Hello! Well, This is my first Special A story. As you all know, it's about Yahiro Saiga (the character that I have fallen deeply and madly in love with...kyaaaa!) and Megumi Yamamoto. It's about what I think would happen during the date the two of them were supposed to have after chapter 99 of S.A. Unfortunately, chapter 99 is the last chapter of the said anime so their date would only be but a dream for us MeguHiro fans...

Well, anyway, I notice that there aren't a lot of MeguHiro stories so I'm adding one more...This is just a short story about maybe 3-5 chapters. I can't afford to make a long one since I've got other stories to deal with...

I hope you guys like it! I'll be posting the next chapter maybe this week..:)


by SasuTenJi1010

Megumi checked her reflection once more on her dresser's mirror. She anxiously turned sideways to check if any imperfection was visible. She paused and looked straight at herself once again. She was gazing deep into her eyes as if she was calculating something.

She was wearing a light pink lipstick masked with transparent lip gloss. Her eyelids were smoked with a light pink eyeshadow and her eyelashes were curled and furnished with black mascara. Her cheeks were brushed with make up to give it a natural, light pink glow. Her hair was down but was in elegant curls. She was wearing a white satin ribbon as a headband to make herself look neat and to also finish off her look.

Realizing she'd been staring at herself for quite sometime, Megumi snapped out of her trance and glanced at the clock to check the time. 6:24. She had at least 36 more minutes before her date would arrive to pick her up.

Megumi slowly stood up and examined her choice of clothing. She was wearing a pale, light pink dress held up to her shoulders by two spaghetti straps. It ended just a few inches above her knee. Hugging her slim waist was a white swarovski crystal belt about an inch thick. Megumi smiled. It was simple, yet elegant. And the most important factor was, she actually got the color right.

"Just like Yahiro's hair…"

Megumi blushed at the thought. She'd been in and out of stores for hours right after Yahiro had asked her out.

She had been looking for a dress that could, in a way, match the Saiga heir's hair color so that they could look like a couple even more. She blushed again but this time, deeper. She knew she was acting silly. Plus, it's not like the resident bad boy would notice.

Megumi looked down dejectedly and let out a silent sigh.

"That's right. He probably wouldn't even notice…"

Then all of a sudden, she snapped her head back up and looked straight into her eyes. They were burning with determination. It was still worth a shot, wasn't it? After all, true love takes time to grow. And besides, don't couples always have matching things?

This time, Megumi couldn't help but laugh as she recalled her first date with Yahiro.

"Making both of us wear matching hats and scarves... and even getting both of us matching teddy bears!"

She couldn't believe how ridiculous she behaved during that time.

Slowly, her laugh diminished and was replaced by a small smile. Who would have thought that she would end up falling in love with him after that date? The very date which she supposedly went through with for the SA's sake – for Akira's sake to be exact.

Megumi let out a sigh. Love sure was a mysterious thing.

Megumi glanced at her appearance in the mirror once more. Her cheeks were slightly pink due to certain thoughts about a pale, light pink haired lad and her lips were still curved into a small smile. She then glanced at her shoes to inspect them as well. She was wearing white, strappy sandals whose heels were about three to three and a half inches high. They allowed her to at least reach the Saiga heir's jaw. That way, kissing him wouldn't be-.

Megumi face color turned into a deep crimson one as she shook her head to get rid of her dirty thoughts.

"Bad Megumi! Bad!"

Besides, it's not like Yahiro would want to kiss her, right?

Megumi shook her head once more and slapped her face with both her hands to try to pull herself together.

She glanced at the clock to check to time. She was surprised to see that it was already 6:35. Yahiro would be arriving soon. She had to get ready to meet him down stairs.

Megumi grabbed her white fur bolero and wore it. She glanced at herself once more on the mirror to see if she looked okay.

She paused when she heard a soft knock.

She walked towards the door and opened it to reveal a smiling Jun.

Megumi gave him an inquiring look which he understood almost immediately.

"Oh, Yahiro is already waiting for you in the lobby."

Megumi beamed. Jun couldn't help but laugh at her expression. How she felt about the Saiga heir was just so obvious.

Megumi smiled at her twin brother and mouthed her thanks.

Megumi was about to head back to her room to gather her things when out of nowhere, she felt Jun slowly placed a hand on her head and patted it gently.

"I'm glad you're finally happy…" He whispered to her softly. His gaze on her was gentle.

Megumi gave him another inquiring look.

Jun simply smiled.

"It's just that, you've been sad and depressed for quite sometime now."

Jun paused to look at Megumi's surprised face.

"Why do you think that?" Megumi whispered as she looked down not wanting to meet her twin brother's gaze.

