Chuck vs. Six Months

Disclaimer – I own nothing, or nada or if you prefer, not a damn thing. Here you go.

Patience. Everyone said that was the key, to just have patience. Told me that when he's ready, he would come and talk to me. Sounds simple, right. Well, they're idiots. Apparently, the need for me was never; as for the talking, yeah, he would rather watch paint dry. It felt like four months of nothing, like being stranded on a deserted island with a monkey, but really it was just two weeks. She knew she screwed up but she wasn't going to give up on him because she needed him in her life. Nothing else mattered but him. So instead of trying to fix things with him, she was sitting here, having to talk about her damn feeling with this person.

"So how's everything going?" Lauren asked Sarah, writing some notes down before looking up at her. Knowing what happened between the two, she knew this was a difficult question at the moment.

"It's not. Hell, if I can get him to stay in the room with me would be an accomplishment." Sarah responded.

"Right, still avoiding you." Was all she said, before writing more notes. Sarah, for her part, just sighed and remained silent.

"You two are probably the most stubborn people in this world. Sarah, Chuck isn't here right now. So tell me how you feel about him, this situation, being married, whatever. Just let it out. I promise you, I'm a good listener." She encouraged her, hoping this would get her to talk. After moments of silence, Lauren shook her head and decided to end today's session but before she could speak, Sarah started to talk.

"There's a lot I don't understand about life. You meet thousands of people, and then you meet one person, and your life is changed forever. When I met Bryce, I thought he would be him. That we would start a life together and that would be it. When I found out he cheated on me, it hurt but not the kind of hurt you would expect me to feel if I truly loved him. Then I met Chuck in Vegas, it was like this spark ignited and it felt awesome. Something inside told me this man, this person, was that one person that could change my life and I ignored it. Then he got hurt, there was this pain I never felt here before" she paused for a second to point to her heart before continuing,

"And when I saw him lying on that hospital bed, it became too surreal. Knowing that I could have lost him that night hit me like a ton of bricks. Not being able to tell him that all I want is another chance to love him the way he deserves to be love. It wasn't he who didn't compare to Bryce; it's was Bryce that didn't compare to him. I love him and I'm going to win him back, even if people don't think that I don't deserve him after everything I've done. Chuck is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I hate myself for not realizing that sooner rather than later. I'm in love with my husband and that feels great to say." Sarah finished and exhaled. Slowly a smile, formed on her face replaying the last words she had said in her head.

"You need to tell him everything that you just told me." Lauren simply stated.

"How do you tell someone anything, when they avoid you like the plague?"

"You have to take action because sometime waiting isn't always the answer. So next time you see him, make him listen to what you have to say and don't let one word go unsaid. Speak from your heart, not from your head." She told her and got up to leave. "Remember, underneath anger is hurt but underneath hurt is love." Lauren said before exiting her office.

As the day went on, Sarah couldn't help but replay everything Lauren told her. She was right, this was no time to be patient, and it was time for action. As she entered the loft, she saw Chuck's crutches leaning against the wall but saw no Chuck around.

'He wouldn't dare walk around without these, would he?' she questioned, still looking around for him.

Her answer would come immediately, when she heard a groan from the back room. Quickly moving, she saw him trying to lift some bags onto the top self.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Sarah asked him, quickly making her way over to help him. To her surprise, he didn't deny her help. 'That's a first.' She thought as her place the bag in its proper place.

Not answering her question, he made his way around her and headed back to kitchen. Following his path, she saw him struggling to keep himself up right.

"As much as you don't think you need my help or want it, I'm helping back to the kitchen. What the hell were you thinking about when you decided to try to walk without your crutches? You know you can't put any pressure on you leg, you could prolong your injury even further." Sarah told him, while forcing him to lean on her for support, as they made their way to the closest chair.

"Surprise you even care." He mumbled, while he took a seat. Sighing, she rubbed a hand over her face; Sarah decided this was the moment to take action. Sensing she was going to start talking, Chuck reached out for his crutches but before he could reach them, Sarah had placed them out of reach.

"No, you're gonna listen to what I have to say. I know I don't deserve for you to sit here and listen to me but too damn bad because you avoided me for two weeks now. I've been patient with you, trying to give you your space and making sure I was there when and if you needed me to help. I know I don't deserve a second chance after what I've put you though and I don't blame you if you hate me. But I at least deserve a chance for me explain everything." She told him. Before she could continue, Chuck spoke up.

"No, you really don't deserve a chance for anything. I don't give a damn about what you have or want to say." He told her, again reaching for his crutches. For her part, Sarah placed a hand on his shoulder and gently pushed him back into the seat.

"Chuck, please." She said above a whisper. Sighing, he crossed his arms over his chest; let her say what she needed to say.

"You deserve to be mad at how badly I acted when Bryce turned up. I don't know why I let him screw this up between us. At one point in my life, I thought I was going to marry this guy and share a life with him. So when I caught him with someone else, it hurt but not the kind of hurt you should feel when you want to spend your life with someone. It felt more like a weight was lifted off, more than a hurt feeling. When I met you, I felt this spark and it felt good, but I ignored it. It wasn't until recently, that I realized what that spark meant. That I'm totally head over heels in love with you."

Chuck clenched his jaw and shook his head; he tried to get up but realized she never removed her hand from his shoulder. With another gentle push down, she continued.

"When Carina told me you were injured, it was like someone took all the oxygen out me. In that moment, my world stopped, like nothing seemed real. Pain shot though me that I have never felt with any guy before. Chuck, I love you and I'm so sorry it took me this long to realize it. I love you." Sarah said the last three words in a whisper before getting the courage to kiss him.

Chuck froze when she felt her lips on his but slowly his body responded to her. Before he knew it, the kiss grew slowly passionate. Coming to his sense, Chuck pulled away and closed his eyes.

"No, it's not that simple, Sarah. You can't just say all this and kiss me expecting all to be forgiven. When he showed back up, you immediately went to him. Then you accuse me of not trusting you but that was never the case because it was you who didn't trust me. So why me, why not Bryce?" he said, waiting for the answer.

"Because he isn't you. I mean a part of me loved him but I didn't truly love him. And you're right, I didn't trust you but only because I was scared. I was scared at how fast you were able to capture my heart even when you being the worlds biggest jerk. Because my heart belongs to you and nobody else will ever come close to claiming it. Because I read once that love is friendship on fire, that's how I feel about you. I know it won't be easy but I'm going to prove to you that I love you and that I deserve a chance with you. I'm going to earn your trust and love back, Chuck, and I'm never going to let you go again. You make me want to a better person and I like who I am when I'm around you."

Finishing, she took a step back. Looking into his eyes, she saw that he was processing everything that she had just said. Letting him figure out what he need or wanted to do. Sarah headed towards the bedroom, turning around to say one more thing.

"My heart is, and always will be, yours." With that she went up the stairs, hoping he would her a chance to prove everything she had said to him. But sometimes actions prove to be louder than words.

Chuck, for his part, stood there and watched as she closed the bedroom. Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair. Right now, he didn't know what he wanted but he knew one thing. He forgave Sarah when she walked into that hospital room that night. That didn't mean he could fully open his heart again to her. At least, not right at this moment.

AN: I thought I would wait for the author's note until the end. I'm pretty sure you're sick of hearing my apologies. Apparently viruses like my computer and laptop. Right now, I'm using my brother's laptop, so yeah. As for anyone curious about how the monkey is doing, he's good. Sends his love. Thanks for being very patient with me.

P.S – put three movie quotes in there, think you can find them.

P.S.S – I reread some of the chapters, one question for yall, how in the hell did yall put up with my grammar?