A/N Sorry about the ridiculously long wait. Real life and all that. I'm back now though, and I WILL finish this story. We're just getting to the good stuff! LOL

Huge Huge thanks to all the favourites and alerts I've gotten in my hiatus, and all the PM's asking me to come back and finished because you loved it. It brightened up a trying time in my life, and I dedicate this chapter to all my loyal readers who never lost faith in me and continued to love my story.

Disclaimer - SM owns all.

Chapter 15

I kept a close eye on Bella for several hours. Her body temperature changed so frequently, and I didn't want to run the risk of her waking up.

"Jacob" I whispered, shaking him slightly.

"What? Go away, bloodsucker. I'm sleeping."

"Bella's overheating, Dog. Get your flea-bitten, mangey fur away from her." Rosalie snapped from across the room.

"Shut it, Blondie." Jacob muttered, but shifted on the couch away from Bella. He stretched and figured this would be a good time to run some legs of the route everyone was planning to take to hunt.

"Thank you." I said quietly. "If the route is clear, they'll go today."

"I'll let you know." He said as he stood and stretched. He quickly crossed the room and was out the front door.

"Finally!" Rosalie huffed. "Now if only the stink would leave with him."

Carlisle, Emmett and Jasper came down into the room as soon as Jake left. "Son, can I steal you away for a moment?"

I looked down at Bella, asleep and curled up at my side. Anxiety washed over me. Intellectually I knew that if I had to leave her side for a moment or two, it was best if she was sleeping, but emotionally it was so stressful on me to leave her at all right now. I felt a wave of calm wash over me.

"Don't worry, Edward. We'll take good care of her. You'll still be in the house and will be able to hear everything."

I nodded. "Emmett, can you sit with her and keep her cool?"

"Sure thing, Bro."

I stood up from the couch and crossed the room. Carlisle gestured towards the stairs. "Let's head up to the attic."

Once in the attic, Carlisle opened a drawer and pulled out a metal syringe. "It's stainless steel. Should hold the venom until we need it. I would feel more comfortable if we had it on hand before the rest of us left camping, just in case."

I nodded and took the syringe from him, letting the venom flow freely into my mouth. When I had enough pooled in my mouth, I put the tip of the syringe in and sucked the venom into it. When it was full, I capped it and help it in my hand. I stared at it for a minute or two, a multitude of emotions swirled through me. It was absolutely surreal that at this moment I was holding in my hand the item, that in just a few days, would make Bella just like me. An immortal. Mine, forever.

"I think I'll need to pick up more blood, while we're on our hunting trip. Bella's been going through quite a bit, and our supply is getting quite low."

I nodded "Sounds good. Jacob's pack is out scouting the area. As soon as I get the nod from him, you can go. Is everything set up and ready for the birth?"

"Yes, everything is ready. As soon as we're back, I'll check Bella again and we can decide how long we want to wait."

"Whatever you think is best Carlisle." I said "Is there anything else?"

"No that's everything. Go back to your wife now, son."

When I reentered the the living room I found Bella curled up against Emmett, talking in her sleep. It tried to ignore her mumblings as much as I could. She was dreaming about happier times, mostly the island it seemed. I had a hard time thinking about those things. I refused to think about our honeymoon, I couldn't even bear to think about the wedding. At this point, I was just trying my hardest to keep my mind from slipping into the darkness it was in when I left Bella after her 18th birthday. I couldn't allow myself to think about her being better off without me. We had already come to the conclusion that we couldn't live without the other.

Alice's thoughts weren't doing me much good either. She was still trying her hardest to see Bella after the birth, but there was always a wall blocking any visions of Bella or the thing she was carrying. Alice was not happy with her malfunctioning talent, and extremely worried about her best friend. She was so sure with her vision of Bella as one of us, spending her eternity with the rest of our family, and now that she could no longer get that vision she was getting more and more depressed. Alice's heart was breaking almost as much as mine, every time something new came up with this unnatural pregnancy. She had lost that spark in her eyes, and no longer seemed to exude happiness. She would be devastated if anything went wrong and we lost Bella.

