Shugo Shugo: Once Upon A Dream
This is my first FF for Shugo Chara, so if I did something wrong, please PM me. Hope you enjoy this story! :)
Chapter One:
Are We Dreaming?
"Goodnight, Ran, Miki, Suu," Amu turned off the light, before getting into her bed.
"Night Night, Amu-chan!" Ran and Miki said inside their rooms in the doll house Ami offered them.
"Sweet dreams, Desu~!" Suu cooed.
Finally, all the girls had fallen to a calm slumber. And after a couple of hours, the small guardians woke up to a strangely familiar voice. Ran, Miki, and Suu groggly went over to Amu, figuring out it was her who was giggling in her dreams.
I wonder what Amu-chan is dreaming about... Probably about Tadase-kun or Ikuto. Hehehe, Miki thought mischievously before her thoughts gradually turned to think about Yoru and Kiseki.
Ran floated in front of Suu and Miki to ask, "Should we wake her up?"
Before Suu and Miki could answer, Amu groaned out an incomprehensible word, leaving the Humpty Lock to shimmer in blinding light. Ran, Miki, and Suu closed their eyes for one moment before opening. The surroundings were completely different and among the three, none of the girls knew where they were. They stared at the beautiful environment, taking it all in. The walls were a smooth, cream base color with arches decorating it with expertly carved edges where possible. There was a dome above their heads where angel babies were on a cloud looking at the people below them, very interested in a cute couple holding hands with smiling faces. To the edge of the cloud was an angel dressed in blue with a clip that had a spade connected to it. She was drawing the happy couple with complete concentration and slight jealousy.
"Miki.. Is that you?" Suu pointed to the creature dressed in blue up above.
Miki gasped, "It is!" She scanned the picture, until she noticed a lavender haired angel on his throne. "It's Kiseki!!"
"Now you mentioned, IT'S ALL THE GUARDIAN CHARACTERS!" Ran yelled.
"That girl... IT'S AMU-CHAN, desu!" Suu squinted her eyes, trying to point out whom the boy might be.
"But who's the boy?" Miki asked, almost seemingly like she was asking herself, while holding her chin in deep concentration. Suu and Ran looked at each other, shrugging.
So, the girls began to scan the room again. Light pinks ribbons were connecting each other onto the arches around the small ballroom. There was a large wooden door at the front of the room, leading to the moonlit sky. There were round tables with white cloths surrounding the center of the room, with a single pink rose in a slim vase at each table.
"It's pretty, desu!" Suu cooed again.
"Yeah, it sure is," Miki agreed.
"Look! Guests are coming," Ran said, looking at the people coming into the room.
"They look really dressed up!" Suu smiled lightly.
"That's because it's a masked ball!!" Miki explaining with a bored face, but inside she had an itch to draw them.
"Doesn't that look like Yaya?" Ran asked.
"Yup, I can see her red ribbons anywhere!" Suu said, cocking her head cutely.
After awhile, the doors were opened to lead in a couple of a young age.
"It's..." Ran began.
The boy had smooth, blonde textured hair with violet eyes that were lit with sudden happiness. He was wearing a light gold colored suit that was puffy at the sleeves, torso, and legs. (Platinum Royale) At the waist, a sword was hanging, cautiously. He also wore a red mask with golden edges as their border. On his arm was a girl, she had strawberry hair with a white X-clip holding a section of her hair up on her left. She wore a matching white dress that was puffy at the skirt, a ribbon was at the top of the torso of her dress colored with pink, yellow, and green. (Amulet Fortune, Spoiler if you don't know.. Sorry!) She wore a long pair of white gloves from her fingers above her elbow. At her neck, a sparkling lock was connected onto a gold-stained chain. She had a simple white mask that was curved softly like an angel's wings and it covered her honey eyes.
"Tadase and Amu!" She finished.
"May I present.. The royal prince, Tadase Hotori and his--" The servant was interrupted by Tadase who probably character changed. (B/A: You know what that means!)
"Don't... Call... Me... Your... PRINCE!!!!!!!" Tadase snapped. He began to rant and try to command the guests to bow down to him before he laughed his whole-heartedly heavy laugh. While, everyone else was looking at him with disbelief, especially Amu.
"Same old Same old!" Suu and Ran said in a unison, shrugging with a half-smile.
"URESEI! I want to hear them," Miki shushed them. Ran stuck out her tongue at Amu's artistic would-be self, while Suu was on the verge of crying.
"Ahem.. As I said before... 'May I present... His Highness... Hotori Tadase and his date for the evening, Hinamori Amu, princess of the Humpty Kingdom," The servant said.
"Arigato," Amu said coolly.
Some of the guests said, "Cool & Spicy!"
Huh? It's similar to school... Ran thought unamused.
The dancing and eating started. Once Tadase asked Amu to dance with him, Suu, Miki, and Ran were brought back into the darkness of Amu's bedroom.
"What happened?" Ran jumped with a frightened face when the bright ballroom was transcended into a cold, dark room.
"The Humpty Lock probably shut down on us... But we don't know that for sure," Miki explained, almost statistically.
"Maybe it knew that I was getting tired, desu~! We should sleep, no?" Suu turned around to Miki and Ran, only to see that they were in their beds already.
Oy, Suu thought.