30 Moments: Kenshin and Kaoru

It's moments like this when you wish time will stop. 30 moments you wouldn't want to miss.


Setting: AU

Word Count: 1,756

Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin is a copyright of Nobuhiro Watsuki and the makers of the anime. I simply borrow them for my own crazy world of fluff and romance.

It was ridiculously loud.

The noise irritated the hell out of Kenshin as he drank another shot of vodka. He was tipsy; his head ached, and the loud party music was not helping. It was ten times louder than it was when he entered Megumi's house.

Sano's annoying outburst made Kenshin's head hurt more. "This is not your night, Kenshin! You always lose! It's my night this time!" He said as he stood up and laughed hysterically. Kenshin groaned. "Ugh…May I go home now?"

A drunken Misao replied, "Oh no, you may not! Not just yet, have another drink! It's already too bad that Kaoru can't come and now you're going home at this early hour?" Kenshin looked at the time – 2:46 am. What was early with that?

"…What early?" He groaned again when Sano gave him another shot to drink. "…Kaoru's waiting. I need… to go home…" He tried to reason out. Sanosuke sighed. "Come on, Kenshin. I'll just drive you home, 'kay?" He pulled a cheeky grin.

That grin isn't safe at all… Kenshin thought before sighing in defeat. "…Fine."

It was ridiculously quiet.

Kaoru popped a chocolate in her mouth as she lied on the sofa. Looking at her paper work, she sighed. What a boring night. I'm stuck here doing papers while Kenshin's out there partying with the guys…

"Kenshin…" She whispered his name out of nowhere while raising her left hand to the air. The bright blue sapphire on her ring finger made her smile. "… I wonder what time he'll get home."

"Ugh!" She screamed in frustration as she sat up and started arranging her papers. "I'm just going to finish this tomorrow and sleep! This is annoying…" Putting the chocolates and papers aside, she went to their room.

"G'night, Kenshin." Those were her words before drifting off to sleep.

Ding, dong!

Kaoru cringed. She opened one eye and looked at the time – 4:15 am.

"Huh-what? At this time?" She said before slowly getting up.

Ding, dong!

"It must be Kenshin…" Looking through the hole by the door, she saw Sano carelessly supporting a drunken Kenshin. This woke Kaoru entirely.

Opening the door, she whispered angrily. "Sano! Do you know what time it is?" Sanosuke just grinned stupidly before entering and letting Kenshin collapse to the nearest couch. He then faced an enraged Kaoru, brow raised, demanding for an explanation.

"Well… we were having a whole lot of fun, and uhm… forgot about the time?" He laughed sheepishly, making Kaoru even angrier. "Ugh, seriously Sanosuke. Don't influence Kenshin in this kind of thing!" She sat beside Kenshin, clearing the bangs away from his sleeping face. "You know he doesn't drink much."

Sano couldn't help but chuckle. "I think you're talking about yourse-" A pillow smacked Sano's face before he could even finish. "Just shut up and go home, you idiot." Kaoru glared at him.

Sano grinned. "Just kidding, Jou-chan." He said before heading towards the door. "Oh, and I'm not going home just yet. I'm going back to Megumi. You know, to have some fun." He smirked. An unwanted image emerged from Kaoru's mind. Blushing, she threw another pillow at him. "Sano!"

"Bye, Jou-chan!" He closed the door. Kaoru could still hear his laughter as he entered his car. "That hopeless idiot." She sighed.

Kaoru proceeded to carry Kenshin to their room. Kenshin groaned as she helplessly supported an arm. "You're heavy, Kenshin… How many shots did you drink? You idiot…" She whispered.

Once she was able to reach their room, Kaoru carefully let go of Kenshin as he, again, collapsed to the nearest soft object which happened to be the bed. She stared at the drunken man lying there and sighed before sitting beside him.

"Hey, you idiot…" She tried to wake him, sweeping his bangs off his face and smiling slightly as she saw him crinkle his nose. "Ka-oooo-ru." He whispered. She barely understood her own name.

She fixed his position, letting his head rest on a pillow, and started to unbutton his shirt. "You are dead meat tomorrow…" She said as she easily did the job. She was on his third button when Kenshin suddenly grabbed her wrist. It was a tight hold despite being drunk.

"Don't…" He managed to utter as his face showed a bit of annoyance. Kaoru raised a brow in confusion. "What? Why? You're drunk. You smell bad." She said and tried to continue where she left off. Kenshin's hold on her just tightened more and he grunted.

"I said don't… You…" He said in a louder voice, making Kaoru's patience grow thinner every second. Kaoru grabbed his collar and whispered angrily. "Kenshin! Just stop complaining and let me—"

"Nggh – no!" Kenshin's half-lidded eyes grew a bit wide; annoyance and refusal were clearly seen on his face. This surprised Kaoru. She had never seen Kenshin get angry when he's drunk; usually, he would not get drunk, or would just sleep once he is.