Bella hummed happily against Emmett and slid her hands down around her belly, hugging it in her sleep. She looked so peaceful and happy, and I tried my hardest not to think about what that thing growing in her stomach was doing to the family. Her eyes shot open suddenly, and she arched her back letting out a loud gasp. I was at her side instantly, pulling her from Emmett, who was terrified he'd done something wrong.

"Bella, Love, what is it?"

"Ed - ward." She choked out. "Ow." she slid her hands down her stomach to her pelvic bone. "He kicked"

"You need an Xray." I picked her up quickly and started across the room

"Don't be ridiculous, Edward." Rosalie said "Nothing is broken. I didn't hear a bone break."

I growled at my sister, and tried my hardest not to think about darting across the room and ripping her to shreds. I continued up the stairs with Bella, while Emmett mentally apologized for his wife's behaviour. Rosalie huffed, put out that she'd have to get up and come upstairs for an Xray she thought was silly and a waste of time.

Carlisle was waiting for us when we entered the attic. Everything's all set up, Son. Just set her down on the table for me. I'm pretty sure Rose is right, I didn't hear a break, but it's always better safe than sorry.

I grumbled under my breath and set Bella down on the Xray table. She grabbed my arm as I was walking away and gave me a small smile. I smiled back and leaned over to kiss her cheek. "Just hold still, Love. I'll be right over here."

"I think I'm an expert at taking an Xray by now. Do you remember who you're married too?" Bella replied sarcastically.

I chuckled lightly. "Of course, Love"

Carlisle took the Xrays of Bella's pelvis, and Rosalie came over to look over my shoulder when we were looking at the images.

"See! I told you I didn't hear a crack. You need your ears checked, Edward."

I let a scowl cross my face and shot a glance to Emmett who was across the attic from us.

I know, Bro. But please don't rip my wife apart. I actually do love her. She doesn't mean to be so…umm…hard to take?

I rolled my eyes at his careful choice of words, hard to take wasn't the choice of words I would use right now. The names that were crossing my mind right now would make my mother shudder in her grave, and probably shock Esme (not to mention the rest of the family)

I turned to Bella when I was sure I had successfully wiped the scowl of my face. Rosalie was handing her a cup of blood, as Bella looked awfully pale. "Are you in pain, Love?"

"I'm still a little sore from his kick. He's just getting so big and every movement feels like he's trying to burst his way out. I'll be ok"

"Why don't we head downstairs? Jacob is here. Carlisle he would like to talk to you." I tried to ignore the smile that spread across her face, or the way her whole demeanour brightened at the mention of his name. It seemed the further along in her pregnancy she got, the more attached to Jacob she became. I couldn't understand how she could insist she was so in love with me, that she would risk her life for our child, but still be so affected by Jacob. I worried with each day, that as this pregnancy went on and got more and more painful for her, she was beginning to realize that she made a mistake and picked the wrong person. It was obvious when she looked at me, that she did love me, but perhaps that was no longer enough for her? If she made it through this, and chose to stay with me, we would have to go off on our own for a while. Get away from Jacob. She needed time to get over him. We needed to concentrate on us for a few decades. Maybe by the time we returned, Jacob will have imprinted.

We headed down the stairs. I tried my hardest to compensate for any movement that may hurt her. I wanted to prevent as much pain as I could.

"Jake." She whispered and smiled another one of her brilliant smiles that seemed to be only reserved for Jacob these days. I ignored his presence completely. Focusing in on anything I could to avoid his mind. I knew it was childish, but I couldn't handle hearing his love for my wife right now. I was too busy agonizing over her love for him.

"Carlisle. We went half way to Seattle. There's no sign of the pack. You're good to go."

"Thank you, Jacob. This is good timing. There's much we need." He mentally tallied the amount of blood left in the fridge. Not quite enough to last a day. He was desperate to get more back to the house before we ran out, and he'd have to resort to more drastic measures.

"Honestly," Jacob said. "I think you're safe to take more than three. I'm pretty positive that Sam is concentrating on La Push."

