A/N: Hey! Okay so this story is AU, it's about Taylor if she survived the explosion, and how she had to cope after the war. So please, please, please review and tell me what you think.

Disclaimer: I do not own Animorphs, but I do own a worn out copy of Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone : D

Chapter One

(Taylor's POV)

The war was over; the Yeerk was out of my head. She-me-I should have been happy, happy that the nightmare was over. But I couldn't forget all I-it-the Yeerk had done. Everyone I knew thought me-I was dead, my family was dead. She-me-I am scarred for life with memories of torture, I even killed my parents! I-it- the Yeerk that was inside my head was crazy! Even after it died, it left me with a split personality. I can't believe I survived the explosion, I wish I didn't. She-I am ugly, a monster, just like I was before.

So here I was sitting in the forest by the Matcom building.

She- me-I put my head into my prosthetic hands.

I was dilapidated, demolished, broken. She-me- I felt as if I didn't even have a soul anymore.

I didn't know what to do, everywhere I went I heard people whisper under their breath "Sub-Visser Fifty-One".

She-I wanted to scream at them that I was free, I wasn't Sub-Visser Fifty-One, I was just a plain seventeen year old.

"SOMEONE HELP ME!" I screamed.

"You want help?" said a booming voice.

She-me-I looked around me but saw no one.

"Great, I'm delusional now" me-I mumbled to myself.

"Taylor, you are not delusional. Now look do you want to be look normal again or what?" asked the voice.

"Uhhh sure? Wait is there catch with this or something ?" She-me-I said.

The voice chuckled. "You will find out in your own time."

Suddenly everything went black, but I heard the voice say, "Just make sure no one finds out who you are"

I opened my eyes hours later to see….

"Erek King?" I said in disbelief as I looked into the former voluntary host's face.

Erek is about my age, he and his Yeerk never really made it high in the Yeerk government. My Yeerk hated his guts, but I never did, I always felt sorry for the poor guy, he had no idea what he was getting himself into.

I suspected him to gasp in horror, or scream in terror that it was me, Taylor the torturer. But he surprised me by simply saying, "Uh how do you know my name?"

She-me-I was shocked that he didn't recognize me.

I suddenly felt something was strange.

I sat up on the forest floor and looked down at my hands…

My prosthetic hands were gone, and in place was real flesh, my hands were normal again!

I could barely contain my joy!

Erek looked at me with a puzzled expression as I touched my face were there used to be chunks of flesh missing and deep gashes, but now my face was perfect!

"Ummm or you okay?" Erek asked.

"Yeah. Thanks" I mumbled as I stood up, and walked away.

I walked towards the Matcom building and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

I saw it all, just like it had been before, my perfect shinny black hair, steel grey eyes, and my non-charred face.

I was normal again.

I could live again.