
In the state of Washington, there lies a town. It's very low population leads to the fact that everyone knows everyone else there. It gets too much rain, some would say, and is under the nearly constant cover of clouds. This town is Forks. In Forks, two clans of special creatures live. First is the Cullens. These are some of the most brutal creatures in this world. Or they could very easily turn into them. Their pale skin, impossible abilities, and strange ways would prove what they were to anyone who believed in the impossible. Then there are the Quileutes. This population is supposedly the "protectors" from the Cullens. Or so legend says. Their favorite time could be considered midnight on a full moon. Their favorite animals would probably be anything in the canine category. And of course the regular humans live here too. Then there's me. The one stuck in the middle of all of it. The hybrid. The freak. The "demon baby" as the Vulturi once related to me as. The half vampire, half human prodigy. Who most of the werewolves care about too. It's a long story, and most of the "in the know" people already know it by heart. Short version, is that I was conceived by my vampire dad and my human mom. Now don't go off worrying because my mom's not a vampire, in extreme danger, blah, blah, blah. Because she is. How is this possible, you ask? Simple: my mom and dad…er… uh, did it, before my mom was changed. I'm kinda confused by it too, so yeah. They chose Alice and Jasper for my godparents, though I'm not sure why. Nothing will ever give a reason for me to have to live with them. Since all of us will live forever. Technically, Carlisle is still hypothesizing on that, seeing as I'm only half vampire. But so far I have the beauty, strength, speed, and mind reading (from Dad) that , excluding that last one, all vampires have. But if anyone will be able to confirm that, it's Carlisle. Let's take a trip through my family. First, my human family. Renee, my mom's mom. Nice lady, I think. Charlie, my mom's dad. He still lives here, that's why Mom and Dad never leave the house, or if they do, it's just for hunting, or special occasions. I've never met either of them. I'm never allowed to. Now my vamp family. Carlisle, Dad's father. He's a doctor here, and the strongest in the family, as far as thirst. Then Esme, Daddy's mom. She's one of the nicest people in our family. Then Aunt Alice, probably the only nicer person. She's always so spunky, optimistic. Completely unlike my mom, especially how much she loves to shop. She's married to Uncle Jasper. Uncle Jazz is nice. He's really quiet, and next to me, the only one who still has to perfect the vegetarian lifestyle. Then there's Auntie Rosalie. She's probably the most pretty one in the family. She's kind of self centered, unless it has anything to do with me. Mom said Rosalie used to hate her until I was born. Aunt Rosie is married to Uncle Emmett. Emmett is like a big brother to me. Apparently, he's the strongest one in the family, strength wise. Another vamp clan, the Denali, is pretty close to us. They're the only other vegetarians we know of. Then is the werewolf family. Not blood relatives, but considered that all the same. There are quite a few of them, but the most important, in my opinion, is Jacob. He's my best friend. And just like a brother, too. Well, that's pretty much it, I think.