Carlisle nodded, thinking it would probably be best to take more than 3. He could send Jasper and Alice home early with a few necessities, while he gathered more, just in case. "If you think so. Alice, Esme, Jasper and I will go. Then Alice can take Emmett and Rosa--"

"Not a chance." Rosalie hissed, crossing her arms and sticking her chin up in the air like a spoiled child. "Emmett can go with you now."

"You should hunt" Carlisle pleaded.

"I'll hunt we he does." She growled, jerking her head towards me. I rolled my eyes at her, not amused at all by her mental insinuations that I would harm the baby if she weren't here.

Emmett and Jasper rushed down the stairs. Emmett was trying to figure out a way to talk his wife into hunting, but decided it was for the best if he just left it alone. He missed her terribly and really wanted some time away with her, but he knew her need for a baby, and that it was pointless to try and get her away from Bella right now.

Alice and Esme joined the boys at the back door, and after thanking Jacob, Carlisle joined the other four and they headed out. I missed Emmett immediately. I'd taken to concentrating on his mind since we'd been back. He was upset about the situation enough that his mind was no longer so childish, he'd stopped teasing me on a constant loop, but out of the rest of the family, his mind was still the most joyous.

Jacob sauntered over to one of the arm chairs, and flung himself down, making sure to stick out his limbs just enough to upset Rosalie.

"Ew. Someone put the dog out."

"Have you heard this one, Psycho?" He asked her. "How do a blonde's brain cells die?"

Go jump in front of a bus, Dog.

"Well? Do you know the punch line or not."

I'd like to punch you, you stupid mutt. Get the hell out of my house.

"Has she heard it?" Jacob asked, turning to me.

I didn't appreciate being pulled into this little feud. I knew the punch line to his joke, and it wouldn't be a pretty sight when Rosalie heard it. I didn't look away from Bella when I answered him, "No."

"Awesome. You'll enjoy this, Bloodsucker." He said, turning to Rosalie. "A blonde's brain cells die alone."

Rosalie's reaction surprised me. I was sure she would fly into one of her rages, but instead an image of her laying in the street, broken and hurting flashed in her mind. I saw a quick look of absolute devastation and sadness cross her face before she caught herself, and straightened her face out to a look of boredom. "I have killed a hundred times more than you have, you disgusting beast. Don't forget that." She said calmly.

"Someday, Beauty Queen, you're going to get tired of just threatening me. I'm really looking forward to that."

"Enough, Jacob." Bella said, sharply. A scowl crossing her face.

"You want me to take off?" Jacob hoped and feared at the same time.

Her face straightened out and the scowl was replaced by surprise "No! Of course not."

I let a small sigh slip, thankful that Bella wouldn't be able to hear it. I was secretly hoping that she had gotten upset with him, and would ask him to leave.

"You look tired." Bella said, sounding concerned.

"Dead Beat."

"I'd like to beat you dead." Rosalie muttered. I only felt a little guilty when I admitted to myself that I had wanted to do the same thing on many occasions.

Jacob just slumped further down into the chair, a little smirk on his face.

"Rosalie?" Bella whispered "Would you mind filling my cup back up?" Bella's face blushed a deep red. She still felt embarrassment at the rate she was drinking blood right now, even though we'd all assured her that no one was judging her, and we all understood.

Rosalie grabbed the cup and flitted from the room, happy to be away from Jacob.

where…blood… thirsty…

I furrowed my brow, trying to figure out where the new voice in my head was coming from. I didn't smell an unfamiliar scent anywhere around the house. Jacob, and certainly Seth or Leah, would have smelled an unfamiliar vampire in the area as well. I looked up at Bella, who was chewing on her bottom lip, thinking about something intently. Surely I didn't…hear her?

"Did you say something?" I asked

She looked over to me, confused. "Me? I didn't say anything"


I moved onto my knees, leaning over Bella and concentrating on her to try and hear more than just the snippets I was getting. Was I finally getting a glimpse into Bella's mind?

"What were you thinking about just now?" I asked, hopeful it was something about her mom.

"Just…Esme's island. And feathers."

