Harry's Job

As Harry sat thinking about Charlet he heard a small twig snap nearby. He sensed that somebody was watching him, so he slowly got up from the tree and entered through the kitchen door. As he entered everybody looked fearfully at him as his face was set in a stony mask.

"James, take everybody up to the attic, and put the metal door lock on. Also set the alarm. And whatever you do don't look out the window."

Ron was sat at the kitchen table looking very confused. "Harry, what are you talking about? What's wrong?"

"JUST DO IT RON!" Everyone quickly flinched at his loud, harsh voice. Sarah quickly stood up from the chair with Lily on her hip. "Harry, what's happening?"

"James you look after Toby and Lily, Sarah, you take Rachel. Everyone please follow James, and don't ask any questions."

Sarah had a scared and anxious look on her face and when she passed Lily to James and picked up Rachel, everyone stood from the table without hesitation or questions and followed James out the door to the attic. Once they had all left the kitchen Harry locked the kitchen door and went towards the basement.

-*Meanwhile in the attic*-

The Weasley's, Sarah, Rachel, Lily, James and Toby where firmly locked in the large attic room with the metal door locked. James knew that something big was about to happen because his dad never used this room unless the family was in danger, he had only ever been in the attic once before, and he was scared.

Molly Weasley quickly walked over to where James stood. "James, what's going on?"

James looked up into Molly Weasley's worried face which mirrored his own. "I don't know. We never come up here unless dad thinks we are in extreme danger. That's what the metal door is for. We are safe in here; it's protected with lots of spells, he transferred this room from our old house when we moved in here permanently. I've only ever been up here once before when I was five. Something really bad must be happening. He told us to not look out the window; that must mean he doesn't want us to see anything."

"What could possibly be so dangerous that he would have to lock us up in here Arthur, I don't understand." Arthur walked over to Molly and took her hand.

"All we can do is wait Molly." As soon as the words left Arthur's mouth a loud gun shot rang out, followed by a large scream.

-*Back outside in the garden*-

In the basement Harry had picked up his Walther PPK shot gun and safely secured it to his foot, he then picked up his 5.56mm assault rifle and various knives, and grenades, he also kept his wand tucked safely away in his wand holster, just in case. Safely secured with all of his weapons he slowly stepped out into the garden. He knew that they had found him and where out there somewhere, he couldn't see anyone so he slowly stepped forward. At that moment he saw a man step out from behind the garden shed and shoot at him, he screamed loudly as the bullet pierced his left shoulder. He knew the neighbours couldn't see or hear him because he had put up a very strong silencing charm and protective charms. He knew he couldn't use a muggle repellent charm as the man attacking him was a muggle.

Harry quickly ducked behind the large willow tree and pressed his hand to his bleeding left shoulder. Harry quickly pulled out a grenade from his weapons belt, pulled the catch with his mouth and threw it towards the shed. After a few seconds a large explosion rocked the ground. Harry peered back around the tree and saw a few flames and lots of smoke. He cautiously stepped out from behind the tree and started walking apprehensively towards the smoke.

He couldn't see anything in front of him but he raised his gun in front of him protectively. Then suddenly an arm came out from the smoke, grabbed his left arm and kicked the gun out of his right hand. Harry quickly fell to the ground and retrieved his gun. He shot a stream of bullets at the man as he rolled away from him. As he stood, the man kicked the gun out of his hand and then side kicked him in the jaw. Harry once again fell to the ground, but he suddenly twisted his leg towards the man and swept him off his feet.

He jumped up and ran towards the man's hand and knocked his gun away. The man quickly kicked Harry in the stomach and he stumbled backwards. The man flipped back up so he was standing level with Harry. He quickly withdrew a knife from his belt and ran towards Harry.

-*Meanwhile in the attic*-

Everyone screamed at the sound of the gun and Harry's cry. They all quickly rushed towards the large, double attic windows. They all saw Harry pressing a hand against the bullet wound on his left shoulder.

They watched as Harry pulled out a grenade and threw it towards the shed. Nothing happened for a few seconds, until…BOOM! The whole attic room shook with the large explosion and they all had to hold on to the wall to right themselves.

"What on earth has Harry gotten himself into?" Molly asked no one in particular. She suddenly turned to Harry's eldest, James.

"Do you know what's going on James?"

James looked up at her just as shocked and confused as she was. "I have no idea. I mean I know he had another job before he was a teacher, but, I didn't know it was…" his voice trailed off slightly towards the end. They all watched as Harry cautiously walked towards the shed and a man appeared from the smoke. They all watched in fascination as Harry fought with the man, they didn't realise that he could fight like that, that was until they saw Harry unarmed and the man running towards him with a knife.

"Oh my god!" cried Ginny.

-*Back outside in the garden*-

As the man came running towards Harry with a knife in his hand, his first thought was 'Crap, I'm unarmed!' Harry quickly prepared himself and as the man went to stab him in the stomach Harry grabbed the man's arm and twisted it until the man dropped the knife and screamed in pain. Harry punched the man hard across the face and he fell to the ground. Harry quickly flipped him over onto his stomach and held onto his arms, pushing the man's face into the ground while his knee rested on the man's back.

"Who sent you?" he asked. The man made no sound so Harry pulled his head back and crashed it back into the ground. "I said who sent you!"

"I'll never tell you" the man grunted. Harry dug his knee painfully into the man's back till he cried out in pain.

"Well if you're not going to tell me anything I guess I'll have to kill you then won't I?"

