Ok, So this is my first story on FanFiction. *Yayness!* So yeah, if this doesn't seem good, PM me and tell me how to make my stories better please! I know I don't compair to other people like DizziKatz *unless it's a rant lol*.


I don't really get inspired by anything but what I'm told to do. Yes, I am told to write stories by another part of me. It's a little depressing because I am my own bitch lol I'll try to update as much as I can and I will try to make my chapters better and longer as I go through, but it won't happen unless people are really honest with me! So please, if there's anything wrong, don't worry about being mean! I wanna hear everything! Thanks!

-Welcome to Kona High-

"Mom, do we have to move out to Kona?! I love it here in Sonet where I know everyone and I have friends here!" Naruto started complaining. Kushina was getting tired of Naruto's complaining already. She started rubbing her forehead and closed her eyes.

"Naruto, I already told you. Your father got a job down in Kona and we have to move or we'll be living out in the streets." Kushina started explaining. Naruto, being himself, wasn't going to move because Minato got a job.

"Fine! I'll find someone to live with! I'll live by myself if I have to! I just don't want to go down to Kona! They're so stuck up there!" Naruto screamed, throwing his pillow across the room. Kushina walked over and sat next to Naruto. He stopped having a fit long enough to listen to what his mother had to say.

"Look, they may be stuck up and bratty but you're still better than all of them and you'll be able to handle it. Your Naruto Uzumaki aren't you? You can do anything you want. You don't give up do you?"

Naruto sighed. His mother was right. He always talks about how he's the greatest person and he never gives up anything. But his mother was also wrong because they we're fighting about moving and he wasn't willing to lose the battle to his mom just because she said that.

"You're right mom but because I don't give up on anything means I'm not going to give up this fight. I'm not moving and that's that."

That was three days ago. Now Naruto was standing in the front entrance to Kona High. He didn't like the looks of the school. It just seemed to stuck up for him. He sighed, adjusted his backpack and started walking right into the gates of hell.

Not many people seemed to notice a new kid walking in the halls. Some of them looked up but then looked right back down and didn't say a word. Naruto liked it that way. He walked straight to the front office where a few kids were.

"Hi, I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I'm the new kid." he muttered to the lady at the front desk. She smiled at him."Ah yes, Uzumaki. I'll be right back with your schedule." she said, standing up and walking to the back room. Naruto noted that the few kinds in the office were looking at him, they must've heard he was new. Great. Just what Naruto needed.

"Here you go Naruto." the lady said, handing him the piece of paper. He smiled a bit at her. "Thanks." he muttered before looking down and turning around to walk out.

He was a bit relieve when he was in the halls because no one knew he was a new kid. He walked to his home room and received a locker and a padlock. He stared at the slip of paper that contained three numbers. He slowly walked to the locker 666.

This was seriously hell for him. He unlocked the padlock, threw a few things in his locker then secured the lock. He turned around to find a weird girl staring him down. She popped her gum and smiled at him a bit.

"Hi, my name is Sakura and I'll be kinda like your tour guide for the next couple of days." she stated, smiling. Naruto just nodded a bit and looked down. "You shy or just embarrassed about being here?" she asked.

"Shy." Naruto managed to let the words escape from his lips. She just started giggling.

"Yeah I was that way too when I first started here. Sophomore year was hell for me. But I know what you're going through and you just need to know that I'll be there if you need help ok?"

Naruto nodded and she giggled again. Pink haired girls?? You would never find those in Sonet. And she was fair skinned. Here in Kona, it seemed rather.... dull. In Sonet, it was sunny most of the time, the reason Naruto had a tan all year round.

"Ok Naruto, why don't you hang out with me for a while. I'm sure we can become friends." Sakura continued to talk. He just barely listened and nodded when it felt like the right time.

Sakura and Naruto walked to the rec room where all the kids came before and after school and during passing period to talk to their friends. Sakura caught up with a few friends and introduced Naruto to them.

"Hey guys! This is my new friend Naruto. He's new here and really shy so please don't make fun of him." Sakura said. All of the people started laughing.

"Hey Naruto, nice to meet you. I'm Ino." said a blonde girl who acted like Sakura. Naruto didn't mind this, but it was like Ino didn't know how to act like herself. Or vice versa.

"Hey Naruto. Kiba." said a brunet with red markings on his face. That was a little strange. Were those tattoo's? Oh well, it really wasn't Naruto's business. And either way, he shouldn't be talking. He did have strange whisker marks on his face.

"He....hey Naru....Naruto.... I'm....Hin....Hinata." said a girl with bluish hair and oddly.... no pupils. That's weird. Why didn't she have pupils? Again, it wasn't Naruto's business and he shouldn't judge. It really wasn't like him.

"Neji." said another brunet with.... again no pupils. Must be related somehow.

"Hi all of you.... it's really nice to meet you all." said Naruto. He was blushing a bit and Kiba seemed to notice.

"Hey dude, you don't need to be embarrassed. Think of the freshmen. They've never been to high school but you have. Trust me, everyone will pick on them and not you!" Kiba said, smiling and patting Naruto on the back. Naruto nodded. "Yeah I guess your right." Naruto smiled at Kiba.

They all went about their business, talking about things that happened yesterday and stuff like that. Naruto snuck out of the rec room and started looking for Physics before the first bell rang. He stumbled across the room and entered.

"Ah you must be Naruto Uzumaki right?" the teacher asked. Naruto nodded. "Hey don't be shy. I'm Kakashi." Kakashi informed, patting the small boy on the shoulder. Naruto just nodded a bit. He was a little scared, and he felt like throwing up.

"Nice to meet you Mr......" Naruto paused. Kakashi hadn't told him his last name. That's really strange why he told Naruto his first name and not his last.

"Oh don't worry about learning teachers last names, they all go by their first name here." said Kakashi. Naruto couldn't tell if he was smiling or not because the teacher wore a mask, oddly enough. Naruto nodded, smiled at Kakashi and went to his seat. Luckily he was up in the front because Naruto loves Science.

Unfortunately for him, the first bell rang and kids started coming to class. He recognized Kiba and Neji but he didn't know anyone else in the class. Naruto was hoping that Kakashi.... damn, that was unusual for Naruto.... wouldn't single out Naruto as the new kid and make everyone say their names.

As soon as that thought crossed his mind, the bell rang and Kakashi walked to the front of the class. "Today, class, we have a new student. Please welcome Naruto Uzumaki." Kakashi stated, gesturing to Naruto. Naruto, turning redder by the second, buried his face into his elbow.

"Since we have a new student, why don't we tell him all out names." Kakashi suggested. There were a few moans from the crowd but nothing more. Naruto didn't pay much attention he just nodded after everyone said their name. Then someone spoke and Naruto started paying attention.

Black hair that turned bluish when the light hit it perfectly. Dark eye's that seemed to hold anger in them. A cold stare that would send shivers down Naruto's spine. He also had an angelic voice to him. He just seem…. pissed about something. Huh, maybe he was another one of those emo kids.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha." he said, talking through his hands that were propped up in front of his mouth.

So there's the first chapter! I'm sorry if you read the first one up, I had problems and technology hates me and the computer crashed and erased everything, even from fanfiction... hmmmm. Anyway, that's why the story went away! :'( I know, it's sad but I have it back up! Yay! I really hope you liked it. Again, PM me if there's anything that bug you thats WRONG with it. I don't want messages saying that you hated it because it was SasuNaru... I know, I love this couple.....

Rock on; Peace out: Mackerz