Sequel to Eye candy. Thank you everyone that reviewed, added it to their favourites.

Don't forget to read Eye candy first, if haven't read it yet!


The door opened and Kakashi looked up. He'd been so caught up in his reading that he'd forgotten all about the time. As soon as he saw who walked through the door Kakashi put the book down and a small sigh in relief escaped his lips. It had just been a girls night out, nothing more. "Sakura."

Sakura turned around and then quickly took off those abominations that some people called shoes. "Kakashi," Sakura said breathlessly. "I love you."

Chapter 1: The beauty of youth

"I love you," Sakura said.

Kakashi looked up from his book, taking in the flustered form of his wife. She was fidgeting with her dress. It didn't take a genius to figure out what exactly she wanted to hear. Saying "I love you" was something big for Kakashi. It was a combination of words he had never used before. Love was abstract, irrational and fleeting like time itself.

Kakashi always was a man of few words. So, instead of saying "I love you" to Sakura he decided to show her. He looked at her, his eyes soft and a smile on his face. Even though Kakashi didn't really believe in love, hearing Sakura speak those words made his heart flutter pleasantly. He could listen to her speak those words for hours.

Sakura watched the obvious changes in Kakashi's features after she had spoken those words. Besides the surprised look he had at first she now saw something else. A look that said more then a thousand words. That look told her all she needed to know. It was the kind of look that made her knees go weak and just want to hold onto something and never let go. The look was deep and meaningful and when Kakashi got close, embracing her, she knew it was mutual.

No, Kakashi never spoke those words. They stood there for what seemed like an eternity, but not once did Kakashi say it. The reason lay with his past. His past, the past in which he had lost so many people, that saying "I love you" would condemn them to death. Never again.


Two days later Ino escorted Sakura to the top of mount Hokage. She would make sure that Sakura kept her end of the deal. That being that she had to shout at the top of her lungs that she loved Kakashi. Now, that seemed so very easy, because it was in fact the truth.

After screaming loudly to the entire village that she loved Kakashi, Sakura turned around. "Happy?"

"Very much so," Ino said with a smirk plastered on her face. "I was once again right."

"I know Ino-Pig you keep reminding me," Sakura said through gritted teeth.

"Okay so now that this is over," Ino said. "We need to get ready."

"Ready?" Sakura asked confused. "For what?"

"Tonight's charity event," Ino said. "They're auctioning of jonin to highest bidder to raise funds for the new hospital wing." Ino gave Sakura a flat stare. "Don't tell me you forgot. They're selling Kakashi too."

Sakura's eyes went wide. "He's mine," she growled. "So hands off Pig!"

Ino smirked. "You'll have to outbid me."

'I'm not giving him to you,' Sakura thought. "They already laid out the rules. Anything sexual is not permitted and it only lasts till midnight."

Ino's lips formed a pout. "I guess that means no seeing what's underneath the mask then?"

Sakura nodded. "Like I said," she said. "He's mine."

"He's probably butt ugly anyways," Ino said teasingly. "Come on let's get ready."


Days had passed since Jiraiya had offered Tsunade a new, bigger challenge then ever before. Sure winning the first bet had been easy. She just tricked them into marrying each other. Letting them think that it was for a mission had been a stroke of brilliance. However, this new bet, should she accept it, would be very hard to win. It was very likely that Sakura would file for a divorce any day now. Tsunade had told to give it a try, but it was a given fact that Kakashi Hatake could be a very annoying man. Their personalities just didn't match.

Tsunade was pulled out of her thoughts by a soft knock on the door. The door opened and a brightly smiling Sakura stepped inside. She didn't greet her shishou. Instead she walked around the desk and hugged Tsunade tightly. "Thank you Tsunade-shishou," she whispered. "I'm so happy."

This had come as a pleasant surprise. A few weeks ago she had been in a murderous rage about being married and now she claimed to be happy. "So you won't be filing for a divorce then?"

Sakura shook her head, smile still in place. "You were right," she said softly. "I do like being married to Kakashi."

"You are aware what this means, right?" Tsunade asked.

Sakura nodded. "Everything I own is now also his and vice versa," Sakura answered.

"Well I hope all your dreams will come true," Tsunade answered pleasantly.

Sakura blushed. "I used to have a lot of dreams I wanted to make come true," she said softly. "But I'm just not sure how Kakashi feels about some of them."

"Well then you should go and talk to the man," Tsunade said. "It's the only way to find out."

"I will," Sakura said. "I just need a little time. And then there's tonight's fundraiser."

"Have fun," Tsunade said with a wink.

This was most convenient for Tsunade. Amongst Sakura's dreams was also the desire to have children. The real question was, did Sakura deem herself ready to become a parent?


