
"He's awake." Sam called to the nurse down the hall.

She turned back to Jack. "Hi…do you remember anything?" Sam said as she leaned over him.

Jack shook his head slowly. "Car accident…where am…I?" His voice low and unsteady.

"You're in the hospital…you have a severe concussion and a broken rib…You've been in a coma for the past 2 days." She told him as she stepped away to let the nurse get through.

She still hadn't let go of his hand.

Within a few minutes Daniel and Teal'c came in the room.

But all he could do was stare at her. Because she was here by his side.

And she had been crying…and mumbling words that he hadn't understood.

He stared into her beautiful blue eyes and she smiled at him. The tears were still visible in her eyes.

And as long as she was here, he knew he'd be okay.

In that moment he didn't know why or how but something in their relationship had shifted.

He could see it in her eyes, could feel it in her touch.

And suddenly forever with her didn't seem so impossible anymore.


After three days Daniel was able to convince Sam to go back to her hotel room. Four more days passed and Jack was released from the hospital.

Sam drove him to his house. How ironic that it had all started at this house and here they were once more.

She followed him into his kitchen. He turned around to face her, his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"So…Carter…" He started to say.


"Ah! Let me finish." Jack said holding up a finger.

Sam grinned at him and he blinked. That smile wasn't a smile he was used to seeing from her. And it confused the hell out of him.

Jack glanced at her before going to the bag from the hospital. He pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to her.

He watched her quietly as she scanned the paper. Her eyes went wide as she realized what exactly it was. Her eyes flew to his and he had no idea what she was thinking.

"Retirement papers?" She whispered.

"As of this morning I am officially retired." Jack said quietly.


"I'm no longer sir…It's Jack." He said as he raised his eyebrow at her.

"Jack." She said softly.

He loved the sound of his name on her lips.

"I've been doing this for too long…and with the accident, my knee got banged up pretty good." Jack said with a shrug of his shoulder.

He gauged her reaction but once again it was unreadable. He had no clue what was going through her head.

"I think a congratulations are in order…" He said teasing her.

"Congratulations…what are you going to do now?" Sam asked as she sat the papers back down on the counter.

"Well I was thinking of buying this cabin in Colorado Springs…"


Jack hurriedly rushed ahead. "And there's this little pond right next to it. And the back yard is huge." He said as he stretched out his arms to show her the size.

"Big enough for a dog?" She said with a smile.

"Oh yeah! And there's this master bedroom…and it really is too big for one person…"

"It is?" She said with a laugh.

Slowly Jack walked towards her. "And you see I know this one woman…"

"Only one woman?" She said teasing him.

Jack narrowed his eyes at her.

"And I know for a fact that she works way too hard. And I figured that once she comes home from work she could really use some relaxation…maybe a dip in the pond…or fishing…" Jack said as he neared her.

"And what's this woman like?" Sam said with a small smile.

"She's the most beautiful brilliant Colonel-Doctor in the Air Force." Jack whispered to her.

As he gazed into her eyes he decided to risk it.

"And I love her." Jack said his voice soft and warm and tender.

And suddenly Sam's arms were around his neck and her lips were on his and he lost all train of thought.

He slowly backed her in up until her back hit the counter. His arm was wrapped around her waist while his other hand was buried in her hair.

He lost himself in the kiss and she matched his fervor with her own.

After a long while he pulled back, his hand still playing in her hair.

Sam smiled at him.

"She loves you back." She said softly.

Jack's heart jumped to his throat at her words.

"She does?" He said with a grin.

She nodded her head.

"Do you think she'll want to come live with me in this Cabin in Colorado Springs?" He said uncertainly.

"I think that it's a pretty safe bet." Sam said.

Jack searched her eyes for any sign of uncertainty.

He found none.

"Just one night isn't enough for me Sam. I want every night with you, for forever." He whispered as he leaned his head down once again.

"I want the same." She said as she met his lips halfway.

It didn't get much better than this.


They lost themselves in each other's arms once more. But this time was different. It wasn't one night. It was every day, every month, every year.

And their love grew and changed and evolved. They loved each other and the life that they had made. There were fights and crushed hopes. There were moments they would never forget.

There was laughter and tears and joy.

And when it was said and done, they always had each other.

One night had turned into so much more. It had turned into forever.

And neither one regretted that night, or any night, for all time. It had brought them together and bonded their hearts in ways that neither one had imagined.

For always.



Author's Note- I hope you guys liked the ending, thanks so much for sticking with this story! If you liked it let me know.