If I close my eyes and wish hard enough, I'm still there. I'm still at that place, where I call home.
The most important thing to remember is where you come from.
The human body is no stranger to the hardest of punches, or the deadliest of kicks, or bluntest of objects. It's the words that will eventually break her down.
The world won't stop for anything, not even the fragile people.
So when the fragile people break, they tend to shatter into pieces.
Faith ran along the road, a road that never seemed to end. She was very precocious and suddenly she stopped. Faith had no idea where she world had changed and nothing would ever be the same again.
"Run, come on, run. What's the matter with you?" Faith felt furious, even though she had no reason to. "I can't, I can't run anymore." A voice calls out into the dim night.
"Fine, stay here then, what do I care." Right after the words had left Faith's mouth, she regretted it. "I'm sorry, that was stupid. I'm sorry Buffy."
Buffy sniffles, she was shaking from the cold. "If you don't have anything nice to say, then I'd appreciate it, if you didn't say anything at all." She was right and Faith wasn't even going to try to argue. "It's getting dark, come on,"
The girls took cover under a tall chestnut tree, the leafs were since long gone. "Faith, I'm cold."
Faith hadn't asked for this, she hadn't asked for the world to become what it had, she hadn't asked for war and starvation, she hand't asked for anything.
She put her purple hoodie over Buffy and held her tight in her arms. "I'm afraid of the dark."
Two little girls, alone, frightened and forgotten, in a world so distant from their own.
As a matter of fact, it wasn't their world, their world didn't exist any longer.
"Everything is going to be alright, this too shall pass."
Such a lie, it was all just a big fat lie.
All of her life, Faith had been an expert at hiding her feelings. But when nobody sees, she lets her tears fall. The salty raindrop rolls down her cheek and falls to the ground.
Sometimes you feel so strongly for a change, but once it comes, you're not sure on how to react.
Life's not a mystery, life's no cabaret.
It's about that surviving instinct we all should have, but some of us lack. Maybe it's because we're looking for clues in all the wrong places.
Maybe it doesn't get any better than this, or maybe life just is.
The night turns into morning.
"Buffy, get up, we have to go." Buffy didn't move.
They are living on borrowed time.
Like sand in an hour glass, their lives are slowly fading.
We dive down towards the deepest and darkest of waters, further and further down we go. We try to catch our breath, only in vain, for the water has already filled our lungs.
Faith has to drag Buffy along, they semi jogg as fast as their legs will let them. 'Never stop.' They come upon a crossroads. 'Left or right? Left or right? Quick, make a choice!'
For what is a choice? To choose between something that can bring both good and bad. "Why did you stop?" Buffy came to. Carefully she rubs the sleep out of her eyes. "Left or right, Buffy?" Her hand comes shooting out before her and she points to the left. Unwillingly Faith's legs pulls them the left.
Faith recites her unwritten letter for Buffy, in her head, always.
The same as she had done for years and would do for years to come.
'Still after all these years, it's something I keep within me. I just can't let go of the words and I can't let go of that place. Our constant fear of the dark is just a part of a world built on true madness. We walk alone, with broken promises, they splash on the ground and create drops of shame. I wish that you could see you like I do. I'm scared and I'm alone, I'm ashamed and I want you to understand that I'm damaged as I'm sure you know.
I've always wanted you to ask me, ask me why I love you. I will forever remember how your eyes fill up and the green in them sparkle. If I could, I'd lick up the tears one by one and I'd kiss you and tell you why I love you. Or maybe… you could just ask me.
This will for all eternity be our sanctuary of memories.'
Faith turns around one last time. Her throat is dry, never ever had she thought that letting go would be so hard.
All she knew now, was that the other side was waiting for them, weather it was something good or bad, was for them yet to see.
The constant fear of darkness traveled through their veins, but even that had become part of the world, which now would remain full of fear and madness.
Faith let go of Buffy's hand. "Are you ready?" Uncertain, Buffy looked up at her.
Her eyes longing for salvation. Her hand, seeking compassion, waiting for Faith to once again take it in hers and she did and together they ran.
They ran along the gravelled road.
There was rain in the air.
No matter how tired they were, they wouldn't stop until they met the end of the road.
Two little beautiful girls, looking puzzled, as if in a daze.
This shall be for the torn down, the experts at the fall. Get up, you know you're not alone at all.