"Go ahead" the man said as he tried to struggle free "I don't give a fuck!" Harry seemed slightly confused but he did something unexpected. He let go of the man's arms, releasing him and standing up.

"Go, and tell whoever sent you that if they send someone again they won't be coming back." The man seemed relieved that he was being sent free. As Harry turned his back to walk away the man noticed his gun lying mere feet away from him. He looked again at Harry's back and then towards the gun again. He scooted over towards the gun and fired it at Harry. Just as he went to shoot Harry whirled around to face him and the bullet pierced his stomach.

Harry held his hand on the wound in his stomach and pulled the shot gun from his holster on his ankle and shot it at the man where it pierced his head, and he fell to the ground, dead.

-*Meanwhile in the attic*-

James had watched the whole thing in fear, and Sarah was just staring blankly out the window. Hermione was trying to look after Lily and Toby but all they wanted was their dad. After Harry killed the unknown man they saw Harry stumble away and through the kitchen door below them. James ran for the door waiting for it to open. He knew that as soon as Harry re-entered the house the wards on the door would be let down and the door would unlock.

It seemed an eternity to James before the door unlocked with a small click. He quickly ran through the door and downstairs, followed bye everyone else, all the while screaming for his dad. He quickly found him in the study still holding onto his bleeding stomach, his arm wound completely forgotten. "Dad!" James shouted.

Harry quickly looked up from the small couch. "James, I told you to stay in the attic!" Just then everyone else streamed through the door and into the study. Sarah quickly handed Rachel to Ginny and ran towards Harry. "Harry, are you alright! Look your bleeding so badly, shall I take the kids out?"

"Yes please, they shouldn't see me like this."

Mrs Weasley had heard their conversation and took Rachel from Ginny's arms. "Come on children, why don't we go to the kitchen and bake some cookies, your Dad will get patched up and see you later. Now, don't argue, come on, quick, quick!" Ginny had picked up little Lily and followed her mother and James and Toby out the door.

Ron and Hermione where going frantic, while George and Mr Weasley just looked on in shock and confusion. Sarah was the only one that seemed capable of helping out. Harry had his hand pressed hard on the wound, and then he suddenly took his wand from his wand holster strapped to his arm. He quickly pointed the wand to his stomach and said "accio bullet" Harry had to bite back a cry as the bullet came whizzing out from his stomach. That was the hard part over at least. He then pointed to his stomach again and muttered "sano a vulnus" and his stomach wound closed up quickly and neatly and Harry took a long, deep breath.

"That was the easy part" he muttered. "Hermione, can you conjure me a round, cylinder shaped piece of wood please, just smaller than the size of a ruler?"

Hermione looked at him confused "What on earth for?" Harry looked at her and grimaced "You'll see." Hermione complied and quickly conjured the wood and passed it to Harry. All of them where curious as to what it was for. He quickly placed it in his mouth and pointed his wand to his left arm where blood was steadily seeping out, he was beginning to feel a bit light headed. He silently accio'd the bullet from his arm, which was embedded deeply into the muscle and bit back a loud cry as he bit down hard on the piece of wood.

After the bullet was removed he quickly sealed the wound and removed the wood from his mouth. He closed his eyes for a moment, revelling in the feeling of not being in pain anymore. He felt Sarah put a hand on his arm lightly "Harry, I thought you stopped this."

"I did Sarah, why do you think I quit my job and decided to become a teacher! They must have found me; god knows how many people I pissed off whilst doing that job!"

"Harry, what on earth have you gotten yourself into now! We want an explanation right now!" shouted Hermione worriedly. Harry gave a large sigh and his shoulders visibly hunched in the chair. Everyone watched Harry patiently and curiously as he seemed to collect his thoughts.

"When I was travelling, I briefly trained and worked with the government in some special missions for about two years. After I met Charlet and James was born, I knew it was too dangerous to continue with so I quit and decided to become a teacher. There have only been two other instances like this before but it's been quiet for so many years now, I thought it was all over with."

"James did mention something about when you had to send him to the attic when he was younger" Ron mentioned quickly. Harry looked shocked "He remembers that? I thought he was too young to remember." Sarah took his hand in hers and looked at him seriously.

"Harry, you know what you have to do." He gently patted her hand "I know. I'll do everything I can to protect them."

Authors note: So another chapter at last! I have to apologise profusely for not updating, real life got very hectic as I started university and then my mum was diagnosed with a rare type of ovarian cancer so I was busy helping her get through that. But now life is back to normal and I had a day off to finish this chapter. I didn't know what to choose for Harry's job so I decided to give him two. Hope you like it, I hope it's not too OOC for Harry. But even if it is, really sorry but I just kept dreaming of this scene for months and it wouldn't go away. It may seem a bit unrealistic at the moment but I have many more plans for later chapters. Please read and review!

Also, I remember reading a really great Harry/Hermione story once and I thought I added it to my faves but I can't seem to find it and wondered if anyone knew where I can find it and what the link is? It's after Voldemort's defeat (I think!) and the trio return to Hogwarts and Hermione is with Ron. Hermione and Harry begin a love affair and it ends with Hermione leaving after two separate arguments with Ron and Harry. In the end Hermione returns and is pregnant and Ron thinks it is his (as does Harry) after they all think Hermione and Ron drunkenly slept together (which they didn't, Ron slept with Luna instead). Also features a Draco/Ginny relationship in which she is also pregnant. Also at the start of term feast a questionnaire type quiz is handed out in which people wrote down people for awards, and Harry/Hermione win best couple even though they aren't together. I really loved this story and would love it if someone knew where I could find it! Thank you!