Characters: Nicholas Cromley, April Summers, and all the Cullen's that are there after Breaking Dawn.

Character descriptions: Nicholas or Nick Cromley – Male, 17 years old, reasonably tall and of medium build, straight black hair cut not short, but not long, green eyes, lightly tanned skin, lives in London, England.

April Summers – Female, 17 years old, average height and a nice figure, wavy dark brown hair at waist length, light brown eyes, tan skin with some skin problems and glasses, living in Forks.

The Cullen's and Jacob all look the same, but Renesmee is fully grown so she looks more like Bella and Edward now, her hair has been cut to a permanent hip length, also living in London, England.

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, I think I might own Nick because I made him up but I don't own any of the characters that I may use from the twilight series, but I think I also sort of own April. Cheers!

Chapter one: Attacked


Beep Beep Beep

"Ah, nooooo!" Whack, my hand slams down on the snooze button –hard- and my alarm clock falls to the floor with a loud Crash! Well, it could be worse, this could be the first day of school and not the last. It takes me only ten minutes to be dressed and ready for school, this term has been hard!

"Nicholas! The bus is here, do you want to be late for the last day of term?" Yes, I do but I won't be will I,

"No mum, I'm on my way out now."

And with that I walk out the door to the waiting bus. As soon as I get on I spot my friends,

"Hey Nick, over here!" that's Billy, he is the person in our group that has no shame, the rest of the group consists of Natalie, Andrea, David, Cameron, Shaun and Alexandra.

It's a cool group because none of us are jerks (as far as I know) and we are all about the same level of maturity, which is low, so we have a lot of fun.

"Today class, we will be studying the effects of acid on different reactive materials. So split up into groups of two and get started." Yep, that's right, in this class we are not forced into awkward groups that make class embarrassing, we get to choose ourselves.

At lunch the table we sit at is buzzing with plans for the holidays, ranging from shopping for the girls, to watching monster trucks for the boys, me I'm going camping in the woods for a week on my own.

"Nick, I can't believe you are going to ditch me and Cam, just so you can 'spend a week in mother's nature,' are you crazy? Are you sick?" as Billy finishes I glare at him,

"Shut up Billy! I don't have a choice, my parents say its that or I spend the week babysitting." It works and the rest of lunch he doesn't talk to me, near the end of lunch, Lexy (that's Alexandra's nickname, we all have one) walks up to me as we leave the cafeteria,

"So Nick, when you get back from your trip do you, want to do something?" when she finishes speaking her head bows and I see her blush, "That would be great Lexy, how about dinner and a movie?" when she looks up her expression is relieved and the blush is gone, "Ok" man, I think I like her!

"How about I call you when I get back? Then we can sort something out," she smiles, and I am dazed, "cool! Oh, its time for class, bye" I wave and run to my next class.

"Ok Nick, have you got everything you need?" I check, tent, sleeping bag, clothes, all the gear and food that I will need is securely stowed in my bag,

"yep, I've got all I need, bye mum, bye dad" I look at my younger brother, "later booger" he looks at me with his evil eyes, I laugh, "see you all next week" I look at my mum, she looks like she is about to cry,

"aw, mum I'm only leaving for one week, I'll be back next Sunday!" she sniffs, and straightens up, "I know, but what if something happens to you and there is no one to help!" great now in fell bad for leaving, "mum really, I am going to be fine, I love you," then I get in the car an drive to my favorite campsite, in a forest outside of London.

It takes me two hours to get there, and then another half hour to set up camp, after that I decide to go on a hike, so I make sure that all my supplies are hidden away from potential scavengers, and bears alike.

After about two hours of walking I decide to turn back. When I have followed a track for what I assume is the right amount of time, I am still not back and I am starting to get worried so I pull out my compass, the way I started out was north of my campsite so I need to go…I hear a sound,

"hello, is there someone there?" ok, now I'm scared,

"Come out and show yourself!" I hope it's not a bear, then I hear another noise,

"Calm down you pitiful human, your death will only be excruciatingly slow and mind-blowing painful" What! Did a bear just talk, or is there someone out there,

"Who are you? And, why did you call me a human. Are you not human?" I hear a chuckle, and then a beautiful girl walks into my view, her face is amazing like the most famous super model in the world, and her body matched, her hair is silky smooth looking and it ends at her waist and her eyes, they were a menacing black color,

"Honey, I am far from human, and now its time for my dinner."

I can't remember much of what happened next, it was mostly like the beautiful woman had said, after a few minutes of being thrown around like a rag doll I passed out.

I'm not certain how long I have been out but I can hear noises, the sounds are horrible as if bones are being cracked, suddenly I am in the air, impossible is that crazy woman cannot still be attacking me,

"Jasper, where did she go? And who was she?" wait! Am I being carried? And if I am, then by who and why, are they going to finish me off?

"I think she ran of to the east, and I don't know she was but she was most likely alone, I didn't see anyone with her." Ok so there are two of them, and if they plan on killing me they aren't going to do it now.

"Are you alright Alice? He is bleeding a lot," Well now I know both their names, like that will help me.

Then it hits me, I am bleeding a lot! Why can't I feel it? And, suddenly I can, there are shooting pains all over my body,

"watch it Alice! He is awake and starting to feel his injuries, he's in a lot of pain and he also feels afraid" how did he know that, the excruciating pain is keeping me from moving,

"Jasper he isn't moving, do you think it's too late? Maybe I could ask him" the girl is going to try talking to me, should I answer, "Uh…hello, Can you hear me, what's your name?" I decide I will answer and take a breath, instead of the normal relief I should get, the pain in my chest is unbelievable,

"Aaahhhhh!" all of a sudden the wind that I had not noticed around me stops, and I feel the ground under my back, it hurts, "Ow!" ok so I hurt, a lot and everywhere,

"Who are you, what happened to me, who was that woman?" I am so confused, I just want to go to a hospital, I want to see my parents,

"Calm down, are you able to tell us your name?" Ok here I go again, I take a softer breath,

"My name is Nicholas Cromley, who are you?" I open my eyes just in time to see them look at each other, they both are very pale and look too similar to the woman that attacked me, but at this moment I was comforted by the kind gold color of their eyes. After a while the girl looks at me,

"Well Nicholas, I am Alice, and this is Jasper, and we are taking you to our house because our father is a doctor" I feel myself slipping away again, "That's nice, by the way, you can call me Nick," then nothing.

Everything is black, but I can hear…something, what is it?

"His injuries were bad, but he could have survived, now I can't see his future for certain at all! Oh, look he's conscious, Nick can you hear me?" I fell like I am going to pass out any second, so I say the only thing I can,

"Please don't let me die, I don't wan to die," it comes out so quiet followed by a pitiful sob, then I am out.

What is that, aaahhhhh it burns! Instinctively my arms wrap around my body,

"Heeelllllppp mmeeeeee ppllleeaaasee! Make it stop!" I feel cold hands grab my arms,

"Nick! Its ok, you are going to be fine, just calm down, maybe you could try to sleep?" sleep? How am I supposed to sleep? I feel like my whole body is on fire! Again I pass out. This goes on for who knows how long, me waking up and someone talking to me, I figured out there are nine people with amazing musical voices, and one with a sort of husky voice, so ten in total.

"Carlisle! Its almost over, hurry!" thank goodness its going to finish soon, it all happened very fast, the fire moved away from the extremities of my body and burned in my heart, and my heart stopped, oh gosh I'm dead. But I can open my eyes and I see face's,

"Where am I?" I listen for my heart, "What, am I?" a man that looks like the oldest, with blonde hair and gold eyes is the one to speak, "You are in forks, Washington, and you are a vampire."