Dark Chronicles

Chapter One

The Commission

"The greatest stories ever written," The woman read aloud, "Are the ones that go untold."

"That makes no sense. If a story isn't told then how can it be good?" Complained the child. A small gentle smile faintly traced it's way upon the lady's lips as she settled the book momentarily to adjust her position on the edge of the warm thick patchwork quilt. It was a warm balmy night and outside the wind blew softly creeping in through the small gap in the open windows causing the gauzy pink curtains to flutter. Around the room the dying embers of sunlight illuminated the soft paintings decorating the wall shaping into the visions of childhood - famous characters such as 'Minnie Mouse' danced with their counterparts. Shelves were filled with large picture books utterly foreign looking compared to the heavy tome in the adults hands.

"Sometimes words left unsaid mean the most," Shrugged the woman gazing down at the child thoughtfully. Of course a little girl of six would be unlikely to comprehend the meaning behind the cryptic sentence and expressed her confusion by frowning causing a crease to line between her brows and her wide chocolate coloured eyes to narrow. Red hair tumbled down the blue silk of her pyjama's framing her round face and pursed lips.

"Can't I hear about Beauty and the Beast?" Sighed the child wistfully glancing at the Disney book hanging limply from a shelf.

"No." The woman said shortly opening up the tome with some resolution in her voice. "You have to learn. This is the only way I can teach you, besides it is sort of similar to Beauty and the Beast. If you read between the lines. Anyway this is important…just try and pay attention for five minutes and then I swear I'll sit and read about beast and beauty all night. Deal?" The small child folded her arms and let out a loose longing breath before relaxing back into her pillows. Taking this as the signal to continue the lady picked up the book and resumed reading.

"This story however is not one of those."

Seven years and Three months previous

"Anna! I'll catch you later! Is fish and chips alright cause I'm broke, catch you later love!"

Anastasia Montrose waved as the tram noisily pulled away from the stop leaving her friend Nathan to walk on his way to his part time job at Starbucks alone. Pulling back into her seat she fidgeted uncomfortably feeling sweat trickle down her neck as she regretted the choice of wearing a pale blue blouse. Sunlight blazed through the glass window shrouding the slow moving vehicle in an orange glow creating the metal structure into a greenhouse.

When the tram eventually arrived at the designated stop she swore furiously glancing at her sterling silver wristwatch realising she had ten minutes to jog up six flights of stairs. Immediately she hurled herself out the doors pushing past the indigent faceless mob trying to board the tram as she rushed through the glazed double doors leading inside the large office building with it's panelled grey walls and pale lino floor. Throwing herself up the stairs she felt her breath come in deep gasps by the time she reached the second flight.

"This is the thirty second weather update with Tina McDonald and It is a beautiful day for most of the east coast of Scotland with temperature highs of twenty eight near the Edinburgh area. Getting colder as we move south though with most of Dumfriesshire enjoying light rain heading west as we moved towards Galloway -"

There was no need to tell her it was unseasonably hot. The new blouse she was wearing was sticking to her skin and she would have walked on nails for a bottle of water. Normally in mid-march Scotland enjoyed a never ending forecast of torrential rain but now due to 'Global Warming' or whatever the scientists and geologists were blaming it on now. Anna didn't care much for the cold weather, bring on Global warming and let the pessimists take a hike however right now she was running seriously later for her meeting with her editor and catching a glimpse of her sweaty reflection in the glass window was only making her more self-conscious as she raked a hand through her tangled mess of chestnut hair and squirmed as her normally pale cheeks were now slippery and flushed with fresh perspiration.

When she reached the top floor were her Editor's office was her heels echoed off the smooth laminated wood and her lungs were on fire when she shoved the door open ruthlessly bursting in on the editorial committee carrying a bundle of paperwork. The committee of twelve looked up from their conversation staring at Anna as though she was a new breed of alien interrupting their cosy chatter. At the head of the table sat Mr Collins fanning himself with an old issue of their newspaper and sipping a glass of icy cold water. Through round spectacles he peered at her bewilderedly before the recognition dawned and he gestured to a seat further down the table.

"Ah! Anastasia you're right on time. Please take a seat, thanks to those bastards down in maintenance we have no air conditioning," Mr Collins greeted exasperatedly. Managing a small smile she sank into her seat like an anxious five year old being presented to the board of teachers. It wasn't that she wasn't thrilled at the chance of being on an editorial committee when she was mere months out of university however it made her feel very small and very neglected sitting their silently as though she were back in secondary school sitting in Mathematics.

