Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Summary: Title pretty much says it all. Cam/13 fluffy oneshot.

Dancing with Allison:

My hand fits perfectly in hers as I grasp it as tightly as possible without hurting her. Her smile is radiant in the slowly fading sunlight and I can't help but smile back as we dance together slowly in our living room.

No music plays, it's only us. Swaying, kissing, touching, laughing, loving.

I twirl her gracefully once before pulling her close again and burying my face into the crook of her neck, allowing her sweet scent to fill my senses and surround me fully.

I inhale deeply, occasionally placing soft, feather-light kisses on the smooth skin of her flawless neck.

One of her arms rests itself around my waist, while the other reaches up, allowing her to run her fingers through my hair.

I reach up gently and untangle her hand from my locks and entwine our fingers together.

Placing one last kiss on her neck, I pull away and bring the back of her hand up to my lips.

"This is nice." She sighs, her voice is airy and dream-like. A smile forms on her alluring lips as her body melds closer to mine. Her head bends down slightly to rest on my shoulder.

I agree with a muffled 'mhm'. At the moment I'm far too distracted with burying my face in her sweet smelling hair to form coherent sentences. I hear her giggle as her head rises again so her eyes can meet mine.

"I love it when you do that." She mumbles, gently nuzzling her nose against mine.

"Cool, works out for both of us." I reply with a smug grin.

She rolls her eyes playfully then presses a soft, yet firm kiss to my lips. I sigh into the kiss and hold her closer to me. Her arms reach up and wrap around my neck securing herself even closer.

The kiss lingers for a few more moments before we pull away just enough to breathe. She rests her forehead against mine and another breathtaking smile leaves me speechless and wanting to go in for another kiss.


I smile the most genuine smile I can remember ever giving, and for once I allow myself to let go. All the problems weighing me down seemed thousands of miles away as I danced with Allison.


A/N: This was a spur of the moment ficlet that i wrote in class, it's not very good but i thought 'what the heck' and posted it. Reveiw please, let me know what you think.