Jun released a tired sigh. "I'm your brother. I know exactly when something is bothering you or not." Jun paused when he sensed Megumi raise her head slightly to look at him guiltily.

Jun removed his hand off Megumi's head and placed it back down to his side.

"Even Ryuu-nii notices but he said whenever he asks you, you just say there's nothing wrong. He told me he didn't want to trouble you by asking frequently so he said he'll just wait till you're ready to tell him." Jun finished.

Megumi gave Jun a smile. "But there's nothing wrong…" She insisted.

Jun released yet another sigh and began pointing out his observations on Megumi during the past few weeks.

"Let's see… You've been spacing out very often. You don't show much interest in anything except singing, but even your love for singing seemed to be compromised. You're not that happy anymore when you're with me and Ryuu-nii whenever we head out to have some sort of 'family' outing. Before, you used to complain to the two of us about not spending enough time with you but for the past weeks you seem like it doesn't matter that much anymore."

Megumi was about to protest to Jun but he continued firmly.

"You preferred to stay all day in your room, even up to the point that you brought your meals in there as well. You don't participate in any of the discussions we have in the greenhouse with the other SA members unless you're asked something."

Jun paused to look at his sister anxiously. "Now, can you still tell me that there's nothing wrong?"

Jun was right. She had not been herself for the past weeks. The answer was simple. It was because of the devastating truth that the one she loved with all her heart, didn't love her back. It was because of the fact that the man she loved, loved another. And it was because of the thought that no matter what she did, she could never get over him.

Megumi looked down and asked her brother for forgiveness. "I'm sorry… To you and Ryuu-nii…" Megumi looked at Jun anxiously. "Sorry for making you worry…"

Jun couldn't help but smile. Really. He couldn't get mad her no matter what.

"But I noticed that for the past few days, you seem very happy." Jun paused to inspect his twin sister's reaction as he folded his arms in front of his chest.

Megumi's face turned red as she glanced nervously at her twin brother only to see him smiling at her with relief and joy dancing in his eyes.

"I'm glad." He whispered to his twin sister and patted her head once more.

Megumi's eyes watered as she gave Jun a hug.

Jun hugged her back and laughed a little while he teased her. "You should head down now. You don't want to make the object of your affection wait."

Megumi pulled herself out of the hug and gave Jun a slight glare which he just laughed at.

"Have fun…" Jun smiled at her one last time before heading back to his room.

Megumi glanced at her brother's back and smiled to herself. "Thank you, Jun."

Megumi happily headed back into her room.

She then grabbed her white purse and checked if she forgot to place something in it.

Cellphone. Check.

Lipstick. Lip Gloss. Check.

Wallet. Check.

Megumi paused. That was everything. But she felt as if something was missing. She paused to think for awhile as she glanced around her room. Then it hit her.

"The tickets!!!"

Megumi checked the time. 6:47. She began to panic. Yahiro had been waiting for her for 12 minutes already!

Megumi frantically searched for the two pieces of paper in her room. She messed up her bed as she threw the pillows and sheets all over the place to search for them but to no avail.

She ran towards her closet and checked if the tickets fell down somewhere while she was getting her dress, but they weren't there either.

She quickly ran towards her school bag which was placed on a table beside her dresser. She sat on one of the chairs situated strategically around the table. After flipping her hair to the side, she immediately dumped the contents of her bag on the table.

"Where?! Where?! Where?!"

Megumi rummaged through her school things but there was still no sign of the tickets. She began to panic even more.

Megumi wanted to scream but she held it in. She'd end up blowing the whole place up if she did. Plus, she didn't want any more trouble.

She immediately stood up and was about to run out the door to ask Ryuu or Jun if they had seen it but something she saw at the corner of her eyes made her stop.

She anxiously walked back towards her dresser to see if her guess was right.

There, sitting comfortably on her dresser, were the two Opera tickets her father had given her. Her eyes watered due to happiness and relief.

Megumi slowly made her way towards the tickets. She held them delicately with her hands and hugged them to her chest as if they were important treasures worth millions.

Megumi stopped hugging the tickets and looked at them once more. Her eyes were shining happily. These were the tickets that allowed her to be with the person she loves the most. She couldn't believe she almost lost them!

She brought the two tickets to her lips and kissed them softly.

"Thank you for not being lost…" She whispered.

All of a sudden, she remembered the day she came to visit Yahiro at the Kokusen Academy – the day Yahiro had asked her out. She had originally planned to ask him out but her courage and resolve were immediately washed away the moment she caught sight of him. After all, he did reject her. So wouldn't it be annoying if she kept on bothering him?

But just like always, Yahiro would never fail to surprise her. Just when she was about to give up and leave, he himself said the words she rehearsed over and over the night before.

