A/N. This is going to be an eventual Jasper&Bella story! so if you don't like Jasper&Bella dont read!

Rosalie and Emmett are together in this story and so are Edward and Alice.


BEEP BEEP BEEP. I groaned as I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock. I got up and took a shower, letting the hot water wash over me. After washing my hair with my favourite strawberry shampoo I stepped out the shower and looked at my body in the mirror. There was a purple bruise on my stomach and shoulder. I sighed and went back into my bedroom to find my clothes. I picked out dark blue jeans, plain black long sleeved top and a black hoodie. Of course there wasn't much too pick out of. All my clothes were basically the same thanks to Jacob. He said that I couldn't wear low cut tops or anything he viewed as too revealing. He said it was because he loved me.

Quickly I dried my hair and then put it up into a ponytail. I slipped on my black lace up canvas pumps and went downstairs. I cursed under my breath when I saw them all sitting in the kitchen already. I was going to rush out the house before anyone came so he couldn't accuse me of doing anything. But of course that wasn't going to happen. I sighed and then walked into the kitchen. I sat down next to Emmett who was talking about the game that was happening tonight. Emmett, Edward and Jasper where on the team and we were all supposed to be going to watch them play. I sighed as he continued to talk about it.

'Bella don't forget Rosalie's taking you to the game tonight.'


Me and Jacob were holding hands as we stepped into the house. 'Emmett and Charlie won't be home for a while so we can actually have some time to ourselves for once,' I said, laughing a little at the last part. Instead of the smile I expected to be plastered on his face a frown made it's way to his face. 'Jacob, whats wrong?' I asked while trying to straighten out his frown with my fingers. 'I want you to stop hanging around with them,' he said.

'What? I can't their my best friends.' His face filled with anger. 'Bella if you love me you'll stop hanging around with them.' I froze. He was starting to scare me. 'Jacob, really I do love you but I'm not going to stop hanging around with them.' He pushed me and my shoulder hit the corner of the wall as I feel over. He bent in front of me. I looked at his face. 'Your going to stop hanging around with them. Got it?' I nodded and he stood up and kicked me in the stomach before slamming the door shut.

'Bella?' Emmett was shaking me trying to get my attention. 'Sorry Emmett I cant go.' I stood up and walked out the door before he could say anything else. His fallen face stuck with me when I closed the door. I took a deep breath and started to walk towards his car.

'Your late.' He said as soon as I sat down. 's-sorry I tried to get away but I had to tell Emmett I couldn't go to the game.' He looked at me. ' I thought I told you I didn't want you speaking to any of them.' His voice scared me. 'Jacob he's my brother. I can't ignore him forever,' I tried to reason. He started the car and drove us to school.

I hated the silence between us. I remember how it used to be. We were so happy during the first few weeks of our relationship. And then it started to change. He got jealous whenever I spoke Kay, my best friend, or to any other boy. I told him to stop being silly and that I loved him and no-one else. But it didn't matter what I said. He hit me and told me that I wasn't allowed to speak to Kay anymore or to anyone else he didn't want me to speak to. So I started to ignore Kay and I knew he was really hurt and it killed me to do it but I had to. I was pulled out of my thoughts because he had arrived at school. I quickly jumped out the car and walked to my first lesson without waiting for Jacob. I knew I was going to pay for it later but right now I didn't care.

The lesson passed quickly. I didn't speak to anyone and they learned a long time ago not to speak to me. The class that I was currently in was running late. I knew Jacob was going to be angry. He would think that I'm with someone else. Great. Finally the teacher let us go and I walked into the canteen. I saw Alice come up to me. 'Hey Bella. Do you want to come shopping with me and Rosalie this weekend?' Her face was exicited. 'Sorry. I can't,' I replied before walking away. I usually sat with Emmett, Rosalie, Edward, Alice and Jasper but Jacob told me I was going to start sitting with him so that's what I had to do. I walked over to Jacobs table. I sat down opposite him and glanced at his face. It was muderous. 'Where have you been?' he growled. 'We-we were late coming out of class.' I stuttered. He looked at me with a look and clealy said that I was going to pay for everything later.

We were quiet for the rest of lunch. The bell rang and I got up and made my way to biology where I had to sit next to Edward. Fantastic. I sat down and was soon joined by Edward. 'Hey Bella.' I looked at him briefly and gave a small smile before turning my attention back to the front.

'Did we do something wrong?' I looked at him with a confused look. 'You ignore us and you don't even speak to Kay anymore and he's your best friend. You know Emmett's really upset. He thinks he's done something wrong. Alice is really uspet as well.' I just looked away from him. He sighed in frustration. The teacher started to talk but I wasn't paying attention to him. I was thinking about my situation. I couldn't see a way out apart from telling someone but I couldn't do that. I knew what he would do. The final bell rang and I started to walk out the classroom but a hand stopped me. I looked behind to see Edward, 'Please just speak to us. Tell us what we've done.' I snapped. 'Why don't you just butt out of my life!' I shouted at him. I felt guilty afterwards but I walked away before I would apologise. But it was better this way. At least they wouldn't be involved.

I walked out into the car park and got into his car. He started the engiene and dropped me off at my house. He grabbed my face and roughly pushed his lips to mine. I tried to pull away but he was too strong. Eventually he let go of me. 'I'll be back once they've gone,' he threatened. I got out just as Emmett's car pulled up. I quickly walked into the house before he had a chance to catch up with me. I ran upstairs to my room and locked the door. I blasted music out of my stereo and sat on my bed. I heard a knock at my door but I ignored it and it went away.

Suddenly I was being roughly shaken awake. I looked around and saw Jacob. I must have fallen asleep. He looked angry. He just looked at me before pulling me off my bed and pushing me into the wall. I fell to the floor and he pulled back up and slammed me back against the wall again. He dropped me and I fell to the floor, landing on my wrist. I heard a crack and felt a sear of pain from my hand.

I let out a yell of pain. 'SHUT UP!' he yelled. He kicked me in the stomach. Again. And again. And again. He pulled me roughly back up and hit me in the face. I cried. But that just seemed to make him madder. He hit me again and let me drop to the floor. With one last kick he walked out the room. I sat there gasping in pain for ages. I was bleeding badly and I knew I had to get help. But who from? Everyone was at the game. I pulled out my phone crying harder at the pain. I dialed the number. 'Hello?' I coughed. 'Kay?' I whispered. 'Bella! What's wrong?' His panicked voice filled my brain. I saw flashes of Jacob hurting me.

'Please help me.' 'Where are you?' I coughed again and tried to hold back the tears that followed . 'At home,' I struggled to whisper. 'Hold on I'll be right there,' he whispered but I barely heard him. I could feel the blackness pulling me under.