Authors Note:

Where to begin????

1. Don't hit me…

2. I'm sorry, but I know that's not good enough.

And 3. Please, please, PLEASE don't hit me, my pale Irish skin bruises really easily :(

I finish college on the 7th of May and that's when I'll begin my writing again. I plan to spend the summer writing not only FanFiction for fun but my own personal stuff as I am really keen on following my aspirations on becoming a professional writer.

Anyway I want to sincerely apologise for my lack of updates. As a first year Film, Literature and Drama student my life has just been insanely busy. From acting in plays, to fundraising, to studying and assignments I have had no time to sleep.

I once again want to apologise but do not worry I'm not giving up fan fiction. No offence to my readers (I love ye all!) but I'm not writing these stories for ye. These are my indulgent nonsense and I need to write these to express myself. Though it isn't as emotional/personal as my poetry or original novels/screenplays and I don't put as much effort into fan fic as my other work (as I believe the less detail in fan fic the better as these stories are for fans and fans have their own idea on what said fandom should be like) they still mean as much to me as if they were my own babies.

I like to think this time of no updating as been good for me and my stories as every day I'm becoming a better writer, gaining experiences and thinking up new story's and ideas. Like today in fact I came up with the idea of a whole new original novel! So I hope my stories will improve with age.

Also since it has taken me so long to actually update my Doctor Who stories they are very out of date but I can confirm that as of right now for "Old Enemies, Old Friends" it will stay David Tennant and for the third instalment of the trilogy it will be Matt Smith (following the Doc giving up his life for Wilf. As in in-between the two fics he will regenerate. Though I'd like to write the regeneration – I even had this idea that the Doctor would get bitten- but I'd like to keep to the Doctor who canon) and perhaps even Amy as I like her (still in shock that she's basically a stripper lol take that best temp in Chiswick!)

Anyway the first story I will update will be "The Secrets Out" as it has the most demand (while on the topic of this story on Sunday 28th of March I actually wrote the next chapter to have it posted as a treat to celebrate Easter and the arrival of Matt Smith and Karen Gillan. Long story short my baby brother tripped over my lap top causing 280 euros worth of damage including deleting every last inch of my hard drive luckily though I have an external hard drive so I didn't actually lose much. Just "The Secrets Out" chapter as I hadn't it saved to my external hard drive yet and all my music that the artist name begins with all the letters of the alphabet after P oddly enough lol. (I blame Placebo lol)

Anyway I know I have no excuse so I'm really, really sorry and will update as soon as I can :)