Returning Home
A petite figure stood on the outskirts of the woods. She smiled at her cunning, having managed to lose her two companions in the dense forest as she rushed ahead, feeling stronger than ever as she came closer and closer to her love. The journey home was a hard one. It took many months before she was able to sit up in bed, let alone attempt the sea voyage back to England. As a very impatient woman, the time it took for her to heal and gain her strength back was too much, and she couldn't wait a moment longer to see her love. They had arrived at the camp earlier to find it empty. Her companions suggested they wait there, as she needed her rest and they had no way of knowing where the others had gone. She ignored their pleas and rushed out of the camp back into the forest, her instincts carrying her to Locksley.
She stopped in the field that overlooked Locksley, taking deep breaths to calm herself, before bringing her light blues eyes to gaze upon the village in front of her. She smiled sadly as her mind moved through memories of this village and the man who once called it home. As her memories moved onto its newest master, she cringed and dropped a hand to rest lightly on her stomach. Her gaze moved to the church and she gasped aloud at the orange flames that rose into the sky. She watched the people try to fight off the flames to no avail and held back tears as the church that was supposed to house her wedding burned to the ground. Her eyes scanned the crowd, knowing instinctively that he was somewhere down there, trying to save his people, his village.
She moved back to the woods after the church fell, knowing that he would soon return to the forest as he could no longer offer help. Her eyes caught the figure of his ever faithful servant and she smiled to see that he remained with his master. Her gaze moved around the crowd, finally landing on his figure. She smiled brightly, feeling everything finally fall into place as her eyes took in his figure hungrily, noting all the changes that occurred after her 'death', happy that he still was a fighter for the people. She noted the men around him, smiling at familiar faces and noting the new members. She watched as they moved to the edge of the village preparing for their return to the forest.
She followed them at a discreet distance, waiting until he was alone before revealing herself. She watched him pull a woman in a red dress to the side and bring her along with them as they retreated to the woods. She followed closely as they came to another field. His men moved off to the side, prepared to return to camp, as he and the woman remained close to the edge of the forest.
She stood on the outskirts of the woods, watching his men leave him and the woman alone. He leaned towards her, talking too quietly for her to pick up any of his words. She frowned as he leaned in to remove her necklace. They talked a few moments more, as she handed him her rings and money pouch. She frowned again at the location of the pouch, and how his eyes automatically dropped to its location. She moved closer, close enough to see the glint in his eyes as he leaned towards the woman in red.
As their mouths met in a deep kiss, Marian gasped aloud in horror. She retreated back into the woods, closing her eyes against the painful image, as she leaned against a tree for strength. She slipped to the ground as she heard them move throughout the woods, his voice whispering instructions in the woman's ear as he led her to the camp.
"Robin, no." Marian whispered brokenly.
Author's Note: Okay I'm livid about how quickly Robin seems to have forgotten Marian. I understand time has passed, but this is supposed to be the love of his life. He shouldn't be moving on! Hence the need for fanfic. I'm not sure if this is a stand alone or if I'll continue it, so let me know what you guys think I should do. I'll warn you now, I have no problem with Isabella, I like the character, just not with Robin.