Kenshin let go of Kaoru's wrist and took deep breaths. Kaoru looked at him with a sad and confused face. "What's wrong?" She whispered softly. Kenshin tried to cover the exposed part of his chest. "I, I'm sorry… who-whoever you are."

Kaoru's face grew more perplexed. What in the world? "Huh? Kenshin? Do you even know what you're say— " She was again cut off.

"Whoever you are, I'm sorry, but I already have a fiancé."

Kenshin went silent as he lied back on the headboard of the bed and took deep breaths. He tried buttoning his shirt again, but failed to do so in his current state. Kaoru watched him observantly, and then looked at his blushing face. Realizing it was not possible, Kenshin stopped his deed and just rested his hand there.

"Kenshin…?" Kaoru called his name. Kenshin just looked at her with his dazed eyes. She watched as he squinted those amethyst eyes. "I… I said I already have a fiancé."

"I know, it's m— " Kaoru tried to clear him, but then he stopped her again.

"…Tha-That means I, Himura Kenjiinn, uh no, Kenshinnn…" He tried to speak clearly in his state. Kaoru patiently listened to what he was saying. "…is already en-engaged and will soon be married. You got that..?" He asked her.

By this time, Kaoru already knew he didn't recognize her.

"Her name, the p-precious woman I'm about to marry, is Himura Kaoru. Oh, wai-, not yet, but soon, that will be her name…" He paused for a moment, a small smile appearing on his face. Kaoru was taken aback by his words and was speechless.

"That woman is so… beautiful. She loves me so much," his smile turned to an amused grin. "… and even though she gets angry so easily, she is… also very kind." His grin widened. Tears started to blur Kaoru's eyes, but she ignored them and continued listening to her fiancé's small speech.

"She's so important to me. I…want to spend my whole life with her." He said. "So, I'm really sorry, my heart's already taken."

Kenshin's eyes started drooping. He's grip on his shirt loosened as his body relaxed. Kaoru smiled as she noticed this. "You can't do any…anything to me just because I'm a bit… tipsy." He managed to say before completely falling unconscious.

The room was filled with silence with the exception of Kenshin's soft snore. Kaoru sat speechless beside him, her face awed at the words spoken by her beloved earlier. Her small giggles blended with Kenshin's snore a few minutes later as she realized the situation.

Drying her tears, Kaoru happily whispered to no one. "Oh, so he thought I was some random woman trying to undress him and sleep with him, huh?"

She placed herself beside Kenshin and covered both of them with a thick blanket. With a smile that reached her eyes, she looked lovingly at him before bidding him good night and returning to sleep.

Kenshin woke up with one of the worst hangovers he thought he'd never have.

He groaned as he adjusted his sight to the bright sun rays which didn't help at all in curing his intense headache. He tried sitting up and succeeded after few painful tries only to discover he was alone in the room.

Looking around, he recognized their room and began to wonder who brought him home until a certain woman entered his mind. "…Kaoru! – Ugh!" He rubbed his temples, trying to ease the pain. Apparently, a simple deed like shouting a name already hurts my head. He thought frustratingly.

"Where is she?" He asked to no one. Oro, I bet she's really mad. I don't even know how I got home… He smelled himself and got even more worried. She's so mad she didn't even bother to undress me and change my clothes! I'm dead.

Disappointed with himself, he sighed heavily. "I shouldn't have listened to Sano. That bastard…" His words grew silent as he saw a small note by the bedside table. There was a tablet and a glass of water beside it too. Grabbing the note, he read.

By the time you read this, I'm already out to buy groceries. I bet you have a terrible hangover right now – drink this medicine and it'll be gone soon. I also prepared a small breakfast for you by the dining table. Don't let it get cold.

I love you always,


P.S. Don't complain about the food. You'll have to eat it or else. Don't even try to make an excuse.

P.P.S. I'm craving for fondue. I heard from Misao that "The Melting Pot" is a really great place. xx

Kenshin couldn't help but be surprised by her note. She didn't even mention anything about last night's party apart from the terrible hangover he's currently having! He tried to look for more notes at the back of the paper and found nothing. Wow, seriously? She's not even angry?

Upon realizing this, he grinned happily and for a moment, forgot about his headache. Reading her last notes again, he wondered. "The Melting Pot, huh." Someone's hinting. I better find this place after eating the meal she prepared for me.

The thought of Kaoru cooking him a meal in the kitchen made him chuckle. "That sweet little Kaoru."

Kaoru smiled as she read the details at the back of a chocolate syrup in the grocery store.

"I bet he doesn't even remember a single thing he said last night." She silently giggled to herself.

"Oh, that sweet adorable Kenshin."

A/n: Hee. I actually liked this. I hope you did too. Leave a comment! :D

And oh, "The Melting Pot" is actually a real fondue restaurant – I once ate there with my relatives. We ate in Chicago. I am 97% sure that was the name of the restaurant. Delicious foods they have there.

Oh I just can't get enough

How much do I need to fill me up?

It feels so good it must be love

It's everything that I've been dreaming of

- You Got Me