cream?"

"Wonderful," She grinned as her green eyes sparkled like emeralds. "Oh this is Inuyasha's girlfriend, Kagome Higurashi."

"Hello," He smiled warmly at her.

Kagome greeted him conscious that her boyfriend was beside her.

Then Rin looked up at her husband. "I think you should buy a tub or two of vanilla chocolate swirl, I'm feeling very ravenous for it."

"All right," He kissed her cheek and ordered two large tubs. As he ordered he watched his wife chatter with Kagome and new that Kagome would be a great babysitter for his children. There was just something about her he liked. "Time to go sweetie." He smiled at her broadly a while later.

She nodded and he helped her stand, then since she complained about her feet being tired, he swooped her into his big, brawny arms and as he carried her away, she laughed and told Kagome and Inuyasha goodbye.

Kagome smiled happier than ever now, but still she felt ashamed that she actually thought her boyfriend had cheated on her. She bit her lip and sat down in the seat that had once been occupied by Rin, Inuyasha's cousin, not secret girlfriend and definitely not his pregnant lover.

"Mind explaining why you gave me the cut direct in front of my cousin?" Inuyasha asked softly.

She looked at him and shook her head. "I don't mind, I just don't want to tell you here."

"Okay," He said getting up. "Let's leave."

"But I want ice cream!" She pouted.

Inuyasha nearly melted like ice cream when he looked at Kagome. She was sizzling with sensual sexuality and innocence. He bit his lip, gave her a soft smile and ordered a small tub of chocolate ice cream with roasted almonds and mini marshmallows.

She smiled happily as she followed her extremely faithful boyfriend outside of Ame's ice cream parlor. She sat on the passenger's side and tried to calm her heart.

"Want to talk now?" He asked stiffly.

"The beach?" She looked at him as she dipped her finger in the icy cold ice cream and then put it in her mouth. "Mmm… almonds."

Inuyasha watched the way her mouth moved and suddenly wanted to kiss her, but he would leave the kissing until later; until he found out why Kagome snubbed him and why she broke up with him last September.

Inuyasha turned onto the beach, and saw that Kagome was still eating the ice cream with her finger. Inuyasha licked his lips; he wanted to kiss her so badly. He inhaled deeply and turned off his car.

"We're here, let's talk." He said suddenly.

She frowned at him. "Stop being so impatient."

"I don't see the reason to stall," He frowned at her. "I really want to know Kagome. Why'd you snub me and why did we break up last year?"

Kagome sighed, got out of the car with the tub of ice cream and began making her way down onto the shore. Inuyasha bit his lip and as he got out of the car, he jumped back in, went into his glove compartment and pulled out a pack of contraceptives, just in case. Inuyasha was always prepared around Kagome.

Kagome watched as Inuyasha caught up with her. She smiled a little and when she saw a big boulder, she started to run.

"What is this all about, Kagome?" Inuyasha called running after her and then he knew where she was headed. Seclusion.

Kagome made it to the rock and sat down on the sand, letting her sexy shorts ride up. When Inuyasha arrived a moment later, he found her only in her bra and shorts.

His eyes widened at her. "I want to talk Kagome,"

She smiled softly and padded the sand beside her. He sat beside her and then she rested on him. "Inuyasha I want to write a book."

He blinked. "All right, we'll talk about that book idea right after we talk about us."

"But the book is about us!" Kagome looked out at the sea.

"What are you talking about?"

Kagome sighed. "I'm talking about this girl and this guy who were together for three long years; then the girl broke up with guy because he was cheating on her or at least she thought so and then they got back together when they realized they still loved each other.

Inuyasha let her words process in his head and then his eyes widened at her. "What do you mean the girl broke up with the guy because he was cheating on her?"

Kagome bit her lip. "Inuyasha, last September, I saw you and Rin in Ame's but I didn't know she was your cousin, so I just assumed…"

"You thought I cheated on you!" Inuyasha shouted in anger and disbelief.

Kagome looked away and nodded. "Inuyasha if you saw what I saw last September, then you would understand. I mean you were smiling and laughing and kissing her."

"Kissing!" He exclaimed.

"Yes!" She shouted. "Do you know how I felt? And then Kikyo came and then one thing led to another and…"

Then Kagome began to cry, Inuyasha's anger began to die. He sighed and held her to him. "So, it was all a misunderstanding?" He asked softly.

Kagome nodded and then shook in his arms. "I'm sorry Inuyasha, I just thought…"

Inuyasha sighed lifted her chin and kissed her lips tenderly. "I forgive you Kagome." He said softly.

She sniffed and looked up at him. "So you're not angry?"

He sighed and shook his head. "I mean just a little. Kagome I've never been unfaithful to you, I love you and only you."

"I guess I need to put a little more trust in our relationship," She said in a whispered voice. "But you're just so handsome and sexy and wealthy and sexy and oh Inuyasha can you blame me?" She sighed. "I go to change for P.E with my classmates and all they ever really talk about is us and how long you're going to be faithful to me, since you're so rich and good looking and well… sexy."

"We'll work on those problems," He kissed her cheek. "Now, I forgive you but you've got about seven or so months to make up to me."

She nodded and then placed soft circles on his chest. "How?"

He shrugged, "Oh I don't know. I could use a good loving."

Kagome's eyes lit. "You mean?"

"Only if you're ready," He smiled at her.

She nodded. She was ready now, more than ready. Inuyasha sighed with relief, leaned over and began kissing her so passionately she began to melt. Inuyasha's hand crept up her breasts and he squeezed softly making Kagome moan and arch her didn't know when she had lost her shorts and tight spaghetti strap and everything else underneath; all she knew was that she was naked in a matter of minutes and her boyfriend was licking her everywhere. Kagome felt no shame as Inuyasha tasted her intimately. Her world began to spin and any thoughts she had flew out of her head.

