This is the first story I've ever written, apart from short stories from a creative writing class in college. I started it a week ago while doing volunteer work, and decided to continue it. I've tried to keep the characters somewhat in character, but I have taken a few liberties. The episode Red Tide does tie in a few chapters. Other than that, I have no idea where this story will go. Hope y'all enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own nothing and I have tons of student loans. Sigh.

Chapter One

Peeling apart an orange, Special Agent Theresa Lisbon sat watching her team interact through the open slits in the blinds. Jane was entertaining the others with a card trick. Well, more like distracting them from finishing their reports. Setting the last half of her orange down, Lisbon sighed, as she fumbled through her desk for a bottle of aspirin. They shared an interesting dynamic- one that had shifted after the addition of a certain consultant. She smiled to herself as pieces of their conversation filtered through her open door.

"Do it again!" Grace said intently, watching Jane's hands as he spread out a deck of cards. Rigsby stood behind her, determined to figure out the latest magician's trick, while using anything as an excuse to be near Van Pelt. Cho was seated at his desk, trying not to appear interested in anything other than his book. Lisbon shook her head at her team's childish antics.

"You're cheating." Rigsby pouted as Jane once again selected the Queen of Hearts. "I swear you're not closing your eyes all the way." Jane just smiled an innocent smile. He loved riling people up. Unfortunately, his favorite subject had secluded herself in her office. He'd have to think of something special for her today.

"Rigsby, stop whining," Cho muttered as he flipped to the next page.

Van Pelt stood suddenly and made her way back to her desk. Rigsby almost fell over as he tried to get out of her way. "We really should finish those reports for the Boss. I mean, she's been in there all afternoon, while we've been goofing off." Following Van Pelt's lead, Rigsby pulled out the closed case file. Lisbon's eyes narrowed as Patrick Jane eyed her office with interest, seemingly debating between napping on his couch and bothering her. Turning back to her computer, she saved the current file as she heard someone sneaking into her office.

"What do you want Jane?" There was silence as the footsteps stopped. Refusing to turn around, Lisbon returned to her report. She sighed as she heard the footsteps continue. Suddenly, hands covered her eyes.

"Guess who!"

"Jane, if you don't get your damn hands off my face, I swear I'll break a finger."

"Good grief, woman. Lighten up!" Her vision returned as she felt his hands slide to her shoulders. Letting out a slow breath, she tried to quiet her body's reaction to the feeling of his hands on her. She was sure he noticed anyway.

"You're very tense, you know. You really shouldn't sit here for such long periods of time." She tightened even more as his hands began to knead her shoulders and work out the kinks in her back. What the hell, she thought as she gave in and relaxed. A quick break wouldn't hurt. Then, she'd see about making Jane go through some cold case files, sense he clearly had plenty of free time. She smiled at the thought.


"What do you suppose they do in there?" Rigsby glanced at Lisbon's office. Van Pelt shrugged as she continued her quiet typing, pausing to check the time.

"Wild, passionate monkey love," said Cho with a straight face. Rigsby grimaced.

"Man, I did not need that mental picture."

"You asked, I answered." Cho continued reading. Van Pelt tried not to smile as she e-mailed her finished report.

"I think it's sweet. They both seem so sad at times, and he always knows how to cheer her up." Van Pelt smiled as she looked towards the office.

"He still wears his wedding ring," Rigsby muttered.


Jane frowned as he peered into the dim basement, popping a segment of orange into his mouth. He'd finally gotten Lisbon to relax. He smiled at the memory of her sudden intake of air as he slid his hands down her back. She didn't even notice he'd stolen her orange. However, her retribution included going through old cold case files to see if anything may have been missed. A new perspective was needed, she said as she gave him a smirk. He'd never tell her, but he loved her evil streak.

The room was cold and dusty, with one light bulb and rusty old filing cabinets. He spotted several boxes shoved in a corner, marked with dates. Picking up the oldest box, he hefted upstairs. He'd do this from the comfort of his couch.


It had been a quiet day, strangely uneventful. With two hours left in the workday, Lisbon stepped out of her office, and rolled her eyes at the scene. Van Pelt had been surreptitiously checking the clock all day, and was currently starring out the window. Rigsby was playing solitaire, and Cho was reading. Jane was asleep, with files strewn about the place, one covering his face. No one would ever guess that this was CBI's best team.

"Go home, Van Pelt." Grace looked up surprised. Lisbon raised an eyebrow, at the younger woman's confusion. "It's been a slow day, and you look like you have plans. There's not much left to finish up, anyway."

"Thanks, Boss!" Van Pelt happily stood up and began to collect her stuff. "It's my parents' 50th wedding anniversary, and we're having a surprise party! My brothers are all coming over for a low country boil." Lisbon's shoulders slumped slightly.

"Have fun. The rest of you go on and head home as well. I'll finish up." Lisbon quickly turned on her heel and shut the door to her office, while Rigsby and Van Pelt watched in confusion. Even Jane sat up and watched her walk away with a concerned gaze.

Grace turned to Cho. "Did I do something wrong?" Cho sighed. He'd worked with Lisbon longer than anyone else; knew more about her than anyone else, not that she was prone to sharing personal information. He glanced at the others, noting concern for their boss. Even though she could definitely take care of herself, he still wanted to protect her. She was the little sister he never had.

"I don't know everything, and she'll kill me when she finds out I've told you this much. Get your stuff. I'll tell you on the way out."


Theresa sighed as she watched her team pack up. She knew they'd be curious about her behavior, and if Jane was leaving this early, Cho must have talked. She closed her eyes. It was better this way. Granted, it was the coward's was out, but at least they'd know the basics without her having to tell the damn story. She needed to remain in control of her emotions, not let her weakness show. Jane was going to have a field day with this. She turned toward her computer, and opened a new report. She'd face them tomorrow.