Janet took a step back, "Okay, so the big one with a peroxide problem is coming around."

Sam chuckled, "That could apply to the majority of people in this room."

Janet raised an eyebrow and batted Sam gently in the shoulder with the piece of wood she was holding, "I meant the male unconscious Vampire with a peroxide problem...okay Major Technicality?"

Spike groaned, "What hit me, someone bloody well better have gotten that license plate. Buffy..." He was to her side in a moment, and then he felt all the eyes on him. "Can I help ya?"

Tara turned around, she had made her way over to help, well give moral support, while Willow did some good old fashioned hacking. "Spike, the doctors say that Buffy is going to be all right. And no, you can't...they're human."

Spike sat down against the wall that Buffy was sprawled against. "Well, then what's the point." Tara started to speak, "Nah, never mind. So, so many beautiful ladies. Where are the men."

Over her shoulder Willow quipped, "I'd say you're the only one Spikey, but I wouldn't mean it."

Spike smirked, "So the Wicca has got her spunk back. You and the Tara must have gotten back together."

Willow frowned, "Mind Buffy Spike, I'll deal with my relationships."

Spike kept pushing though, "Aw, so did I poke a hole in the Wicca's fantasy? You and the taller, broader, blonder Wicca still not getting along. All that magic I say..."

Willow whirled around and started towards Spike, only to be held back by Tara. Willow turned to Tara and smiled, "I won't use magic. I promise."

Tara looked skeptical, but let Willow finish her journey to Spike. She walked up to him, her hands hanging down at her sides, and before he could do anything she reared back and slugged him. He collapsed against the wall and slid down it.

Willow looked down at her hand, "Ow ow ow, I didn't think that one through..." Tara walked over and took Willow's hand in her two hands. She closed her eyes for a few moments, and Willow frowned a little, "It feels all better..."

Tara looked away, still a little emotionally knotted with everything that had been going on. "Well, you know, the whole helping someone else out. I mean, they're WillowHand, don't want to hurt WillowHand."

Willow took Tara's right hand and kissed every one of the fingers. "TaraHand is just as important love."

Randi pretended to gag, and suddenly yelled, "Holy shit." Willow and Tara whirled towards the door of the ER. They glanced at each other and then at the vending machine that they had knocked down before. It flew towards the door and slammed into it. Randi swallowed, "I'm gonna pretend that I didn't just see that."

Everyone started to move at once, Kerry spoke up, "Everyone stop." She spoke to Sam, "You have a gun?"

Sam nodded and Randi spoke up, "Frank keeps a gun under the counter."

Kerry narrowed her eyes as Randi took it out. Kerry glanced around at the gathered females, she wasn't going to let either Tara or Willow touch it. Plus they could take care of themselves without it. Janet had gritted her teeth and shook her head as Kerry met her eyes, obviously the doctor didn't like that particular part of the Air Force very much. That left Kim, Randi...or herself. Kim she knew also hated guns with an abandon, didn't think they did any good, and had never used one before. As for Randi...Kerry sighed and made sure that the safety was turned on so that at least she wouldn't shoot herself in the foot, "Okay. I'm assuming that since the Vamp was so freaked out that we aren't dealing with some human male on the rampage?"

Randi shook her head, "No, that was definitely not male. Big, yellow, very very big. Looked kinda like snake skin. No clothes. Ya see, that's the part that has me most disturbed...um...very big...and snakey...I think I'd rather be faced with a homicidal maniac at the moment."

Kerry almost laughed, "Don't worry, that'll happen soon enough." Randi snorted derisively.

Willow was looking cautiously at Tara, "Did we just, I haven't had that rush in the longest time."

Tara looked up unsure, "Rush? Um...we shouldn't have...I'm so..."

Willow put her fingers against Tara's lips, "No, no, Tar, we haven't done a spell together, really together for so long. I...I miss it. It makes me feel whole." Tara had a melancholy look on her face, "I mean, oh crap...okay, this...we'll talk about later...cause damn I'm not good under pressure."

Tara gave Willow her 'sexy look' with her smile edging up on one half of her mouth and an eyebrow raised. "That's not how it used to be..."

Kerry cleared her throat, "Okay, big thing with what looks like a lamp post coming in the door. Everybody down." Kerry glanced at the gun and put it in the drawer before she crouched behind the admit desk along with Randi and Kim.

Randi blinked, "Can I have a raise chief?"

Kerry frowned as she heard a gun shot, and someone hit the admit desk. "I'm going out there, and hell no Randi."

Randi shrugged, "Had to try..."

Kim caught hold of Kerry's arm. "I don't think so...you'll get hurt, or worse..."

Kerry put her "resolve face" on. "Someone already has...let go." She stared into Kim's eyes.

Kim slowly took her hand off Kerry's arm. "Even after...after everything. I love you Ker."

Kerry smiled, "I love you too Kim. But I have to..." Kim nodded cutting off Kerry's speech. Kerry got down on her hands and knees and with a groan crawled around and looked the edge of the desk. She

almost gasped, swallowing it in time and maintaining her silence and composure. She nodded to herself and started to rise. Kim and Randi tried to also, but Kerry shot them a look that both recognized, of

course, from different places.

She stood and sauntered over to the demon that was at least one and a half her size, if not twice her size. Sam was sitting in a lump next to Janet by the admit desk. Janet was trying to make sure that Sam

still had a brain in her head, and that it hadn't all oozed out when Sam hit the admit desk. "What can I do for you?" She restrained herself from calling him...it...sir.

The demon stared down at Kerry, she kept trying, "Would you like something for that profusely bleeding cut, or maybe a breath mint."

The demon roared directly in Kerry's face. "Move...or die."

Kerry blinked a few times, "Well, at least you're original. But demon boy, I've seen tougher than you. Mark Greene is tougher than you."

