Name: Hold Your Hand
Author: xxBoppingAllTheWayxx
Word Count: 515
All characters are the property of Disney. Not mine. Although, if they were, it'd be more fun!
Sometimes, the presence and comfort of one person can make all the difference.

Troy paced backwards and forwards repeatedly in front of Ryan. Staring down at the floor, seemingly lost in thought, the Wildcat stuck to his endlessly looping path as Ryan watched wearily.

"Troy, sit down. You'll wear out the carpet!"

Troy jerked as Ryan caught his attention, and stared at his friend for a long moment. Impatiently, Ryan grabbed Troy's sleeve and pulled the boy into the chair beside him, before releasing his grip and folding his arms.

"I still think you're overreacting..."

"Overreacting? Do you know how hard this is going to be? It's going to change everything! And, it's going to really hurt!"

"Drama queen."

"Takes one to know one."

Sulking like a child, Troy dropped his gaze down and furrowed his brow. So far, he was seriously regretting bring Ryan along. The boy's cool, calm and collected manner was surprisingly infuriated, and Troy quietly considered bopping the blonde boy squarely upon the nose.

As if reading Troy's mind, Ryan scratched his nose quickly, before looking around. Following his gaze, Troy found himself staring at terrifying posters, displaying gore and disgust all around the small room. Feeling nauseous, he snuggled up to Ryan, who briefly startled at the gesture.

Coming to his senses, he tenderly put an arm around Troy and pulled the boy even closer, smiling slightly as he felt the brunette's form fit perfectly against his, resting his own head against the head settled in the crook of his neck.

"You'll be alright, you know."

Troy wriggled slightly, agitated. "You really think so?"

Smiling broadly now, Ryan held his boyfriend tighter to him. "I'm sure of it. And..."

Troy pulled away, curiosity piqued by Ryan's dramatic pause. He stared that the blonde boy, wondering what nugget of comfort Ryan was about to provide.

"And what?"

"And I'll hold your hand if you're scared."

Troy stood up, indignant. His eyes seemed to flash as he crossed his arms furiously. All worries that he had were instantly replaced by the need to reaffirm his masculinity. For the chair, Ryan looked up at Troy, his heart heavy in his chest. He know that Troy loved him, but he wished that the brunette would just show it more often.

"Scared? Of course I'm not scared!"

"If you're not scared, then why bring me?"

For a moment, the Wildcat struggled with himself, trying to work out a truthful, suitable answer. Failing this, he grabbed Ryan's arm and pull him to his feet. Using the momentum of this movement, Troy found himself pressed into the wall with his lips firmly against those of his boyfriend. The deep kiss lasted only a moment before he pushed the blonde away teasingly.

"Because I love you, Ryan."

They went to kiss again, but were interrupted by the arrival of a third person in the room. Noticing her, Troy's hand instantly latched onto Ryan's, their fingers intertwining, and Ryan's hand began to go numb from the vice-like grip Troy used.

"Mr. Bolton? The dentist will see you now."

This story came to me whilst I was sat in the dentist's chair, having my dentist drill my teeth. It worked though to distract me from what was happening. I hate dentists.
Joey ~x~