"Somehow, I feel like watching an Opera... If you don't mind, would you like to accompany me?"

Those were his exact words. They've been playing in her head over and over the moment they escaped his lips. Those words determined her to give everything she had to make this date a success. And maybe to even make Yahiro say the words she strived to get out of him during the challenge he had offered her – to finally make him say the words "I had fun."

"Would you like to accompany me?"

Megumi blushed and felt all giddy inside as she replayed the words of Yahiro in her head over and over again. It was as if her chest would explode any second now. Who would have thought that the Saiga heir would take the initiative and ask her out himself?

Megumi smiled once more and saw her reflection on the mirror of her dresser. The mirror reflected an image of a girl that looked like she was just about ready to die due to severe happiness. She twirled around and played with her dress. Nothing could ruin this perfect night. Absolutely nothing.

Then, all of a sudden, Megumi's smile vanished and her look of euphoria turned into a nervous and panicking one. How could she have forgotten?!


She snapped her head towards the direction of the clock. 7:02.

Megumi ran out of the room in a flash.

She might as well get her tombstone ready because she was going to get it for sure.

Yahiro sat impatiently on one of the couches of the hotel lobby where Megumi was staying. He had his arms folded on his chest and his eyes were closed. However, his right eyebrow was twitching and an evil, murderous aura was flowing out of his body.

Megumi walked out of the elevator and immediately saw the Saiga heir. She fumbled with her skirt nervously as she walked slowly towards him. She noticed that the huge couch where Yahiro was sitting was empty aside from him while the rest of the other couches seemed to be quite full. She didn't know why at first but when she got close enough, she understood.

A scary murderous killing intent surrounded the young man. Megumi cowered in fear. She cleared her throat nervously.

"Y-Ya… Ya-hiro…"

She watched as Yahiro slowly raised his head to glance at her.

The moment Megumi saw the Saiga heir's eyes, she saw her own death.

"I. Have. Been. Waiting. For. 27. Freaking. Minutes."

Megumi laughed soundlessly but nervously as she gripped her purse and placed it in front of her chest.

"You've. Got. Some. Nerve. Making. Me… ME!" Yahiro was gritting his teeth in anger. "Wait. That. Freaking. Long."

Megumi took a few steps backward and hid behind her purse.

"I-I'm… Sorry…" She softly stuttered. She was still hiding behind her purse.

She shook in fear when she heared Yahiro laugh evilly.

"Oh… I see… Not only did you make me wait…" He paused as he stood tall.

"You even used you voice…" Yahiro said teasingly as he walked intimidatingly towards Megumi.

Megumi got even more scared with every step Yahiro took towards her.

Her common sense was telling her to run for her life but her legs wouldn't move. She was paralyzed by fear.

Yahiro laughed again. This time, it sounded even more sinister.

He stopped laughing when he finally reached Megumi but he was still wearing his signature smirk - the smirk that said 'i have a perfect way of making you pay'.

Yahiro looked down at the frightened girl. She still had her purse in front of her face and was looking up to him nervously.

"You… You didn't even bring the eraser board that I bought for you…" He said evilly as he bended towards Megumi as if he was the big bad wolf ready to eat the little girl up whole.

Megumi mentally slapped herself. She did forget her magic slate!

"Do you even have... Any idea... How far I had to run... Just so I could get you that magic slate???" Yahiro hissed dangerously.

Before Yahiro could get a hold of her, she immediately ran back to the elevator. She had to get her eraser board or else Yahiro would murder her for sure.

Before she could make it to the elevator, Yahiro stopped her.

He was standing right in front of her with an even more dangerous aura around him.

"No. Way. I'm not going to have you go back." Yahiro stated dangerously.

Megumi sweat dropped as she took a step back. "B-But I-"

"Don't talk!" Yahiro said frustratingly. "Honestly! How many times do I have to tell you that?" He added as he massaged his forehead with his right hand while his left hand was on his hip.

Honestly, just how much trouble was he going to get into whenever this girl was around? Their so called date hasn't even started yet but she had already successfully given him a migraine.

Megumi looked down and gave Yahiro a slight bow to tell him she was sorry. After all, she couldn't use her voice… Especially with him around.

Before Megumi knew it, she was being dragged by an angry Saiga out the hotel and near a white limousine.

"You don't have to go back. I'll just get you a new one…"

Megumi could only blush.

So? How was it? Ok? Alright? You guys tell me what you think by giving a review...:)... The next chapter is...INTERESTING...trust me! I've already begun chapter two and boy, am I good...Mwahahahaha!!! ahem...ahem... Putting that aside, thank you for reading the story..:)

I will post the next chapter either this week or the next... But I do hope I will post it this week!

Till next time!