A/N: This is the story of Breaking Dawn from Renessmee's POV. The italized words are what Edward hears in his mind. I name the chapters the same as they are in the book.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. All characters belong to Stephenie Meyer.

Chapter One: Too Much Information Alert

I am happy.

"Did you say something?" A low, musical, voice said from across the room. It seemed confused an un-life like but there was a glimmer of hope in it. I wanted to comfort it. I didn't want the voice to be dead, something about it was connected to me and I got a strange feeling but I couldn't place what it was. I wanted to comfort the voice. But I was stuck in this very small space and I couldn't get out. So I decided to reply to the voice.


"Me?" This was another voice. It came from within. It was musical too, but not like the first voice. The first voice was like a lot of music, an orchestra; I believe it's called where as this one was just one instrument. The new voice and I said something at the same time so the first voice didn't here me. It mad me… upset, yes that's the right word. I wanted to be heard. I wanted to be known.

"What are you thinking about right now?" The dead voice had more hope to it. So I decided to try again.

I am thinking that I am warm and safe and… happy. I decided to play nice and not tell the hopeful voice that I hate being in this small space and want to get out.

"Nothing. What's going on?" The internal voice replied to the dead voice. I felt connected to this voice too. This voice was so pretty and soothing, not like the dead voice, that one was frantic but I had a feeling that voice could be soothing too if it didn't worry so much.

"What were you thinking about a minute ago?" The voice was getting more hopeful.

I just told you.

At the same time the internal um… motherly… yes that's what the voice sounded like! Motherly. The motherly voice said "Just… Esme's Island. And feathers."

"Say something else." The first voice whispered to the motherly voice. The first voice was now budding with hope! It made me so happy.

I don't know what to say.

"Like what? Edward, what's going on?" The hopeful voice was named Edward.

I love the sound of the motherly voice.

Then I the fluid around me changed. Suddenly it was very cold. But I wasn't uncomfortable. I invited the coolness, I was connected to it. Then I noticed some pressure on the top part of my cage as it were. I think there… hands. Slowly I put my little hand to touch this hand. I wanted to tell the hand I was connected to it, a part of the hand.

"The f –, It…. The baby likes the sound of your voice." The hand trembled slightly and I knew this hand belonged to Edward.

I lov-


Ow!!! That hurts!!! Stop it! Stop it! I thrashed against my watery cage to make the motherly voice stop speaking so loud. It hurt my ears. But then I felt bad because what I was trapped in moved when I hit it. And the internal, motherly voice was apart of my cage. Then it dawned on me. The voice was my…. Mother.

Then the cold hands moved and mad slow circles to where I had hurt my momma.

I'm sorry momma.

"You startled it." Edward said in a soothing voice. I was right the dead voice could be soothing. The dead voice was alive again.

"Sorry, baby." Then momma's hand was on the opposite side of Edward's and they were both doing small circle motions. Hot and cold hands making me safe. Then I knew I loved these two people. I didn't know if they loved me but I loved them. And that made me happy.

"What's he thinking now?" Momma demanded Edward.

Momma I am happy. I replied to her.

"It…her or she, is… happy." Edward sounded surprised. Of course I am happy.

Then the circling motions of the hands stopped but just for a moment then Momma said "Of course you're happy, pretty baby, of course you are." and starting rubbing again. My mouth twitched upward…a smile. "How could you not be, all safe and warm and loved? I love you so much EJ, of course you're happy."

I didn't have time to dwell on the fact that I didn't like this EJ at all. How could my momma love this EJ but then I realized that she was talking about me and I forgot all about the EJ and marveled over the fact that my momma loved me. She loved me even though I hurt her. My mouth twitched again, my smile grew bigger.

Edward must have picked up this EJ too because he said "What did you call him?"

"I sort of named him. I didn't think you would want… well, know." Momma seemed embarrassed.

"EJ?" Edward said confused.

"Your father's name was Edward, too." So momma was naming me after Edward. Which I guess isn't so bad. I could be an Edward. It was a lot better than EJ though.

"Yes, it was. What -?"

Your voice is so pretty when it's not dead, Edward. I like it. My mouth turned up into a smile again. I was so happy.



"He likes my voice, too."

Of course I do. "Of course he does." Momma and I said at the same time. She was gloating over Edward's voice. "You have the most beautiful voice in the universe. Who wouldn't love it?"

Then a new voice came in. It was envious and I didn't like it. "Do you have a back up plan?" The envy voice said "What if he's a she?" What was this new voice talking about?

"I was kicking a few things around." Momma knew this voice and I could tell that momma like the envy voice. But I couldn't not like anything that momma liked so I had to like this voice. "Playing around with Renee and Esme." Momma continued "I was thinking… Ruh – nez – may."

"Ruhnezmay?" I realized how pretty the envy voice sounded and I liked it even more.

"R-e-n-e-s-m-e-e. Too weird?"

No momma it's wonderful. It fits me. But you want me to be an Edward so I'll be an Edward for you.

"No, I like it, it's beautiful. And one of a kind, so that fits." The envy voice thinks I am one of a kind! I feel as if I am loved by her and so I no longer not like her.

"I still think he's an Edward."

I will be anything for you momma because I love you.

"What? What's he thinking now?" momma asked someone.

Edward and I knew it was Edward because it got cold again in my watery home, for it was no longer a cage to me; he pressed his… head to momma belly where I was living, like he was listening to me. I put my little hand back up to touch Edward's head.

"He loves you, he absolutely adores you."

I love you too Edward. But Edward didn't tell momma I loved him. He kept it to himself.

A few seconds later Edwards head left and I felt alone. I wanted Edward to be there. I wanted to connect to him.

"Ahh." Edward groaned and I was afraid he was upset.

Why are you upset Edward?

He didn't respond. Suddenly I felt momma move and I had a feeling Edward was no longer by momma, he had left her too.

No Edward don't leave!

"Go, Jacob. Get away from here." I felt… relieved that Edward was still there he just wasn't close. But then I forgot about Edward because he had said a name that I could never forget. It was a perfect name, and I loved the name. Jacob.