Last Chapter (Methinks)
Light frowned from under the heavy blanket he was under. He hadn't dared to come out and face L again, because it was either that or be bombarded with questions. And then he probably would have told L about how he'd wanted him to continue…
He made an annoyed "hmph" and turned over on his other side. The inside of the blanket was getting stuffy and hot, but he didn't know what would happen if he came out.
He was contemplating whether or not to come out from under the blanket when L spoke, surprisingly close to his ear. "How long, exactly, do you plan on staying under there, Raito-kun? You must be extremely uncomfortable."
Light opened his mouth, but snapped it shut. He narrowed his eyes. L could just be bluffing. He didn't know whether Light was really awake or not. Light stayed silent, being careful not to move.
"Raito-kun, I know that you're awake. Please stop being childish." He paused, waiting for a reaction. He got none, and continued talking. "If you don't come out, I'll go in."
That provoked a reaction, and Light shot up, throwing the blanket off of his head and blushing furiously as he yelled, rather loudly, at the detective, who was eating a slice of cake. "You're such a pervert!! What did you mean by that anyway!?!"
L smiled, which was a bad sign, and put on his most innocent look.
"I meant nothing by that, Raito-kun. The question is, really, what did you mean by that?"
"What are you-!? I didn't even say anything!!!!!!" Light nearly screamed, but that caused him to start coughing, so he mentally reminded himself not to scream that loud ever again. Ever.
"I didn't imply anything into my statement, Raito-kun. You were the one who changed the meaning of my sentences." He ate a small piece of his cake, looking completely innocent, though Light could feel the evil aura.
"You know you meant something by that!!!" The brunet yelled, clutching the blanket tightly. "I can just tell! Plus, you were just trying to rape me! How could you not mean something by that!!??"
"I was not trying to rape you, Raito-kun. I believe it was your imagination." L licked his frosting-covered fingers. "You are the pervert for having dreams about me trying to kiss you." He lied smoothly.
"I was not dreaming! You're just a liar." The chestnut-haired boy pouted, causing said liar to blush.
L regained his composure and set his cake down on the chair he had been sitting on. "That is very immature of you, Raito-kun."
"Well, like I said before, maybe you shouldn't start things without planning on finishing them."
"And, like I said before, did you want me to finish what I started, Raito-kun?"
"Did you want to finish?"
"If I did, would you let me?"
"I don't know. Do you plan on finishing?"
"Then, maybe."
L leaned over and pushed one of the boy's shoulder's, pushing him over so that he was on his back, and the older man was on top of him.
"Wh-wh-wh-what are you doing!?" The teen yelled, blushing.
"I want to know your answer." L leaned down, closing the distance between them. Nothing fancy- just lightly brushing their lips together.
Light made a surprised noise, but made no move to try to get away. The kiss felt longer than it actually was, and he hadn't even realized that he had closed his eyes until he opened them when the black-haired boy pulled himself away.
L looked down at him. "So, is that a yes?"
Light didn't answer, but instead reached his hands up to tangle his fingers in the boy's hair, pulling him down again, to which L happily obliged.
This kiss was shorter, and L soon moved off of the almond-haired boy, lying next to him.
"Yes," the teen breathed, his eyes half-shut.
"Go to sleep." L commanded, even though there wasn't any malice in his voice.
It had been a few days after that, and Light was better. He was now sitting in the big main room in the chair in front of the computer.
Suddenly, there was a yell from behind him. "Son!" His father rushed into the room, followed by L's butler, who was much calmer.
"Ah…D-dad…" This was what he had been fearing. He turned in his chair, and when he did that, his father's large arms were wrapped around him.
"Are you okay? You're not still sick, are you? Ryuzaki isn't making you work while you're sick, is he, son?" He backed away from him, glancing at L.
"No, of course not. L-…Er, Ryuzaki wouldn't do that. I'm perfectly healthy." He smiled. "But, dad, I…"
"Is something wrong, Son?" He said, a bit calmer.
"N-no. Nothing's wrong. I just-…Ryuzaki has something he wants to tell you, don't you, Ryuzaki?"
L looked over, faking a surprised look. "Me? No, I don't have anything to say." Light leaned over and whispered something in his ear, blushing when the insomniac whispered something back. Soichiro could have sworn he just saw L's eye sparkle…. "Well, actually…."
"What is it?" Soichiro frowned. "Did something happen, Ryuzaki?"
"No, dad, L-….Ryuzaki just has something to say." L spun in the chair, standing up while also pulling Light up with him.
Holding his hand.
Light blushed as he was pulled into a hug-like thing with the older man's lips pressed against his ear. "Raito-kun and I have an announcement to make." L had timed that sentence perfectly, because just as he said that, Matsuda (who had been watching Misa), Aizawa, and Mogi walked into the room.
"Announcement!? Do you know who Kira is, then!?" Matsuda's eyes brightened, oblivious to the fact that the younger Yagami was being held by the world-famous detective.
Mogi and Aizawa, however, noticed immediately and their eyes widened. Light only turned redder as the three ex-police officers walked over to stand next to Soichiro.
"No, that's not the announcement." L sighed, pulling Light closer, as he had pulled away.
"Eh-…L, stop that!" Light tried once more, in vein, to escape the clutches of the much stronger detective. L just smiled and ignored him.
"Raito-kun and I are…," he frowned, thinking, "…hmmm…how would you word it?"
"L-let go of me!"
"Ah! I know." L pulled Light up to kiss his cheek. "We are a couple. Aren't we, Raito-kun?"
A/N: Should I end it here? Or do you want me to continue? Because I have this other fanfic that is burning my mind....
Well, technically, there are two, but I don't really know if I'm gonna do the other one.
Random question: If Light were a kitty, what color would he be? Hm? What do you guys think?
Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note or any of it's characters. That one guy does. The one who writes it. ....and...yeah.