Hi guys! Hope you like the story. This is my second fanfiction. If you like this, check out Diary of a Blonde. It's twilight from rosalie's pov.

Chapter 1

Birthday Party

'Happy Birthday, Renesmee! Eighteen at last,' mum said, smiling. Emmett laughed loudly. Most people had to actually wait eighteen years before they were eighteen.

'Older than your dad. Now that's strange,' dad chuckled. I suppose that was true, since he was still only seventeen. Sort of.

We were all clustered around my huge pink and white birthday cake in the middle of the huge main room. Aunt Alice, Jasper, Aunt Rose, Emmett, Carlisle, Esme, Jacob, Seth, Billy, Grandpa and Sue were there as well as mum and dad. We were all celebrating my eighteenth, a small, informal family gathering. Aunt Alice had been all for a two hundred-long guest list and a night club in Seattle, but I had put my foot down. As if it wasn't enough that I had about three birthdays a year. I only let Alice and Rosalie do it because they obviously loved it so much, and the fact that none-one else around here has had a proper birthday party in the past fifty years.

'Present time. You can't keep me waiting any longer, you know I can't see your reaction,' Alice laughed. I groaned as I saw the pile of pink-and-white-wrapped parcels she had just placed next to the piano. Jacob laughed at my expression, the sound muffled by the huge slice of cake he had shoved in his mouth.

'Ours first!' Emmett said, Jasper standing behind him, silent as usual. He held out a large heavy box with apparently no effort. I took it just as easily. Grandpa had gotten over it long before, but I still remember his awestruck expression when I was a little girl and I lifted up the sofa when one of my marbles rolled underneath it. I think that was when he realised just exactly how different I was.

I unwrapped the paper quickly. The box underneath was pale blue with lots of technical writing on it. On the front there was a picture of a silver hi-tech stereo system.

'Thank you, guys!' I cried. I had inherited my love of music from my dad. I had almost as much music on my iPod as he had on his CDs. Emmett grinned. Even Jasper had an uncharacteristic smile on his face.

'No probs, little sis,' Emmett said. He had never been able to think of himself as an uncle – too much responsibility. He called himself my big brother.

'OK, my turn,' Rosalie said impatiently, pushing her was to the front of the group of vampires, werewolves and humans. She handed a much smaller, lighter box to me. I ripped of the wrapping paper in one go and opened the navy velvet box trimmed with gold. Inside, nestled in a bed of silk, was a dainty silver necklace. Attached to the thin chain was a pendant, a delicate twist of silver. It was beautiful.

'Oh, wow! Where did you get this from?' I breathed. I had never seen anything like it.

'I saw it in the window of an antique shop, and I thought you'd like it,' Aunt Rose said. 'The man there said it was almost eighty years old.

I gently tugged the necklace out of the box and put it around my neck.

'It suits you,' Rosalie smiled. I moved on to the next present. It was an odd shape, and rather squidgy, like a soft toy.

'Ours,' dad said, making his way through the crowd with mum. I tore off the wrapping. Inside was a pair of pink, fluffy novelty dice, the kind you hang on rear view mirrors in cars. But I didn't have a car.

'Huh?' I said, confused. All was explained when dad dropped a set of keys in the palm of my hand. I raced to the garage.

I gasped. Sitting in pride of place in the middle of the garage, with a pearl white ribbon stuck on the bonnet, was a baby pink BMW mini cooper convertible. I had spent too many days in Jake's makeshift garage or in here with Rosalie not to gain their love for cars, and who could not love this one?

'It's perfect!' I cried enthusiastically.

'We thought you'd like it,' mum said. Dad stood next to her, smiling.

I loved it. I wanted to go for a ride in it, right now. I didn't care where – I just wanted to be in it.

'Hmm, well, maybe later. I think you've got a few more presents to go yet,' dad chuckled. I sighed, and got back to the main room, where everyone was waiting.

'What was it?' Seth asked.

'A pink convertible mini,' I said, grinning.


'I know.'

I was distracted then when a caught sight of a thick, white envelope poking out from underneath a large oblong pink-wrapped parcel.

'Ooh, what's that?' I asked, picking it up with one fluid movement of my arm.

'That's our present,' Esme said.

'It's just something small, but we think you'll like it,' Carlisle continued.

I slid my finger under the opening. Inside were two plane tickets to Rio. The flights were at six thirty in the evening tomorrow. There were return tickets for three nights later, on Sunday.

