A/N: I found this hidden away on my computer this week and realized I had never posted it. This is the final chapter to Scenes From a Marriage which I thought was complete a long time ago. But, since I obviously never posted it, here it is.

Getting Back to Normal

Jen Sheppard quietly closed the door to her son's bedroom and went downstairs to answer the door. She wondered who was visiting in the middle of the day. Opening the door she smiled and greeted her friend.

"Why Ducky, what a nice surprise. Not working today?"

"Hello, my dear. No, I picked Jordan up at the airport this morning and I thought I'd drop by for a short visit before I go to the office. How are you and little Jack doing? And how is Jethro?"

Jen led the way to the kitchen and offered Ducky a cup of tea. "We're all fine. I just got Jack down for his morning nap. Jethro is at the office this morning or more accurately at the gym. He's finishing up his physicals and weapons qualifying today."

Ducky made himself at home, sitting down at the kitchen table and accepting the proffered cup of his favorite tea. "Thank you. Yes, I've heard rumors that he might be coming back to work next week. Is that true?"

"It looks like it, depending on how today goes but I don't have any doubts he'll pass with flying colors. He's feeling great and I know he's anxious to get back to work."

"And how do you feel about that?"

"I won't deny I'm a little bit apprehensive but I know he can't stay at home forever. Eventually we would do bodily harm to each other I'm sure. It's been so nice having him here, not under the circumstances that caused it of course but nevertheless I'm very used to having him around. And of course Jack will miss his dad even as young as he is."

"You've had a very stressful few months, Jennifer. I hope you are taking care of yourself and not concentrating only on Jack and Jethro."

"Oh, Ducky, I am. The last three weeks have been so much better than the previous six were it's hard to believe the improvement. The month in the hospital and the first month at home I wondered if I had the strength to take care of a newborn and Jethro and do them both justice. Thank god for Noemi, if not for her being here and you and Jethro's team I wouldn't have survived. It's so much harder to watch the person you love struggle and suffer than to do so yourself."

"Indeed it is. You know Jennifer, we have never talked about this latest crisis. Do you want to talk about anything while it's just the two of us? Is there anything you are concerned about regarding Jethro's recovery?"

"No, he seems fine. Physically he's pretty much back where he was before the shooting. He's worked so hard the last three weeks to get in shape and I think he's satisfied with where he is physically. Emotionally, well you know that's always something of a mystery with Jethro, even to me."

"Any nightmares? For either of you?"

Jenny sighed and looked out the back window. She wondered how Ducky always knew just what to ask. "Not for me. All my bad dreams seem to come at me in the daylight. As for Jethro, he is sometimes very restless in bed and I suspect there have been a few nightmares but he isn't talking about them yet. He will in time if they keep up."

Ducky reached across the table and covered her hand with his. "Tell me Jennifer what is worrying you? Jethro has always had a dangerous job and you never let it bother you before. Is it because now you have Jack or because we came so close to losing Jethro this time?"

Jen tried to smile but it was a lost cause. Unable to sit still any longer she got up and paced around the kitchen. "I suspect it's a little of both. Those first days in the hospital I was more terrified than I had ever been. Even though I wouldn't say so at the time, I was sure Jethro was dying and I had no idea how I was going to survive without him. I knew I had to be strong for Jack but I felt like my world was collapsing and I wasn't sure I would be able to give my son what he needed if I lost his dad. It got better when Jethro woke up but then it seemed to take so long for him to make any progress. When he got that infection and was out for three more days I began to think we weren't going to ever come home."

"But you did come home and Jethro is doing well. Have you talked with Jethro about your fears and your feelings during these past few months?"

"No. I have just tried to focus on helping him get well. I don't want any of his energy spent on taking care of me right now. I'll let him do that when I'm sure he's 100%. These last couple of weeks have been much better. He's stronger every day and we have been able to spend more time enjoying Jack and just being together as a family. I know he feels badly about missing the first month of Jack's life so we've concentrated on making up for lost time. That boy has both of us wrapped around his little finger but I have to say Jethro is completely enthralled with his son."

"Well the boy is terribly cute and sweet. It's his middle name that does it I'm sure." Ducky laughed and Jen agreed.

"I'm glad you came today, Ducky. I didn't realize I needed to vent until you got me started. Thank you."

"You're most welcome. May I ask a very personal question?"

"Of course."

"Are all of Jethro's parts working as they should? Sometimes after such an extensive trauma it's normal for there to be problems with intimacy."

Jen returned to her chair and took a few moments to answer which caused Ducky to begin to worry. "There have been some minor problems in that area but I think it will get better. When he first came home of course there was no issue because he was too weak and in too much pain most of the time to even be interested in any physical contact beyond kissing and having me close. I'd say after the first month he was home he began to show interest in sex but there were a few problems. You can imagine how he reacted to that! Let's say we're working on it. Between having a new baby in the house, Jethro's recovery and my low energy level after 8pm it hasn't really been a prime concern if you know what I mean. But we're getting there."

"I'm glad. Don't let him ignore the issue if it continues to be a problem. We know he has a tendency to shut down when there's a problem he can't fix and you mustn't let him do that in this instance. I only venture into this very personal area with you Jennifer because I know you two so well and I know your physical relationship is very important to both of you. As it should be; it is a vital part of your life together and needs to be cared for as much as your emotional relationship."

"Thank you Ducky. I don't think the problem will persist. Perhaps we just need some time alone. Maybe when Jack starts school…" Jen laughed. "And speaking of Jack I think I just heard him and I think Jethro just drove up. Will you stay and visit with him? I know he misses you and he probably needs to talk as much as I did. I'll be upstairs with Jack but let me know before you go so I can bring him down to see you. Thanks again Ducky, I love you."

