An: So here's the very last chapter. And its a very exciting thing for me because this is the first Chuck fic that i've actually finished! Yay me! Hope you like this final ending...I'm already outlining the sequel, which will be title: Chuck Vs the Initiative. Hopefully, i'll have chapter one done by next week. Crossing my fingers. Anyway, enjoy!
And dont' forget to review!!!
Epilouge: The Initiative Five Days Later…
"Are you ready to leave?"
"Yeah, just hang on a sec; I forgot something back at the Castle!"
"Hey, don't call him that! He's a nice person!"
Chuck left the two quarrelling spies, and Sarah behind. He shook his head as he bypassed the metal door, not paying any attention to the breeched security warning that blinked wildly on the keypad's surface. Instead, the reluctant spy hurried down the staircase leading him down to the base of operations. Everything was dark. Almost tripping down the last flight of stairs, Chuck reached blindly for the handrail and just barely caught it before taking a painful tumble. Sighing a breath of relief, he took his time descending the remainder of the way down. At the bottom, he felt the wall, searching for a light switch. Feeling the small indent, he pressed it but nothing happened. In fact, now that Chuck got a chance to get familiar with his surroundings, he noticed that everything was obscured by shadows. Not even the computers were working.
"That's just perfect," he spoke aloud in the darkness, "I can't even find where I misplaced my stuff…"
Parting from the wall, Chuck let his eyes adjust to the darkness. His pupils dilated and he saw the outline of someone sitting in a chair, his back facing him. Chuck tilted his head to the side and then began to freak out once realization hit. He slowly crept toward the figure, hopeful that he wasn't expecting anything.
'Now would be a good time to flash,' Chuck suggested to the supercomputer that was currently down for maintenance. 'Dad, why couldn't you have gotten me fixed sooner?'
Then the lights flashed on and the Castle became fully operational. Chuck looked around in a complete daze. He was seeing dots and blurred images. He covered his eyes and rubbed them gently.
"It's nice to finally meet the Human Intersect," came a deep amused voice.
Chuck stopped what he was doing. He dropped his hands from his face and let them fall limply back on to his sides. Sitting in the chair was a tall, overly imposing African American male. He was wearing all black and had an intimidating eye patch slung over his face. Chuck gulped, but before he could react, there was a familiar sensation that he hadn't felt in over a week: he flashed.
The images that included started off with the name: Nicholas Fury. His occupation: Director of the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement, and Logistics Division-SHIELD with a level 10 clearance. Then hundreds of different highly classified projects, each of them had the name Avengers Initiative labeled across. They stretched from familiar names such as, Tony Stark, Iron Man, and the old WWII hero: Captain America. Then in the unknown territory was a scientist named Bruce Banner with the connection to that huge green monster that made a mess of New York City almost a year prior. Its code name was: The Hulk. Then an array of the names of special agents such as: Natalia Romanova (The Black widow), Clint Barton (Hawkeye), Henry and Janet Pym (Yellow Jacket and Wasp), Deane Smith and then finally, Samantha Wesson.
Since not being accustomed to the strength of the new flashes, Chuck winced and fell to his knees. He had a pounding headache. When the Intersect's images faded out of his brain, Chuck opened his eyes slowly to see a large hand offering him help. He tentatively took the man's hand and he hoisted him back up to his feet almost effortlessly. He then sat back down in the chair and presented Chuck with chair to sit down. Never taking his eyes off of him, Chuck complied and sat down in the seat.
"My handlers will wonder where I am eventually," Chuck warned him, "All I have to do is scream as loud as I can and—"
"—you're not a woman, Chuck, so don't threaten me with your handlers; they don't scare me in the slightest."
This shut Chuck up.
"Then what the hell are you doing here?"
Fury smiled pleasantly, "I'm here to make you an offer."
Chuck pushed himself out of the chair and shook his head rapidly.
"No way!" He pointed at the older man's face, "Sam told me about you and your unorthodox methods of convincing people to join you, but I'm not buying it, ok? All you do is scare me, with your leather jacket, bald head….and your eye patch!"
The Director of SHIELD folded his hands on the table and took everything the boy had to say to heart. A moment went by and he couldn't hold it in anymore. The man barked a laugh.
About to walk away, Chuck froze. He spun around and faced Fury and asked, "W-why are you laughing?"
