Chapter 2

Disclaimer: Yup Ed and Roy are mine. Of course I…the documentation? …I…uh Roy burned it? …damn now the lawyers are coming

Thank you to all the reviews that made me get off my arse to at least finish this chappie. I am concentrating on my own story Assassins as well as a XO with HP so this may not be updated often im afaid. Please Keep reviewing guys! And remember to tell me what I can improve!

Roy smiled as he tucked the sleeping chimera into the guest bed. He had fallen asleep after the colonel said he would take him home. They couldn't keep him anywhere else or he would probably be sent to the labs for testing. Roy watched the boy before leaving and returning to his lounge, where Riza was sitting.

'Sir, do you think he will tell us what happened?' she questioned as he sat in his lazy boy. Roy sighed, 'I don't know. I can only hope so. And that he returns to his old personality. The only problem now is the fact we probably can't undo the process that turned him into a chimera. I'll keep him here for now; Hakuro can go a few days without me. Can you cover it?'

Riza nodded, 'of course sir, take the week off. I wish you luck.' With that she stood up, gave a small bow and left. Roy stayed sat in his chair after pulling out a metal chain, two silver and gold rings laying together before he started playing with them. Slowly his gaze drifted round the room before landing on the liquor cupboard, filled after his last session.

He sighed again, thinking about the reason for his last one. It was a month before now, nine after the Fuhrer made them stop looking for Ed. Every month, on that night, he would wallow in his guilt, for letting Ed run off, letting him get captured and for letting Alphonse die. He was pulled out of his thoughts at the light sound of uneven steps, making him turn to look at the door.

Stood in a too long shirt was Ed, a blanket clutched in his left hand whilst he rubbed his eyes with his right. His ears were relaxed sleepily and his tail was gently swaying beneath the end of the shirt. Roy smiled gently at the sight and soothingly said, 'what's wrong Autumn?' Ed looked at him with a tired fear before whispering, 'I-I had an n-nightmare.'

Roy patted his leg, 'come here Autumn, tell me about it.' Ed hesitated for a second before cautiously making his way over. He jumped as Roy lightly chuckled, 'I'm not going to hurt you. I promised didn't I?' Ed nodded and moved slightly faster over to Roy before climbing onto his lap and curling up, head on Roy's shoulder.

'Tell me what your nightmare was Autumn,' Roy said as he settled comfortably back with the chimera, holding him gently, patting his hair. Ed's ears lowered and his tail wrapped protectively around his legs as he whispered, 'I-I dreamt that M-Master had done one of his experiments on me. It was one of the painful ones. He would put me on the metal table and inject me with different things. The last one he did made me heal fast.'

'I-I also dreamt of how he used to touch me…' Ed's face went red and he buried it into Roy's neck, his ears back. Roy was scowling. How dare the man who'd hurt Ed so much do anything else to him. Roy gently placed a chaste kiss on the chimera's head, 'don't worry Autumn, no-one is going to touch you like that again unless you let them.'

Ed looked up at Roy with one red eye before whispering, 'thank you' and closing his eyes, falling asleep on the colonel. Roy smiled before picking the chimera up and carrying him back to his room. He gently put the boy under the blankets before giving him another fatherly kiss on the forehead, watching how his ears flicked slightly at his breath.


Ed woke up to the smell of cooking the next morning. Slowly he sat up and yawned, rubbing his eyes sleepily. He climbed out of the bed, and padded softly to the door. Opening it a little, he slowly poked his head out. His ears twitched as he caught voices down the hall. Taking a deep breath he stepped out, making his way slowly to the voices.

As he got closer, he could hear what the voices were saying, 'we need to see if Ed is willing to take us back to where he was held. There could be others like him and we can get the bastard that did this.' Ed's ears twitched as he reached the door, slowly peaking round it. Roy was stood at the stove, slowly stirring something in a pot. Across from him was another man. He had short black hair, green eyes hidden by square glasses and the start of a beard.

'Maes, I can't force him to do that. Even if he was himself and calling me Bastard like normal I wouldn't. I can't.' the man, Maes, just looked at Roy before turning and spotting the chimera. Ed flinched, his ears going back. Maes' eyes softened as he said, 'Roy.' Roy turned to see his friend looking towards the door. Following his line of sight he saw Ed hiding behind the door.

'Autumn, come here,' he said softly, holding a hand out. Ed cast a frightened glance at Maes before padding over to Roy, taking hold of his hand. He gave a small noise of surprise as Roy picked him up and gave him a hug, 'did you sleep alright?' Ed nodded and Roy gave a small smile. He nodded towards Maes and said, 'this man here is a friend alright. His name is Maes Hughes; he wants to ask you a few questions. Will you be able to answer him?' Ed nodded again and, when Roy put him down he padded over to Maes, taking his hand.

