Author Note: Sorry the delay my muse got a full time job so she has been busy. Secondly, thanks to Crying Cowing Girl for the beta of my stories and for helping me with idea and such

"I have the results." Brad said as held up a piece of paper

Gibbs took Tony's hand in his, holding it tightly trying to offer as much support as he could convey.

"Oh my, I am sorry. I meant I have the x-ray results from the last set we did post-op." Your lungs are doing well so far, Dr. Hill looked at the x-rays of your leg and they look good. She is pleased with the results of the surgery." Brad started to walk away only to be stopped by Gibbs.

"Dr. Pitt, the kidney tests?" Gibbs asked trying to get some answers.

"Oh I am sorry, it's going to be a few more hours until we have those back." Brad answered. Turning to Tony, he could see the anxiousness on his patients face. Leaving the room, he returned and started to inject something into Tony's IV line.

Surprised when Tony's hand stopped him, he looked down at his patient. "What's wrong, Tony? Let me just give you something to help you sleep, I promise to wake you when I know something." Brad said making another attempt to inject the medication.

"Boss, please I don't want the drugs. Can't you do something here?" Tony turned to Gibbs since Brad wasn't listening.

"Don't do that, he doesn't want it. I'll keep an eye on him, if I think he needs something I will be the first one ringing for a nurse." Gibbs tried to reassure Tony that he wasn't getting something he didn't want but also Brad that if it was needed, he would request it.

Gibbs handed Tony the remote control to the TV, "find us a movie to watch, I'm going to get us some coffee and see what else I can find." Gibbs got Tony focused on a task as he walked out the door.

Out in the hallway, he stopped Pitt. "What do you think, be straight with me?" His voice was starting to show his weariness.

"I am optimistic about the lungs at this point but you know as well as I do that anything can change quickly with Tony. The kidneys are a whole other issue that I am not ready to comment on until we get the test results. All we can do is waiting and pray, time will tell the story." Brad walked away promising to return with the results.

Gibbs stopped by the gift shop on his way to get some coffee. Looking around, he found several magazines, a few games and a deck of cards to help keep Tony occupied until the results came back. Heck, it would keep him occupied too; the waiting was getting to be too much.

With coffee and his purchases in hand, Gibbs started back to Tony's room. He needed to return to his side and be his support through this. Tony had stood by him during some really difficult times in his life; he had been his rock even if he didn't realize it.

Standing outside the doorway, Gibbs watched as Tony struggled to stay awake; small movements caused him pain, wincing each time he tried to move. Gibbs stopped a nurse and asked her about pain medication for Tony, she informed him that he refused it.

"DiNozzo, why did you refuse pain medication that you obviously need?" Gibbs voice was gruff but the worry was evident.

"Boss, I…um…what if my kidneys are damaged, I don't want to make them work even harder because I can't handle a little pain." Tony leaned back into the pillow breathing through the pain.

Gibbs walked over to the bed placing his bag from the gift shop on a chair. Leaning down next to Tony's ear, he whispered; "I'll get you through this Tony, I swear to you I will get you through this." Tony turned his head toward Gibbs to see the tears that were threatening to spill over the lids of the older man. Reaching out, he squeezed Gibbs' hand to reassure him that he trusted him.

The nurse managed to inject pain medication into Tony's IV line before he even realized what was going on. Instead of panicking, he turned back to Gibbs and with that famous DiNozzo smile asked, "What did you get me". With a smirk, Gibbs opened the bag pulling out the magazines and games. Immediately, Tony picked up the deck of cards and challenged his boss to a game of poker.

For the next several hours, Gibbs and Tony played poker. "You know if we were playing for money I would win everything that belongs to you. Including all of your 500 DVDs" Gibbs said as he won the latest hand.

"Do you even own player?" Tony brazenly asked, knowing that on some level the pain medication was giving him untold courage.

"No, but your DVD player would be mine, so that wouldn't be a problem." Gibbs responded.

"I guess, but would you know what to do with it that the real question. I don't think that you would know how to start it if." Tony questioned as the door to his room open and Brad Pitt came back in.

"Hey guys, how are things going?" He asked as stood at the end of Tony's bed.

"Gibbs owns me." Tony said a drug induced smile on his face.

"I already knew that Tony. I was wondering how you are feeling." Brad asked as looked at his patient and friend.

"The drugs are great but I will be doing better if that my lab results" Tony asked as looked a little nervous.

Looking at Gibbs "Yeah these are the results. The lab works show that your levels are at 2.5. That's a little higher than I would like it. But you have to take in the consideration that Tony has only been on an IV for a few hours. Also all of the lab work that you have at Bethesda always looked good. I am going to order a creatinine clearance test which will give us a more accurate view of what is going on. Simply said, we'll collect urine over a 24 hour period of time and test it. But for now you need to get some rest, both of you." Brad said looking pointy at Gibbs.

"Don't worry about him Brad. Did I ever tell you the time that we stayed at the office for five days due a Navy Petty officer who thought that he could get away with stealing some weapons?" Tony asked as looked at his doctor and friend.

"You can tell about in the morning but for now everyone needs rest." Brad said firmly. "So games and magazines in the nightstand now. Gibbs I don't want to see you hear till at least 0900 tomorrow." Brad said knowing that if he wasn't stern with Gibbs he would stay the whole.

"I'll see you the morning boss." Tony said with the pain meds finally over taking him.

With one last look at his agent, Gibbs allows himself to be lead from the room. Walking towards the elevator. He turns and faced the doctor that he trusted the life of a man he considers more than just another agent. "The kidney issue is it serious?"

"It can be, but you heard me it looks good. This may be something that we need to keep a closer eye on for now." Brad said, trying to reassure Gibbs knowing that that he was closely watching Tony. "Get some rest Jethro and I'll see you in the morning."

"You'll be here?" Gibbs asked knowing that Brad's schedule at Bethesda was crazy at best and impossible at worst.

"Yeah I'll be stopping to make sure that everything is ok. Besides I am one of the few people in the world who can speak Gibbs." Brad said, trying to lighten up the mood. "So get some rest and I'll see you tomorrow. You are going to need to rest because Tony is going to be here only in here for a few days and then he will be on crutches for four to six weeks. Have you given any idea about his after care plan? I assume that he will be staying with you?" Brad asked knowing from his conversations with Tony that the agent hasn't seen his family in years and that Gibbs was more than Tony's legal next of kin.

"Yeah he will be staying me. I guess that I am going to have to break down and get cable put in for him. I'll be back early in the morning before I go to the office, later Pitt" Gibbs said as he turn from the doctor and made his way to the elevator.

Having second thoughts about leaving his agent, Gibbs returned to his room. A smile graced his face when he saw Tony was sound asleep cuddling up to his jacket. Shaking his head, "didn't realized I had even forgotten it." Gibbs whispered as he walked quietly into the room to see his agent one last time.

Leaning over, Gibbs whispered in Tony's ear; "rest and get stronger, we'll get through this." Carding his hand over the sleeping man's head one final time, Gibbs forced himself out the door of Tony's room and onto the elevator. He had to get some rest; he needed to be there for Tony.

Quickly leaving the hospital, Gibbs got in to his car, as he was driving down the street towards his house in Alexandria, he called a familiar number. "Hey I could use your help. Tony is in the hospital."