I was upset for a split second, fearing that I wasn't actually hearing my Love's mind like I'd hoped, when it occurred to me that Bella wouldn't refer to Renee as "Mommy", but she did refer to herself as Mommy.

"Say something else." I whispered, hoping her voice would trigger again what I thought I was hearing.

"Like what? Edward, what's going on?" She asked. This time, the voice in my head was louder, and clearer. I was getting easier to hear.

My Mommy... beautiful voice.

I was only vaguely aware that there were others in the room, from their gasps, when I placed my hands on Bella's stomach. I was staring intently at it, trying to listen for more from my child.

"The f-… It… the baby likes the sound of your voice."

"Holy Crow!" Bella shouted "You can hear him!" and then she winced.

I moved my hand up to rub the spot that our baby had just kicked. "Shh. You startled it… him."

Bella rubbed her hands up and down the side of her belly. "Sorry Baby"

I listened intently, trying to make out as much as I could. It was still mostly coming in snippets, and was very quiet sometimes. I wondered if it would always be like this, had it inherited some of Bella's silent mind, or was it simply because he was young? I was only catching words here and there, occasionally the odd 3-4 word sentence.

"What's he thinking now?" Bella asked me after a moment.

"It… he or she, is… " I looked up at Bella, finally understanding her love and devotion to our child. "He's happy," Bella's face lit up and two tears ran silently down her cheeks.

"Of course you're happy, pretty baby, of course you are. How could you not be, all safe and warm and loved? I love you so much, little EJ, of course you're happy."

"What did you call him?" I asked, my curiosity piqued. Had she really picked out names?

Bella blushed, "I sort of named him. I didn't think you would want…well you know."

"EJ?" I asked

"Your father's name was Edward, too." She said

"Yes, it was. What - "I started, but was startled by my son or daughter's thoughts breaking my train of thought. "Hmmmm"

"What?" Bella asked.

"He likes my voice too." I said, amazed

"Of course he does. You have the most beautiful voice in the universe. Who wouldn't love it?"

"Do you have a back up plan?" Rosalie asked "What if he's a she?"

"I kicked a few things around." Bella answered, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "Playing with Renee and Esme. I was thinking Renesmee."

"Ruhnezmay?" Rosalie asked

"R-e-n-e-s-m-e-e. Too weird?"

No, I like it." Rosalie said, "It's beautiful. And one of a kind, so that fits." Rosalie was tossing both names around in her head. Liking the girl name, but not convinced on EJ. She was hoping Emmett would call him Eddie and it would stick. No way were they naming my son Eddie.

"I still think he's an Edward." She said confidently.

I liked Renesmee a lot better than EJ as well, and was secretly hoping for a daughter over a son. A beautiful little girl that looked just like her mother, that I could spoil to my hearts content.

"What?" Bella asked me, "What's he thinking now?"

Words of love and contentment hit me every time Bella spoke or touched her belly. I laid my head against her stomach trying to get a better listen to everything he or she was thinking.

"He loves you." I whispered. "He absolutely adores you!"

All of a sudden, Jacob jumped up to his feet. All three of us snapped our heads up in his direction. I had been so busy concentrating on listening to our child, that I was actually surprised by Jacob's reaction. Hatred for the child and disappointment in me swam around his head. A flash of what Bella and I looked like bent over her stomach, our eyes glowing with love for our child, flashed through his mind. He felt like he lost his only ally in his hatred for the thing that was destroying his Bella.

He was unsure what to do, he wanted to bolt, but seemed frozen in place. I ran over the the end table and grabbed the keys to my Aston Martin and threw them at him.

"Go, Jacob." I urged him, knowing his need to get out of here and blow off some steam.

He ran from the room and into the garage. I heard him tear down the driveway, and snuck a quick glance out the window, hoping this wouldn't be the last time I saw my car in one piece.

Are you insane? You lent him the Aston Martin? Rosalie thought

"He's a car guy." I explained. "I know he would have no problem wrecking the Volvo, I'm hoping his love for fine pieces of machinery stops him from wrecking the Vanquish."

"Where is he going?" Bella asked, looking hurt.

"He just needs some time, Love. He'll be back."