Maes smiled down at him, taking him over to the couch, 'hi there Autumn. How have you been since the accident?' Ed smiled shyly back and said softly, 'I-I've been fine. R-Roy's been very kind' Maes smiled, 'that's good. If he hadn't I would be telling him off. Now Autumn, I need you to answer some questions for me... can you do that?' Ed nodded and Maes smiled at him.

'Alright Autumn, can you let me know if you recognize this man,' he held a photo out to Ed. He didn't expect the reaction he got though. Ed's eyes went wide and fearful, his ears were pinned back and his tail fluffed up. Maes raised an eyebrow, and nodded, 'alright Autumn, you don't have to say who it is. I think I have a good idea,' he pulled the photo of the man away, watching as Ed started to relax, but not let his guard down.

'Autumn, I need to ask you a favor, is that ok?' slowly Ed nodded, gaze still weary. Maes slowly put his notepad down, 'Autumn if I asked you to take us back to where you were do you think you would be able to?' Ed just looked at him, ears ducked but not back before he managed to whisper, 'y-you wouldn't make me st-stay there, would you?' Maes smiled softly and shook his head, 'no. we just want to make sure that we can help anyone who may be there. Would that be ok?'

Slowly Ed nodded, 'I-I can free W-Winter?' Maes nodded, slightly confused, 'you can. But I thought you didn't like Winter.' Ed shook his head, frowning, 'no Winter is like me. He's my friend. But he can be scary when he has orders.' Maes was about to open his mouth again when Roy walked into the room, 'alright breakfast is ready. Maes I think that will be enough for now.'

Maes shut his mouth and smiled, nodding to Roy, 'alright, I think I have enough for today any way. Autumn I'll see you later alright?' Ed nodded before walking over to Roy, gracing him with a small smile before he continued on into the dining room. Roy watched him go, a sad smile on his face before he turned to Maes, 'what did he tell you?' he asked softly.

Maes sighed and ran a hand through his hair, 'well let's just say that he doesn't hate Winter. Hopefully we will be able to get to him before that psycho who did this to him does. Will you be coming with us?' Roy nodded, 'of course I am. I can't leave Ed thinking I would leave him alone. We need the old Ed back.' Maes nodded in response before bidding Roy farewell and leaving.


The next couple of days passed without incident. Ed was given his old clothes back, not that he knew they used to be his, and with a bit of re jigging so his tail was free of the trousers, they fit perfectly. Ed was sat in the back of the car, palms resting on the windows as he stared out at the passing scenery, his ears hidden by a cap.

It didn't take long for them to leave the city. Based on Ed's description, they knew the place where his 'Master' was. After an hour drive they finally got to the place they had been looking for, the car and three trucks ground to a halt as the soldiers got out the trucks. Roy gave Ed a comforting smile and said, 'do you want to come with us?'

Ed nodded, 'W-Winter may attack…if he hasn't disobeyed again. I-if I go I may be able to stop him from hurting anyone.' Roy nodded, getting out of the car, Ed following. The first lot of soldiers had already gone in, the second lot waiting for the colonel to arrive. When he did, he nodded and they hurried in.

Only to be assaulted by the smell of blood and the cries of soldiers from further in. Roy swore and looked back, seeing Ed's panic filled eyes, 'Autumn I want you to stay close to me, no running off alright.' Ed nodded and moved quickly, following Roy in the direction the sounds were coming from. As they got closer, the sounds stopped, though the smell of blood got stronger.

Roy paused at an open door. It seemed the smell was strongest in here. He raised a gloved hand, eyes narrowed as he stepped round the door. The room was covered in red. The walls and floor were drenched and the ceiling had directional sprays of blood splattered all over it. The single light in the room glowed an eerie red color from the coat that rested on it. Mangled bodies in purple-blue uniforms lay around the room and stood in the center, covered in blood and staring with blank eyes, was a young boy.

Roy knew instantly that this boy wasn't normal. Even if you ignored the ears and tail he would have said he was abnormal. His hair, whilst having splotches of pink, was a soft silvery-gray, which was nearly as long as Ed's, going just past his shoulders. His eyes were mismatched, his right eye silver grey, matching his hair, and the other was a gold that could compare to Ed's. There were also his tattoos. A pentacle on his right cheek whilst a black line twisted down his face and past his neck.

He was small built, though obviously strong. He was wearing black trousers, the right pant leg cut off, the left hugging his leg close, and his top was a blue gray color, and was attached more at one shoulder, though he had a sleeve on the other, both sleeves long and covering his hands. On his feet he wore long boots, the front with zippers on, with a small flat heel. His ears were the same silver as his hair and were in a seemingly relaxed position and his tail was still, though hanging behind him, also a silver grey.

