Hey this is Anbucutie23 and this is story is going to be really hard for me 2 write because it is a TamakixOc and a KyouyaxOc, and I am not a big fan of Tamaki but I am coming around to liking him so I will try it out and see how it goes. Also if you want 2 be in this story message me and I will try to put you in the next chapter just tell me your Oc pairing, what you look like, and your personality, now on with the story and to do the disclaimer… TAMAKI AND KYOUYA YIPEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tamaki: Anbucutie23 does not own Ouran High School Host Club
Kyouya: because if she did we would all die a horrible death.
Anbucutie23: don't make me mad or I will make you a dumb Tamaki look a like with black hair and glasses
Kyouya: That is not possible
Anbucutie23: you wanna bet
Kyouya: fine, we would all live happily ever after, happy now?
Anbucutie23: yes now on with the show!

My sister and I sat on a bench reading a pop info magazine; yea we normally wouldn't do this but the magazine was doing a special on us, The Tansu Sisters: Are they secretly dating the Katsua brothers? More on this and interview with the brothers on page 23, I looked at my sister and said
"Us dating Josh and Nick wow these tabloids are really making up some funny stuff" my sister gave a confused smile and said
"Why do you think they would say we were dating them"
"Probably because we did that song with them and went to lunch with them that one time"
"Oh so what do you want to do about it?"
"Well we have to do our concert with them and that interview with that teen magazine person" My sister frowned and said
"I really don't want to do the interview, but I will, lets go get ready the concert is in an hour and we have to get changed" I smiled and said
"It only takes us 15 minutes to get ready"
"I know, but we do have to rehearse what we are going to say to that magazine person"
"Yea, that is true"

My sister and I got up off the bench and walked to our mansion, which was like 5 minutes away, we just wanted to take a little walk sue is why don't you. After we got in our house our maids ran up to us and said in unison
"What outfits shall we get you Madame Bliss and Madame Star?" my sister and I shook our heads and I said
"We will get our own outfits, you two go get something to eat" my sister smiled and said
"Yea we're big girls we can get our own clothes" the maids looked at us and said
"As you wish, we shall go and eat, good luck at your concert"
"Thank you and have fun on your day off" I said before my sister and I walked up to our room to change into our concert outfits. My sister and I dug around in our closest until we found something we liked, I had a red tank top with the words 'silence is golden and duck tape is silver' a pair of black baggy jeans with silver chains dangling off it, a pair of black vans with skulls on them, a black skull belt, and a black chocker with half a heart on it that said 'big sister'. Star had on a blue tank top with the words 'Eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines' a pair of black jeans that were ripped on the knees, a pair of blue vans with skulls on them, a silver skull belt, and a blue chocker with half a heart on it that said 'little sister'. My sister and I looked at each other, smiled, and went to our concert hall to face our doom. When we arrived at the concert hall fans were lined up to get our autographs or pictures; we smiled waved and ran into our dressing room to get our headphones and my guitar, only to see our new "Bo's" insert gag here I thought silently, and laughed loudly, Josh, Nick, and Star looked at me like 'what are you laughing about, Josh just said his pet gerbil died in his arms' I smiled and said
"Sorry just thought of a really funny joke, what were you saying Josh" he looked at me with daggers in his eyes, which made me think of another joke, 'my mom doesn't glare daggers, no she glares pitchforks,' which made me laugh even more and made Josh more irritable. Once I had stopped laughing, after about 20 minutes, we all left to go to the stage to sing. After the concert we went back to our dressing room, only to see the reporter sitting in a chair smiling, Star and I smiled and said in unison
"Hi there you must be here to do the interview"
"Yes I am, you two must be the Tansu sister nice to meet you" the reporter said as he smiled and pulled out a notebook, tape recorded, and a pencil. Josh, Nick, Star, and I all sat down on a couch, with fake smiles on, ready to answer any questions he threw at us, and trust me he had plenty.
"So Bliss is it true that you don't really play the guitar but it really is a recording?"