"I'm laughing because I can already picture how damn well you'd fit in with my team."
"Your team?" Chuck repeated lowly, and then it was his turn to laugh, "It's funny that you think I'm all gung ho about being part of you "team." What makes you think I'll just pack up and desert my partners?"
"Partners?" Fury raised an eyebrow, "I thought they are your handlers?"
"On paper, I'm the asset, they're my handlers," He mumbled at first but then grew stronger, "But after all we've been through, I can safely say that as of now, Sarah, Casey and I are partners. End of story."
"I'm not here to make you join SHEILD," Fury told him offhandedly.
"Then why did you think it was such a great idea to sneak into our supposedly high level security super secret base?"
"To put the thought in your head," he replied honestly.
"See, it's kind of hard believing that."
"I understand, but hear me out, Chuck," Fury began slowly, "Your team get's orders from the NSA, correct?"
Chuck nodded.
"After that attack last week, our top and more public agencies were dealt with a horrible blow; they lost leaders and great spies. General Diane Beckman was one of them—"
"No," Chuck cut him off, "You're wrong. The General isn't dead; she's just in a…coma."
"Exactly my point, the chances of her recovering successfully aren't in her favor. So that means you don't have a superior or an effective agency to answer to. That is unless you want to wait for some bureaucratic snob to come down and become the new NSA Director. I don't think you or your team would appreciate that all too much…"
Chuck walked back to the table and sat down. He was listening. The Director smiled gratefully.
"But SHIELD, being a low key and brand new agency that we are, was unaffected by this horrible tragedy. We already have a lead on who was responsible. Oddly enough, it's the same man who spiked that Fulcrum computer and gave you that nasty Trojan Horse."
Chuck's eyes dimmed at the mere thought. He remembered that Casey had the unfortunate opportunity to chat with the psycho. Casey told them whoever the mystery man is, was going to be a dangerous enemy for them to fight. They had no clue who he was, what he looked like, or even what his motives were.
"Who is he?" Chuck demanded in a dangerously low voice. Fury noticed his change in appearance with mild curiosity.
"His name is Walter Flagg, but we are sure that it's an alias. He's a freelancer mercenary. He's been known to associate himself with the Ten Rings, which is why I found that he would interest you."
"He almost killed me," Chuck spoke darkly, "and my team…he made me do it."
Fury let this sink in. Chuck continued to reminisce about the incident that had systematically changed him forever. There was an empty feeling in the pit of his stomach and it needed to be filled with something. Sarah's love couldn't even do it and it tore him a part that there would always be this darkness within him. He needed to silence it. So if he could just find this Walter Flagg, track him down and throw him into a cell for the rest of his life, maybe just maybe he would feel whole again. It was a slim chance, but it'll make him feel better for trying.
"I'll join on two conditions," He blurted out finally.
Director Fury looked at him thoughtfully, "And what may they be?"
"One: I don't want my Dad to be sent underground in some bunker, nor do I want him to have to go on the run again. My sister and I had enough of that and I want to actually have a family again."
Fury nodded, "I agree completely. Steven Bartowski can become an integral part of our agency. I will feel honored if he would come help us. Our technology department is limited, but growing and if we had Orion himself to assist us with a few things…"
"You need to talk to him about that," Chuck butted in and resumed his second provision, "If I can somehow convince them, Agents Sarah Walker and John Casey need to be able to defect from their old agencies and join SHIELD with me. It's either the three of us, or none of us, your choice."
Fury studied the younger man carefully and then smirked. He got up from his chair and offered his hand for a shake, "I'm impressed with you, Chuck. When I read your file I thought I was going to be dealing with some unmotivated man child who worked at an electronic store and lived with his sister. But I was wrong, thankfully."
Chuck laughed nervously but took the other man's hand. They shook on it.
"Is there anything else that uh, we need to go over? Because I kind of need to leave," Chuck pointed weakly at the stairs and began to gravitate in that direction.
"Sarah Walker and John Casey will join SHIELD, Chuck," Fury walked by him and slapped his back, "but you are special kid. You're going to be a part of something bigger."
"Bigger?" Chuck turned and met him with a confused look, "What do you mean by that?"
"I'm putting together a team." He stated simply. Leading Chuck back up to the stairs, Fury stopped and indicated his forehead, "Now what does that computer in your brain know about the Avengers Initiative?"
He flashed.
The End