Roy looked over the boy again and Roy could see the faint outlines of tears on the boys cheeks, though his blank eyes showed no emotion. Ed cautiously looked round the door and as soon as he saw the boy he gasped and ran forward, ignoring Roy's warning, 'WINTER!' the boy, Winter, slowly blinked before a bit of life came back into his eyes, 'Winter it's me Autumn. Come on snap out of it.'

Winter blinked again before shaking his head, eyes shut. When he next opened them they were full of life. As well as a fire that reminded Roy of a certain shrimp. Winter's eyes settled on Ed as his ears perked, 'Autumn-nii?' Ed smiled softly, 'yeah it's me Winter. And these people are going to help us. We can be free.' Winter's ears lowered slightly, 'but Autumn-nii…'

Ed shook his head silencing what the young boy was going to say, 'no. you won't do to me what you had to do to Spring and Summer.' Winter's ears were flat at this point, sadness filling his eyes as he nodded and turned to Roy for the first time, 'if Autumn-nii trusts you then I suppose I can. Though one wrong move and I won't hesitate.' Roy nodded, 'understood. Can you take us to where your 'Master' is?'

Winter smirked and nodded before walking out of the room, eyeing the soldiers that were outside the door wearily. Ed followed with Roy close behind him. They were quiet down the halls, their footsteps muffled as they stepped carefully, only Winter and Ed walking normally, though their steps were silent. Winter stopped at a plain door, a superlative door ahead of them in the corridor. When Roy pointed to the door Ed spotted him and shook his head.

'That leads to the Chimera pits. Most people who rush in and manage to survive Winter think that leads to Master but it doesn't.' Roy nodded and looked over to Winter who had turned back to him, annoyance clear on his face. Roy bowed his head to him and watched in amazement as the boy typed something so fast that his hand was a blur. Ed blinked, 'it's changed?' Winter nodded, 'he didn't want to take any chances when you vanished Autumn-nii.' The door slid open and Winter stepped back, 'any further and I will have no choice but to turn on you. But at least here I have less chance of hearing him or be commanded by him.'

Roy nodded, 'alright Autumn do you want to stay with him. I promise I'll be back for the both of you.' Autumn nodded with a smile, taking hold of Winters hand. Roy pushed his jealousy away and walked through the door, hands poised. He didn't expect the hall to lead into a finely lavished room.

Along one side was a large window that was blacked out, though it seemed it could be made transparent at a moment's notice. Where the end connected to the other wall there what seemed to be a metal container, the door currently shut but it didn't seem locked at the moment. Across from that was a large bookcase, spanning the whole wall and reaching to the ceiling. In the centre of the room were leather couches, circular in appearance. Across from him directly was another door that was ajar slightly.

Roy quietly made his way over to the door and peered inside. The room was littered with papers and transmutation circles were along the walls. On the floor was another transmutation circle, this one bigger and more worn. Roy guessed it was the main circle that was used on Ed and Winter. Across from the door was a desk also filled with papers. Sat at the desk in a white coat was Tsinghai. Roy grinned in a feral manner and opened the door wider, stepping inside.

'Have you got rid of them all Winter. I hope that's the only reason for being disturbed,' Tsinghai turned to look and his eyes widened slightly, a grin on his face, 'oh. Well this is a surprise. You managed to get passed Winter andfind your way to this room. Congratulations.' Roy's grin didn't falter, 'oh I had help, that's for sure. Though they won't be coming back to you. No you die here,' he clicked his fingers, flames instantly flaring around Isaac, until water cascaded down on top of Roy.

Isaac grinned, unharmed, 'oh sorry about that. You see Mustang. I knew when I first took the Fullmetal Alchemist that you would be here at one point so I had this installed. Tell me, how do you like him now? Nice and obedient isn't he.' He pressed a button on his desk and grinned. Roy froze for a moment, his eyes still narrowed on Isaac as his ears scouted for any noise.

He didn't expect the attack when it came from behind him. He managed to just dodge and raised a hand to click with his dry glove but stopped when he found it was Winter that had attacked him. He dodged another strike and saw the apology in his mismatched eyes. Quickly, as the chimera went to attack again he dodged to behind him and managed to get him into a painful hold, whispering, 'sorry, I know its not your fault,' before knocking him out. As the chimera dropped Roy caught him, lowering him to the floor.


Thanks to Cutepuppy21 you guys get the last parts i had written for this story.

Its long because its everything left and I didnt want to break it really.
I guess this is now abandoned unless I decide to re-write it.