"No, I play all my music and my sister and I sing all our songs" I said smiling, the reporter smiled and said scribbling something down on his notebook
"Well is it true that you four are dating"
"No none of us are dating" I put emphasized on the word dating
"Really well thank you for your time it was a pleasure meeting you" the reporter said standing up and walking away, we soon left and went home. The next morning when I woke up I looked at the newspaper and screamed; Star came running into the room saying
"What, what happened?" I shoved the newspaper in her face and said
"Read the front line"
"The Katsua brothers and Tansu sisters are secretly married more on this and more on page 4… WHAT THE HELL" my sister screamed the last part throwing the newspaper down and storming to the phone. Star had dialed some numbers and waited for whoever she called to pick up and when they did she yelled
"What the hell do you think you are doing saying we are married to you and your brother, do you know what this could do to our rep we are only 17 you assholes; and don't try that they took it out of context shit, because I don't know how they take we are married out of any context" there was a pause to where either Josh or Nick could speak, I was betting it was Nick because Star despised Josh, after one of them said something she replied
"I don't care if you didn't mean it, that's it I am never doing a song with you or Josh ever again and neither is Danny so don't expect any hit T.V. shows about us" I was right it was Nick, but that is not the point, I sighed as Star and Nick yelled at each other; I pulled out my laptop on signed on to my pen pal site, to talk to my Japanese friend.
Guitar Princess has signed on
Piano Prince has signed on
Guitar Princess: Hi there so what's up
Piano Prince: nothing much u?
Guitar Princess: not much just some family and friend issues
Piano Prince: sorry to hear about that, is there anyway I can help?
Guitar Princess: you could upload some of your music for me ; )
Piano Prince: alright one sec ok ; )
I waited for a few minutes until it said I have one new file, I clicked on it and I heard him say
"Hope this makes you feel better Princess. It is one of my favorites, Love dream by Liszt, so relax and enjoy" when his voice stopped a beautiful song began to play, I smiled and wrote
Guitar Princess: it is beautiful I love it
Piano Prince: I thought you would like it, now you can play it every night and sleep soundly ^.^
Guitar Princess: I will every night I promise, well I have to go my sister is having another hissy fit so I will talk to you later.
Piano Prince: goodbye Princess, I will sleep peacefully thinking of you and like Romeo, Sleep dwell upon thine eyes, peace in thy breast! Would I were sleep and peace so sweet to rest!
Guitar Princess: and as Juliet said to Romeo Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say good night till it be morrow.
I signed off and closed my laptop, laying in bed playing the lullaby my prince had played for me, drifting off into a deep sleep. I awoke the next morning and still heard my lullaby playing, it stopped and replayed, his sweet voice echoing in my room; I slid out of bed and hit the off button and going into the kitchen. In the kitchen my sister was walking around frantically putting clothes and other belongings in boxes.
"What are you doing Star?" she turned around and said
"We are moving to our other mansion" I looked at her like 'We have thousands of mansions' and said
"Which one?"
"The one in Japan" I smiled as I remember my Prince lived in the same town where our mansion was located.
"So tell me again why are we moving?"
"Because that stupid Nick told the reporter I was bearing his child" I stifled a laugh and said
"Ok well let's pack and go" We packed up all our belongings and got on our private jet, to go to our new home, I sat in my comfortable seat and put my headphones in listing to 'Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven, piano version; closing my eyes and relaxing. My sister shook me roughly saying
"Danny come on get up were here" I opened my eyes and stared at her saying
"Alright I'm up so stop shaking me you are going to brake my MP3 and if you do I will kill you" she stared at me and said
"Is that because you uploaded the files you pen pal sent you" she emphasized on the word pal like he was meant to be something more, I smiled as Clair de Lune played, the version he played for me, mid volume. I stared at my sister and said
"Partly and because if I'm not able to listen to my music I'm going to get very mad at someone, and that someone is you" she glared at me and said
"Fine whatever, now come in we're here and I want to go and get settled in we are going to a prestigious school for rich kids"
"Really what's it called" I asked confused
"Ouran High School"
OK first chapter done and yes I know a few unfamiliar songs, they are very beautiful and you should look them up. Um… like it said at the disclaimer message me if you want to be in my story you can have any host except Tamaki and Kyouya of course and I need all your persons info so please review and all that good stuff, Anbucutie23 out.