"I won't ramble on for too long as I'm sure you're all aware about the issue of today's meeting," Mr Collins continued. Anastasia had only hazarded guesses as nobody really told her much. She was just the trainee in the research team under the supervision of Mr Collin's sister in law Agnes. However she had gathered some new medical facility was opening near Fife specialising in Neurological studies and biochemistry similar to other organisations in America and Asia. Mr Collins slammed some newspaper on the ground for extra attention as it displayed a picture of a hospital in America with the bold title of 'Science or Fiction?'

"Apparently the research facility opening in Fife is the first to be opened in the United Kingdom ran by an American based company with power and influential money backing it as well as some leading doctors from Japan and New York," This earned many impressed looks by the staff but Mr Collins wore an expression appropriate for unveiling some sort of joke, "And it also claims to be able to scientifically prove the existence of telepathy and paranormal activity. Once again we are invaded by cult maniacs only this time they're not the freemasons." There were a few half hearted chuckles but Anna felt intrigued - of course maybe it was naïve to presume such things existed but the idea on her imagination was fascinating.

"Away from the sheer stupidity is that not one paper nationwide has published anything on the institute, anything except for this. One article in a Cambridge University paper by some smart sod that got access which leaves me to believe that they might be hiding something," Mr Collins said importantly brandishing the copy of the Cambridge University magazine. Curiosity arouse fiercely - hiding something? What could they possibly be hiding? Something they didn't want to government to know? Or had she perhaps been investing too much of her time into watching the old reruns of Doctor Who?

"You wish us to investigate? And how would we go about doing that…who could we send in presuming that is what you want?" Enquired Brenda Jackson - a senior management official who normally did the political aspects of the paper. Anastasia swallowed feeling drowned and insignificant as always. Sometimes she wondered why they included her in these meetings but then Agnes thought it would be a good experience to learn how a paper was run and pieced together. Mostly she just sat and took notes; nobody really paid her much heed.

"What I want is a full scale background check on these loonies but that's nigh impossible due to their systems protective software which is why I need somebody to go in - somebody young and seemingly naïve and innocent. Somebody who won't arouse any more suspicion than necessary…Miss Montrose how old are you?" The question was shot at Anastasia so quickly that for a moment she felt inclined to duck but instead she felt her cheeks burn as all twelve executives rounded on the trainee and their newest employer.

"T-Twenty-one sir…I left university six month-"

"Perfect," Beamed Mr Collins, "Agnes tells me you're a bright if somewhat shy young girl. You'll do perfectly - no need for hair and make-up and you're young enough to look the part of some jacked up school geek." Anastasia felt as though somebody had abruptly sauntered up to her and launched her off the side of a cliff without a parachute. She watched in a daze as people began to talk around her using her name more frequently than they had ever - she wasn't even sure half of them knew her name but suddenly she'd been thrust into the limelight the centre of attention.

"Alastair are you sure that's wise? She's no experience," Agnes protested on her pupils behalf looking a tad concerned as she eyed her brother-in law.

"Then she'll have no behaviour to alert them to her true purpose. Be reasonably Agnes, who amongst the papers staff looks like a student? She could still pass for a school girl and it will be good for her employment records to have this sort of experience. It's nothing dangerous - at best she'll find out their all fanatics and we can run an article on cult activity in the modern age or something of that sort," Mr Collins said imperiously brushing the issue aside before he turned earnestly to Anastasia, "What do you say Miss Montrose? With your consent of course."

"I…sure…okay," Anastasia said nervously seeing no real alternative.

She had no idea those three little apprehensive stammers had just changed her life irrevocably and permanently.

Pale beams of sunlight fled under the oncoming darkness of night encasing the orange fire in inky twilight as the rolling expanse of hills and forestry were swept under a veil of diamond like stars and the crescent silvery moon. Some small houses were perched at the roots of the hills while cows and sheep grazed on the slender buds of grass in the fields owned by the farmers and agricultural fanatics. Three figures were lost amongst the thick deep pine trees in the forest pausing for a brief moment to gaze up through the tree branches at their guardian of darkness heralding them into life.

