Hi guys *waves shyly to empty room*

I'm sorry its been so long, a whole lot of things happened that kept me from writing, so much so that I forgot where I was planning to go with ALL my stories. Hopefully, I've picked up where I left off.

Also please note that the chapters will be shorter, not excessively so, but they are.

Chapter 9


Sesshoumaru stood there for what felt like hours, his fist clenched in anxiety. While it would have been ideal to ask Kagome herself, but that was not an option just now, he would get her mother's approval and acceptance and when Kagome was fully healed, he would make his request.

Mrs. Higurashi for her part was stunned into silence, trying to comprehend just what was happening. She had garnered from her daughter's reaction to the male's presence that he meant a great deal to her and with his behavior, she meant a lot to him also, but she had no idea the extent. He wanted to court her daughter. If she was reasoning it correctly, he was asking her for her daughter's hand for a serious relationship.

Her mothering senses were delightfully tickled, this man, male, wanted to marry her Kagome, her sweet little girl. She may not know much about him and their relationship, but she was all the more determined to find out. Looking down on the human looking kitsune, she could see the excitement in his eyes, clearly he knew more of the situation than she did and he wholeheartedly gave his blessing.

It was down to her.

Turning to the small child, she addressed him, "Shippo, darling", she crooned, his eyes darted to hers. "Do you think Sesshoumaru-san makes a good match for my daughter?"

Sesshoumaru's heart clenched at the question, while he knew he had the kit's backing, it still was a solid blow that she had to request aid in the decision to grant his request. He understood her stance and motives, it was just a shot to his pride. Shaking it off, however, he waited.

Shippo brightened at the inquiry and nodded enthusiastically. If there was one thing he knew, it was that Lord Sesshoumaru cared for his mother deeply, and she him. And he would do whatever he could in his power (which was a lot) to ensure his mama's safety and happiness. The little kit's presence there in the future was proof enough of that.

"Yes, yes he is" he replied verbally, Sesshoumaru released a breath he didn't realize he had been holding upon hearing the kit's response. Mrs. Higurashi considered his response both verbally and non-verbally and made her decision. It seemed a big deal to the males that she voice her approval of the match, and she had an idea that Kagome would appreciate it also. That being said, she broke out into a bright giddy smile; she was all the more closer to becoming a grandmother!

"Sesshoumaru-san, I give you full permission to court my daughter. I wish you success in your relationship" she replied. The Demon Lord rose to his full height, relief clearly shown in his eyes at her acceptance.

"Thank you" he whispered, falling into another swift bow.


"The conference draws near; very soon I will have to go back to the West to prepare for my departure."Sesshoumaru stated reluctantly, unwanting to end his time with his beauty and put a [temporary] halt to their 'dates'.

Kagome's features drew into a frown, but she said nothing, not wanting to complain over something that could not be changed. He would come back to her after the conference had concluded, she knew this, but she couldn't help the ache that developed at the thought of not seeing him or being around him for a little while.

"Worry not, it will have concluded long before you realize it, but do not let that Halfling overwork you," he tried to reassure, drawing her further into his embrace…


At the hospital, the doctors were in a frenzy; Mrs. Higurashi could hardly flag down a nurse willing to answer her questions as to what was happening around them. Sesshoumaru tried to make sense of the flurry of activity all the while a feeling of dread started to form in the pit of his stomach.

Mrs. Higurashi looked over to him, only to see his storm down the corridor with little Shippo in hand, she did all she could to keep up with him. The reached her daughter's room to witness what seemed to be her worst fear coming to light. There was a doctor and two nurses seemingly trying to revive her daughters limp form.

A hand made its way to her mouth in horror as she watched on, the steady tone of the heart monitor cutting through her conscious like a sword.

"Whats happening?" Shippo asked in terror, he didn't understand what was going on, Sesshoumaru on the other hand was not faring well, the scent of death was mingling with that of his now betrothed. It could not end like this. He was not going to let it happen.

Handing Shippo to the now sobbing woman, he lead them to sit in a chair in the hall by the door before walking purposely into the room.

"Sir, please-" the nurse began but Sesshoumaru ignored her, it was his soon-to-be mate laying there helpless.

"Kagome please" he intoned, trying to reach for her his hand was shoved away before her body bowed backwards off the bed, the scent of a static charge in the air. He was bewildered and overwhelmed, she was dying and he was standing there. He wouldn't lose her, he couldn't.

"Kagome!" he said louder, a small whine accompanied the noise, before he steeled himself and left the room. The flat line of the heart monitor following him.



Another cliffhanger, .

Once again, I'm so so very sorry its taken this long for me to update, its been a year and six months actually. My birthday was last week =

I hope you enjoyed it and I promise I will try to update within this week or by next week. Hopefully. I've not abandoned my stories, ive just forgotten my direction and I'm working hard to get them back.

I forsee about two or three more chapters remaining in this little tale. I hope you enjoyed. Drop a line if you feel so inclined.

much love!