'I'm going to Rio?' I asked. Why?...

'A small island just off the coast,' Esme explained. 'Isle Esme.'

Esme had an island? I expect it was a gift from Carlisle. Such generosity was not unknown to him. Then I realised: there were two tickets in the envelope.

'Who's the extra ticket for?' I asked.

'Anyone you want,' Jake said stepping out of the crowd. I smiled. Of course he knew I would chose him. This must have been the intention of their gift... Private time with Jacob. It gets kinda hard when your dad can hear everything you're thinking around your... boyfriend, for want of a better word.

'Thanks,' I said, smiling.

'Don't mention it,' Carlisle said.

My smile widened when I saw dad moving shiftily about next to me out of the corner of my eye. I have a feeling mum had a tough time getting dad to agree to this.

'That brings us on to my present,' Aunt Alice said, grinning. She pushed the large oblong present towards me. I peeled of the pink wrapping, revealing a modern black Samsonite luggage bag. It was already packed. I could guess what it was for.

'I never miss a chance to shop, and you will need new clothes for the warmer weather,' Alice said. I smiled. The heat doesn't bother me, my temperature running higher than the average human. Alice knew that, though. Like she said, she never misses a chance to shop.

'Thanks,' I said. I didn't look inside. I would save that horror for when we were on the island. Like my mum, I was rather fond of jeans and sweatpants, much to Alice's dismay. Not that she didn't use every excuse to dress me herself.

'Alright, enough chitchat, time for our present,' Seth said impatiently. 'It's from me, Billy, Charlie, Sue, Jacob and everyone else from the rez.'

I took the the long rectangle package from him and took off the paper. It was a plain black case. I unzipped it and gazed in amazement.

It was one of the most beautiful instruments I had ever seen. It was elaborately carved and the aged wood felt silky under my fingers. It contrasted with the modern case that held it. The viola had to be over a hundred years old.

'Do you like it?' said Jacob worriedly. 'I know you already have one, but you were always complaining about how squeaky it sounded. You said old ones always sounded best.'

'It's great,' I murmured. That was an understatement.

'Trust me, she likes it,' dad said.

I picked up the viola and stroked the strings with my bow. The smooth, pealing sound that came from it was very different to the one my other viola made. I began to play one of my favourite pieces. Everyone stood transfixed. The viola did something magical to the melody, something I hadn't been able to accomplish before. When I had finished, everyone erupted into applause. I could have happily played on, and I think the others would have let me, but I reluctantly placed it back into the case. We had other things to do.

After that, the afternoon quickly changed to evening. Grandpa and Sue dropped Billy off at his place, and then went back to Grandpa's. Sue had moved in after they got married two years ago, and she had left her house to Leah and Seth. Seth left a while after that.

Jake stayed, though, and we all carried on talking till after midnight. At about two in the morning, I began to feel sleepy.

'Come one, Nessie, you need some sleep. I'll walk you back to the cottage,' Jacob said when I could hardly keep my eyes open any more. I was too tired to protest so I could have more time with him, so I let him carry me gently back to the cottage. He put me down on my bed.

'Before I go, I have something else for you,' Jacob said, producing something out of the pocket of his formal jeans. It was a leather pouch, tied with a yellow and green string with beads on the end. I took it. There was something inside. Tipping the contents onto my hand, I saw it was a leather bracelet, with a tiny wooden wolf attached to it. It was intricately carved in minute detail. The russet brown fur looked soft to the touch.

'I made it myself,' Jacob said.

'You made this?' I said in amazement. 'It's incredible!'

'It's so I'll always be with you. Looking out for you,' Jacob said, smiling. Then he gave an enormous yawn, showing all his strong, white teeth.

'You can go now, I'll be OK. I've got my wolf to protect me, remember,' I said, holding up my bracelet I had now tied around my wrist. Jake smiled and leant down and gave me a good-night kiss.

'I've got one last gift for you, if you want it. But you'll have to wait for Isle Esme,' Jacob whispered in my ear.

'You know I want it,' I murmured sleepily. 'I've been waiting for a chance for us to be alone together since we first fell in love.'

Jacob smiled, and then he was gone. I dreamed about him and Isle Esme for the rest of the night.

Thanks for reading. Please review to tell me what you think! I'll update soon, but I need your opinions.