Unexpected(Roy P.O.V., RoyxEd Oneshot)

Summary: Colonel Roy Mustang is well known among the ladies in Central, but he beings to look at the Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric, in a different way than usual....

Disclaimer: I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist. I'm glad I don't, too, because if I did it would probably suck.

Author's Note: This is my first fanfic, so constructive criticism is completely welcome. Sorry about it being so short. And I know the title sucks. I'm terrible at titles. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

I sighed and looked down at the stacks of paperwork on my desk. This is going to be a long day.I began to read and sign off the seemingly endless piles of documents on my desk when I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," I said, and fervently wished that it wasn't First Lieutenant Hawkeye coming in to see me slacking off.

Heh. Speak of the devil, and the devil shall appear. She eyed the paperwork on my desk, but didn't say anything about it. She did give me a look, though, and if looks could kill I would have died right then and there.

"The Fullmetal Alchemist is here to see you, Colonel." I could here the ice in her voice as she not only told me of my visiting subordinate, but also silently reminded me of the fact that if I didn't finish that day's work, I would have a bullet in my head. Hawkeye can be rather frightening, sometimes.

"Let him in," I quietly responded, not quite paying attention to anything besides the line on the paper that I was supposed to put my signature on. Hawkeye left the room and Fullmetal walked in, in all his short, blond, glory.

"What is it, Fullmetal?" I asked, and he shot me harsh glare that I was definitely not expecting. Oh great, now everyone is about as pissed off as they can get at me today.

"What do you mean, what is it," he shot at me in a mocking tone, "You know exactly what I'm here for."

I was completely stunned. What have I done to this boy? This blond, muscular, completely adorable... oh. That must be what he's talking about. I must have accidentally been flirting with him or something of the sort in the past few days. I'm almost ashamed to admit it, being known of everywhere in Amestris by very many women, but for some reason, Fullmetal seems to have caught my eye. I don't know why it struck me like it did, but about a week ago he was standing in my office with the sun shining in the window into his golden hair and making his automail shine in a completely captivating way. He looked like an angel. A disgruntled, frustrated, and disappointed angel. We were discussing how his search for the philosopher's stone was slowing down. We hadn't found any leads for the past two weeks.

I sighed.

"I suppose I do, Ed." I stood up and walked over to where he was standing with a completely surprised look on his face. I guess it was because I don't normally call him by his first name, let alone shortened to its cuter alternative.

I stood with about a foot between us, and reached up to put my hand on the side of his face. He looked confused, as if he was unsure of what I was about to do next. To be completely honest, I wasn't exactly sure, either. Suddenly, without really putting much thought into it, I stepped closer and leaned down to placed my lips on his, ever so slightly, and pulled back. He still looked rather unsure, but didn't make any effort to push me away. I leaned in to kiss him again, deeper and more passionate this time. Much to my surprise he began to kiss me back, and I had never felt so elated in my entire life.

All of a sudden, (without me noticing right away like I wish I had) the doorknob turned and Hawkeye walked into the room. We broke apart and looked at each other, completely... surprised that we had been caught making out in my office by the very last person we would want to know about this. Bless her soul, she just looked at our mortified expressions, blinked, and simply said, "I'll ask later," and walked out of the room.

I wondered what Hawkeye was going to ask me, but I decided not to think about it now. I looked back at Edward, kissed him again, and as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, said "I love you." He told me he loved me, too, and I pulled him into a smothering embrace, wishing this precious moment could never end.

Thanks for reading and please R&R!