"Why am I not auctioned off?" Jiraiya asked Genma.

"Because no sane woman would make an offer on you," Genma answered. "Besides, I'm not being sold either."

"But you're not being sold for obvious reasons…"

"Yeah I'm the one making sure the jonin are sold to the highest bidders," Genma interrupted. "And my participation wouldn't be fair on the others. After all every woman would save their money to bid on me…"

"Every woman except one maybe," Shizune said.

Genma smirked. "When you've had me you wouldn't want anything else."

Shizune broke into a hysterical laughter. "As if…"

Genma cleared his throat. His gaze fixed on Shizune's eyes. "If I'm so undesirable then why are you constantly staring at my ass?"

Shizune turned a deep shade of red. "I have to go…"

"She likes me," Genma concluded. "So Jiraiya are you almost done with your latest book?"

Jiraiya nodded. "I had to do some extra research, but it's almost finished."

"I'm sure Kakashi will be thrilled."


"Kakashi, my rival," Gai said, crossing the street to catch up with Kakashi.

'I should've stayed in bed,' Kakashi thought. 'Nice and warm… and…'

"Tonight I prove that I am Konoha's fiercest beast of battle," Gai said. "Tonight I will…"

"I don't have time tonight," Kakashi interrupted. "The charity auction is being held tonight and I have to make sure that the right lady gets me."

For a moment the image of Anko flashed through Kakashi's mind, making him shiver in horror. Just thinking of what crazy woman would do if she were to buy him was terrifying him. Especially since most of the women wanted to strip him off his clothes, especially his mask. No, someone very special had to win this event. Someone who had already stolen a peak at his face, and a large slice of his heart. "I'm out of here."

Before Gai could say something Kakashi disappeared, leaving Gai all to himself. 'I have to aid Lee in his quest to conquer the heart of his beloved cherry blossom,' Gai thought. 'But how to do that?'

Gai stood there in the middle of the street thinking. How did one manage that Kakashi ended up in the right hands? Sure Lee had past the test for jonin a good while ago, so that meant that he was being sold too. 'Maybe if Kakashi were out of the picture…,' Gai thought. 'Maybe then Sakura would bid on Lee and see his youthfulness…'

A giggle escaped Gai's lips.

"If you giggle like that in the streets Gai-sensei," TenTen said. "People are going to think that you've gone mad."

Gai looked down at TenTen. "You're just the person I wanted to see," Gai said to his pupil, who swallowed in horror.


Kakashi made his way to the tournament stadium. There was one person he had to see. One person who could make sure that things went his way. "Genma," Kakashi said as he waved at the senbon user. "Do you have a minute?"

Genma smiled at Kakashi. "Only if it's about tonight little fundraiser," he answered with a cheeky grin on his face.

"It is."

"You want me to make sure you end up with Sakura," Genma said, twirling the senbon between his teeth. "Right?"


"No can do," Genma said. "I have to sell you to the highest bidder."

"You have got to be kidding me," Kakashi said. "You never go by the rules why now?"

Genma kept smiling. "Does that mean you like Sakura?"

"It means that I have no desire to get paired up with a hysterical fan girl."

"Really?" Genma asked thoughtfully. "And what's in it for me?"

"I'll get that waitress at the bar to go on a date with you," Kakashi said.

"The one with the big boobs and long black hair?" Genma asked.

"That one," Kakashi confirmed.

"Deal," Genma said holding out his hand to shake on it. "But keep in mind if someone else offers a lot more money then Sakura then I can't do it. Tsunade will be furious."

"No problem," Kakashi said.


"You want me to do what?" Tenten asked, her face beat red. "No, I can't do that."

"Please it's for Lee," Gai begged. "He'll be devastated if Sakura doesn't bid on him."

"But buying Kakashi?" Tenten argued. "Can't you just transform into her and bid on Lee?"

Gai looked a little shocked. "That's an excellent back-up plan. Good thinking Tenten."

Tenten hung her head. 'How did I end up in this team?'


"Shiranui," Tsunade called as she approached Genma. "I have an important assignment for you."

"Yes Lady Tsunade," Genma said standing up straight.

"I want you to make sure that Hatake goes to Sakura," Tsunade said.

Genma smiled inwardly. "But that's against the rules," he said. "I have to give Kakashi to the highest bidder."

"Well I'm ordering you to give Kakashi to Sakura," Tsunade said.

"But people will know that it's fake."

"How about a date with Shizune?" Tsunade asked. "As compensation for your troubles."

"Deal," Genma said, smiling brightly. This was turning to be quite a promising day.

That's it for the first chapter. I'll try to post the next chapter soon. This one was just to lay a small foundation to the story. Let me know what you think. R&R