"This place is more beautiful than I pictured. For some reason when you said Scotland all I could think of was Nessie and a bunch of guys running around in skirts," Shrugged the only female. A tall lovely lady with dark skin and long thick curls framing her shoulders and heavy lashes framing exquisite chocolate coloured eyes. Beside her lingering closely was a much taller more imposing frame with heavy broad shoulders and long dark hair gliding down his back. He exuded power and dominance as he watched the sun die under the approaching night sky.

"I must confess I have never visited this corner of the world but it does hold some beauty," The man admitted. Watching them hidden in the shadows was another male only slightly taller than his brother whose facial features seemed more harsher and colder while his eyes were a bleak obsidian displaying no passion for his surroundings whatsoever although he watched the couple intently trying grasp some measure of what they were feeling. To him the surroundings were merely a mirage of grey and held no desire over him, as all things did he just watched not even able to feel happiness for his younger brother or his sister-in law. Nothing but the drumming thirst gnawing at him inside and the darkness prowling him like a shadow.

He would have preferred to make this venture alone but he had underestimated the resourcefulness of his brothers who insisted upon company for him to keep him hanging on the verge of the abyss for a little longer. Manolito had insisted that he treat Mary-Ann to a holiday and that Scotland would fulfil these obligations despite the fact his city born life mate despised too much rural settings preferring urban spaces more readily. It was pointless - he knew his time was drawing to a close, he had known for centuries and had persevered until each of his brothers found their respective soul mates. Now he had fulfilled his last duty it was drawing closer, how much longer he could endure he had no idea. Greeting the sun was no longer even an option.

"Zacarias, you have not fed this night." Intoned Manolito using their private mental path so he would not upset Mary-Ann. Zacarias dismissed these worries, at least if he felt thirst it was feeling something. He yearned for the feel of blood trickling down his throat, for the fast plunge of euphoria beckoning him with each bite, to lose himself in the oblivion just for one glimmering spark of heat. Two thousand years and now he was turning into what he had dedicated his life to hunting.

Staring at the horizon he felt his will slip knowing very soon it would vanish entirely.

'Where are you? Do you even exist?'


"Fish and chips with plenty of vinegar! I picked some wine up too darling, though you could use the drink!"

"You don't say! Cheers Nate!" Called Anastasia turning momentarily from her laptop to greet one of her flatmates. Nathan Montague was twenty-four and was a budding architect who worked part time at Starbucks - he had also recently came out of the closet but that didn't particularly matter much to Anna. The other one of her flatmates was her friend Janine Florence who was currently staying overnight at her boyfriends Craig Scott. From the kitchen there came the sounds of drawers being flung open carelessly as Nathan probably tried to scour for some clean plates.

After leaving work in a daze with an entire folder full of scientifically mumbo-jumbo she had progressed through a range of emotions verging on anxiety, fear, excitement, nervousness, apprehension before finally going full cycle into acceptance. The date for her research at the facility had yet to be arranged but Agnes Collins had implied it would be sometime near the end of the month giving her roughly three weeks of preparation including a presentation that had to be handed into Mr Collins as soon as possible. This combined with the abruptness in which the wheels were spinning in motion was succeeding in giving her the mother of all migraines.

"There you hun, drink it up. I got the fish from that new place down the road so if it tastes like something the dog threw up then don't blame me," Nathan excused sitting opposite her balancing a plate of fish and chips and a glass of wine. Anna smiled picking up a chip and knocking back the wine in one effortless gulp causing Nathan to raise his eyebrows scrutinising his friend through concerned hazel eyes. "That bad huh? I thought you said that Editor of yours was a prat."

"He is," Assured Anastasia referring to her Editors forgetful habits where her pay check was concerned, "but now he's assigned me to do undercover work. Seriously! I mean I feel like something from the Care Bears being thrown into James Bond! Oi, quick laughing you moron!" Anastasia punched Nathan assertively on the arm as he doubled over in kinks almost spraying wine over their shared beige sofa while his long coco hair was in danger of dabbling with the tomato sauce.

"I'm sorry Anna but honestly you'd think the apocalypse has come the way you behave sometimes, Shit happens dear but it's called the marvellous hell that is life. Swim with it, you're a tough cookie Montrose," Nathan said confidently before he was interrupted by the shrill ringing of their wireless phone hanging up in the kitchen, "And on that note I leave you. I bet it's Janine pissed already." Anastasia shrugged taking another bite out of her fish as Nathan darted through to answer. She was contemplating a nice hot bubble bath and an evening in with her lovers - Emperor Ben and King Jerry. The only hazard was the dilemma of Chocolate cookie dough or Caramel Chocolate Chew Chew.