Inuyasha licked and prodded Kagome's sweet second lips tenderly and reveled in the feel of her beneath him. She felt so amazing, so soft, so wonderful. Inuyasha moved away and pulled off his shirt. Kagome sat up and latched her mouth onto his chest. She kissed his hard muscles and when she reached his nipples she sucked one into her mouth and heard Inuyasha's gasp of pleasure.

"Do you like that, Big Stuff?" She grinned up at him and began to undo his pants.

"Damn right," Inuyasha murmurred, stood and pulled his pants off. Kagome's eyes latched onto his jutting cock and blushed. It was pointing directly at her.

"I think it wants me,"


Kagome laughed and used her hands to rub Inuyasha's stiff cock. Inuyasha parted his legs a bit and watched as Kagome began to tease him. Inuyasha's mind fogged as Kagome licked the base of his cock and then began sucking on his balls. Damn this felt good. But Inuyasha knew he wouldn't last long. He felt his cock thicken and felt his pre-cum seep from the eye of his cock and drain. Kagome slurped it up and then slowly began to take his entire shaft into her mouth. Inuyasha's eyes rolled to the back of his head, his hands balled tightly, his toes curled and when he couldn't take it anymore, he pulled his cock away from Kagome's sweet mouth and laid her back onto the sand. Inuyasha opened and rolled the condom onto himself and prepared to enter her.

Kagome's eyes closed as she spread her legs wider and took Inuyasha in.

"Does it hurt?"

"It's a bit uncomfortable but no, it doesn't hurt."

Inuyasha inhaled deeply and willed himself to go as slowly as possible. He was large, Kagome was small. If he wasn't careful he could hurt her and that's something he didn't want to do. Kagome saw the look of intensity in Inuyasha's eyes and knew that he was just looking out for her. Smiling, she touched his chin.

"Just put it in, Inuyasha," She encouraged. "It's supposed to hurt the first time. Just do it."

Inuyasha nodded and thrusted deeply. Kagome cried out.

"I'm sorry," He said roughly.

"I'll be okay," She told him.

Inuyasha decided it would be better if he distracted her so he inhaled and latched his mouth onto her nipple and began to suck. He rubbed his hands over her body, trying to help her relax. Kagome felt the tension in her body leave and then Inuyasha was moving. It was still a bit uncomfortable but it was getting better.

Inuyasha put his hand between him to quicken Kagome's chance of having a good one. Suddenly, Kagome felt something begin to grow inside of her. It was a feeling that continued to stretch and expand inside and when Inuyasha rubbed her clit gently Kagome moaned loudly and screamed in pleasure.

The moment Inuyasha felt Kagome tense, he knew she was going to cum and when she did Inuyasha let go of the reigns that stopped him from reaching ultimate satisfaction and his shout of euphoric pleasure mingled with Kagome's as his white hot liquid passion burst from his body.

Inuyasha's face was buried in Kagome's neck and he was panting harshly. He felt so good right now. Bloody hell he felt good.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome called a moment later. "You're heavy."

"Sorry," he pulled out of her gently and rested on the side.

Kagome happily laid herself on top of him and began to kiss him. "Inuyasha that was wonderful!"

"I know," he smiled and kissed her back. "We should do this more often."

"Oh we will," Kagome laughed happily. "We will. And we'll go again as soon as you're ready."

Inuyasha felt himself harden. "I think I'm already ready."

Kagome grinned at him.

"I love you," Inuyasha smiled satisfied at her.

"I sure hoped you put a condom on," She said with a small smile. "I don't recall seeing you do it,"

He nodded. "You probably wouldn't remember since I fucked your brains out."

Kagome blushed and knocked his shoulder. "Behave. You didn't fuck me. You made love to me."

Inuyasha laughed. "Yes, and I love you so much, Kagome."

She smiled and kissed him sweetly. "Let's talk about my book now."

He yawned and then nodded. They started talking about what happened to each other when they weren't a couple and that's when Inuyasha noticed that Kikyo and Naraku had been playing a game with them.

"Kagome I have a title for your book," He said softly.

She looked at him and waited for him to tell her.

"Well, you see, what I've noticed is that Naraku was telling you that I love you but you can't tell me you know or I would deny it, and since you don't want that you just kept pouring your attention on me." Inuyasha said. "And then Kikyo was telling me that you liked Naraku and all that stuff because he was handsome and intelligent and 'going-places'. She also told me to just concentrate on my work and ignore you because you don't love me."

"And what does this have to do with a title?" Kagome wondered suddenly.

He grinned at her. "Baby, don't you see it? You've been thinking I love you, but then when I didn't give you the attention you know a guy that loves you should give you, you began thinking that I don't love you. Then as for me, I just kept ignoring you and seeing you with Naraku and that just makes me think you really don't love me even though I knew you did."

Then Kagome understood. "It's so mixed up!" Kagome exclaimed. "They've been playing with us!

Inuyasha laughed and pounced on his girlfriend. He had one more condom and he wanted to have a great time using it. When Inuyasha and Kagome were spent, Inuyasha pulled her to him and kissed her sweetly. "I love you Kagome,"

"I love you too, Inuyasha," She smiled. "And I promise to come to you whenever I have a problem or whenever I feel like something isn't right."

"Good," He hugged her to him. "Now about your title, how about you call it: He loves me, She loves me not?"

Kagome nodded. "I love that, Inuyasha" She kissed him until he got aroused again and then she pulled away, leaned upon him and sighed in bliss as she repeated the title of her book. "He Loves Me; She Loves Me Not."

Please check out my new story WHY HE HATES... when I post it!

InuLuver1990 says ciao, for now!