The demon roared and flung his arm out knocking Kerry off her feet and into the two unconscious witches. "Guess I'm on my own."

"No, you're not."

Kerry slowly got to her feet and glanced over to the admit desk. Kim and Randi had both cannibalized one of the stools behind the desk and both stood there gripping them with white knuckles. "We're ready. Come and get us big ugly."

Kerry gasped as the demon flew towards the two women, whose eyes' got large, but they stood their ground, and tried to fight the demon off with their sticks. Kerry looked around frantically. Kim and Randi weren't having a good time against the demon. Janet was too involved with Sam and her injuries, and the other three women were knocked out cold. And unsurprisingly Spike and Buffy had disappeared. She spotted something glistening on the floor. She barely dodged a flying stick as she scrambled not so lithely over to the shining object. She muttered, "A sword..." Her eyes got large and she closed her eyes. "I can do this."

She glanced over at where Kim was starting to look very bruised, and Randi was back behind the admit desk holding her head in one hand and blinking rapidly. "God I'm too old for this. I'm gonna kick Romano's ass after a nice long bath..." She grabbed the sword and laid her crutch quietly down on the ground. She winced and gritted her teeth as she put more weight on her hip than she should have really had on it. She got right behind the big demon and tilted her head to one side as she hefted the sword in two hands. Without a sound she swung it above her head and around in a circle. The demon's head came flying off at the neck and purple ooze erupted on everything. Thoroughly covering Kim and Kerry.

Sam, Willow, and Tara all started to come around. Kerry went to check on Willow and Tara and help them up, as Kim checked to make sure that Randi hadn't gotten too badly hurt. Everyone gravitated to their partner, and were touching them in some way when Randi groaned and reached across the admit desk to flip something on.

As the song started Kerry raised an eyebrow, "Interesting choice Randi." Randi, and the rest of the ER held their breaths waiting to see if Kerry would explode at Randi. "May I have this dance Kim?"

Kim started to speak, shrugged and wrapped her arms around Kerry. Other people in the ER did the same. Sam and Janet danced around, Sam touching Janet's belly every once in a while and beaming. It almost seemed as if Willow and Tara were floating, well, actually Willow and Tara were floating, but everyone pretended they didn't see that.

Tarzan wasn't a ladies man

He'd just come along and scoop 'em up under his arm

Like that, quick as a cat in the jungle

But Clark Kent, now there was a real gent

He would not be caught sittin' around in no

Junglescape, dumb as an ape doing nothing

Kim smirked her irresistible smile, "That could be you. You saved the day...well, the situation Ker."

Kerry shook her head, "I did nothing of the..." Kim silenced Kerry with a kiss. When they finally came up for air. Kerry spoke, slightly out of breath, "We still need to talk."

Kim smiled, "Isn't that my line?"

Kerry rested her head against Kim's chest and sighed, "After a bath though, at my place, cause I might like the color purple, but as goo, it sucks." Kim smiled.

Hey Bob, Supe had a straight job

Even though he could have smashed through any bank

In the United States; He had the strength but he would not

Folks said his family were all dead

Their planet crumbled but Superman, he forced himself

To carry on, forget Krypton, and keep going

Tarzan was king of the jungle and lord over all the apes

But he could hardly string together four words, "I Tarzan, you Jane"

Sam smirked, "Me Sam, you Janet?"

Janet laughed, which made Sam smile. "You never cease to amaze me Samantha Carter. I should have told you...a lot of things."

Sam nodded seriously, "But I was an idiot and an asshole, and I'm a lot less hard headed than I thought...ouch..." Janet didn't say a word, "What, no, I love you...you're not an asshole, not hard headed, you're actually kinda cute?"

Janet shrugged with a smile, "I Janet, you Sam."

Sam put her hand over Janet's belly and looked down at Janet's face, "I love you too Janet."

Sometimes when Supe was a fightin' crimes

I'll bet that he was tempted to just quit and turn his back

Oh man, join Tarzan in the forest

But he stayed in the city, and kept on changing clothes

In dirty old phone booths till his work was through

And nothing to do but go on home

Tara barely heard Willow's words, "I'm sorry. I..I'm so sorry. You don't know how much. I just...it was..." Willow looked up with a bit of a smirk edging out, "Guess I'll have to...ya know, go on more

roller coasters or something."

Tara concentrated on Willow, trying to get where she was going with the train of thought. "Okay, why roller coasters?"

Willow smiled her angelic smile, "The high. I've been a dummy...I'm sorry. Even when I'm at my worst, y..you always seem to find a way...some way to get me to listen. How do you do that?"

Tara's eyes glistened with unshed tears, "Magic."

Willow cupped Tara's cheek as they slowly started to disappear.

Superman never made any money

Saving the world from Solomon Grundy

And sometimes I despair the world will never see

Another man like him

Randi leaned back in her chair at the admit desk with a wince and smiled, "Whoever did this, damn you're good. I couldn't have done it any better." The phone rang, Randi picked it up quickly, but she

shouldn't have worried, everyone seemed to be...engrossed in their respective mates. Randi frowned, each of the couples seemed to be disappearing. "Hello, County General ER. What's bleedin'."

A laugh came from the other end of the phone. "Guess Weaver isn't listening."

Randi frowned, "Who is this?"

From the other end, "Lopez, Lieutenant Sandy Lopez...I was just wondering if anyone else was in the building. I'm down in the basement, I somehow got locked here, and felt some shaking a while ago. Yesterday some time."

Randi stared at the phone. "You stuck down there?"

"You could sure say that."

Randi smiled, "I'll be right down...now...ya make sure you don't go anywhere 'kay?"

From the other end of the phone only came a snort.

Fin - November 29th, 2001