"Uh uh, down Charlie. Chips ain't for dogs!" Anastasia protested as a ball of brown energy launched itself at the coffee table. Shining chocolate eyes pleaded with her own teal ones while an enthusiastic tail bounced on the floor and feeble pathetic whines floated through the air. Feeling her heart melt into a gooey puddle she picked up her beloved and set him on her knee sneakily prying a chip from Nathan's plate. Just one wouldn't hurt and Nate wouldn't miss it. Cuddling the four month Labrador puppy closer her flatmate arrived back in the room with the phone outstretched towards Anna.

"It's your Mum," He explained before sparing Charlie a withering look, "And get the livestock away from the table. I don't trust that thing near food! It's an agent of Satan!" Anastasia rolled her eyes before putting Charlie gently on the floor as she answered to her mother.


"Anna, I'm so sorry I never rang you back last night but you were out and you never said when you'd be in and that mobile of yours is always on silent!" Came an immediate apology, "How are you? How was work today? Nathan said something about you and James Bond?" Rachel Montrose nee Levi was her maternally inclined constantly worrying mother who had made it her mission in life to know the lives of all her daughters from the morning they opened their eyes to the second they went to sleep. She claimed it was her God given right as a parent to know everything about her offspring - Arianna always said it was just the fact that her nosiness was bigger than the rear end of the Titanic.

"Just a crap day at work. Slept in, almost missed the bus, got handed a research project, spent all day running errands. I'm just tired and grumpy now. How are you? How's Gran doing?" Anastasia said making all the usual ritual enquiries. Her Grandmother was the family matriarch having played a vital role in their upbringing educating them in Jewish traditions and the Hebrew language and also helping to raise them by living with her widowed daughter.

"Oh she's fine, a little upset because she never won the Bingo last night so she's dragging me back again tonight. Paul's away so it's just me and her. We were thinking of going to the cinema too, anyway I'm sorry to hear about work sweetheart. Will you be alright?" Mrs Montrose asked gently. Paul had been her mothers boyfriend since Anastasia turned seventeen and was likely long term as he had moved into the family home under the approval of her Grandmother Miriam Levi. She liked Paul, he was clever and funny and he cared about the family as well as her mother. Her Mum had been single for so long after their father died that it was sort of reassuring to see her move on.

"I'll be fine, aren't I always? I just need to cool down and stop stressing. Nate bought some wine and I have ice cream in the fridge so I'm thinking of a good old fashioned pig out," Anastasia explained wearily, "What about Abby? Heard anymore from her?" Her second oldest sister had left Dundee for Kirkcudbright that afternoon to go on a holiday with her fiancée Rick at one of the families holiday homes. Mrs Montrose developed in properties and owned a number of them in Britain.

"She arrived an hour ago and I think she's shattered. Probably going to take an early night. That reminds me, Arianna said she was going to phone you - something about the concert next month? The one in Glasgow?" Arianna was the closest to her in age being only twenty-three and still at college in Glasgow studying mechanics after graduating on a course of fashion and design. They'd both arranged to meet up and go see a concert playing by one of their favourite bands next month, Arianna was probably just going to notify her that the tickets had came through.

"Yeah probably just about the tickets," Anastasia yawned, "Listen Mum, I'm just going to let you get on. I think I'm going to have a bath and then maybe chill out for a few hours. Is that alright? Send my love to the clan will you?"

"Sure thing dear, Love you." Anastasia hung up and flopped back into her seat. She was prohibited to go into details on her assignment but the topic was sort of fascinating to her. She'd made up her mind to watch every single documentary on the psychic research she could find and she'd already looked up some of the powers backing the facility. It seemed pretty kosher and official, some of the names rang bells in her head too. Johnston, Murakami, Smith; all of them were widely renown and praised doctors in their own respective fields. She was starting to think that it could be plausible…if it was real then it would be amazing - a whole new meaning to life. Proof of something more.

Eyeing the picture emblazoned on the laptop screen she smiled faintly.

The Morrison Research Facility certainly provided a lot of curious questions if not any true answers.

My first re-draft! I'm not sure if it's all that different from the first one but this one includes a little more about Anna's life on a day to day level doing things most people take for granted and can sympathise with. It also features Nathan and does a bit more detail on aspects of her career instead of just a smack in the face of being shoved on the front line. Anyway let me know what you think!