Jen disappeared upstairs to tend to the baby and Jethro came through the back door into the kitchen moments later.

"Hey, Duck. I looked for you at the office and now I know why I didn't find you. Playing hooky today?" Jethro set his bag down and got a bottle of water out of the fridge. He sat down at the table as Ducky poured himself another cup of tea. "Where's Jen?"

"She just went up to see about Jack. I picked Jordan up at Dulles this morning. She's been down to visit some family in Florida for the week and finally came home today. I decided to come by on my way to the office since I haven't seen you or Jen or my namesake in over a week. You're looking good Jethro. Jennifer tells me you might be back to work next week."

"Yeah, in fact I just got the official okay to go back on Monday. Not sure Jen's going to be real happy about it. She seems a little conflicted about me going back. She say anything to you about it?"

"I think conflicted is an accurate description. She worries of course and maybe more now that you have a child and this last episode was such a close call. On the other hand she knows you need to work and I doubt she wants you under foot once you are back in shape. Having you around convalescing is one thing but having you just hanging around in perfect health is quite another."

Jethro laughed. "You're right about that. It will be hard to go back and leave Jack. I've gotten used to seeing him all day and spending so much time with him. I'll miss that."

"How are you really Jethro? Mentally are you ready to go back?"

"Yeah, I'm ready. Gotta get back on that horse you know. Physically I'm almost as good as I was before the shooting. In a month or two at the most I'll be all the way back. Mentally, I'm there. This was a fluke thing Duck you know that. In all our time together nothing like that ambush has happened before. The guy was a real wing nut and it was a case of spectacularly bad timing on our part. I'm a little worried about Jen though. I know she's had a rough few months. How does she seem to you?"

"Jennifer is coping I think. Do you have an appreciation of how difficult this has been on her Jethro? She told me she hasn't really talked to you about what she went through while you were in the hospital and first at home. I know you won't intentionally take her situation lightly but I wonder if you know how terrified she was of losing you."

"I know she cries a lot in the shower. She doesn't know I know but I'm not always asleep when she thinks I am. She obviously doesn't want me to know so I just wait until she comes to bed and then I try to be some comfort without letting on I know what's happening. I know she worries about me all the time. Tell me about those first few days Duck, we've never talked about it."

Ducky took a deep breath. This was not a story he relished telling. "Everyone told us you were dying. Jennifer refused to accept it even though as she told me just a while ago, she thought it was probably true. Of course she didn't even know what had happened to you until they had you in surgery and by the time she saw you in ICU the doctors didn't give her much hope. She never left your side even though she had given birth less than 24 hours earlier. I think when she began to accept you were dying was when she asked to have Jackson brought to the ICU. The doctors agreed only because they believed it would only be a matter of hours anyway so what could it hurt? When she laid Jack on your chest and began talking to you….well, I'd never been so overcome with emotion. Those first five days until you woke up were terribly difficult but Jennifer never wavered in her conviction that you would fight your way back to your son. That's why she wanted Jackson there, she believed you would fight with all your might not to leave your son without his father. Jethro, she just wouldn't give up. I'd never seen her so determined and that's saying something as you know."

While Ducky was talking, Jethro had begun pacing the kitchen. Now he sat back down and took a few minutes to compose himself. He wiped unshed tears from his eyes and looked across the table at his oldest friend.

"I know everyone says that Jack saved my life but, Duck, I know who saved me. Jen saved me. Yes, I love Jack with all my heart but it's Jen that I was fighting to come back to. I knew she was there. I could hear her and feel her touching me. Knowing she was there was what kept me from giving up. Yes, I felt Jack lying on my chest and I wanted to be here for him but Jen is my life, Duck. After I woke up and realized what bad shape I was in there were days I wanted to give up because it hurt so much to keep trying. It was so damn hard just to take a deep breath or raise my hand up to my face. Sometimes I would lay there and think how easy it would be to just go to sleep and not keep trying. Then I'd see Jen leaning over me, talking to me, encouraging me not to give up and I knew I had to keep going. She kept touching me, kissing me and helping me hold Jack. Every now and then I'd have a clear moment and I'd remember how good it feels to wake up next to Jen, how much I like watching her do simple things around the house, how she makes me feel when she smiles at me. Those clear moments were what got me through. Jack helped no doubt, but it was Jen who saved me and I'll never forget that."

Jethro raised his head and looking past Ducky he saw Jen standing in the doorway holding their son. Tears were sliding down her cheeks as she looked at him. Jethro got up and went to her wrapping her and Jack in his arms.

"Hey, don't cry, everything's alright. How long have you been standing there?"

Ducky stood up and took Jack from his mother. "Come little man, let's you and I go out and give your parents some time alone." Ducky took Jack and left the kitchen.

Jen swiped at her tears; she knew how much it bothered Jethro to see her cry. "Long enough to hear what you were telling Ducky. I didn't mean to eavesdrop…"

"No, I'm glad you heard me. I should have told you how I feel weeks ago. I meant every word Jen. You are my life and I love you more than I will ever be able to tell you."

Jen clung to Jethro and all the tears and worry and pent up emotion of the past several weeks came flooding out of her. He held onto her, stroking her hair and whispering his love to her. Jen felt as if she would collapse in a heap if Jethro let go of her but there was no danger of that happening. He had been waiting for this day for weeks. He had sensed Jen's anxiety about his returning to work but he knew she had kept a lot of stuff locked up since he was shot. It was a relief to him that Jen finally broke down and was letting him be the comforter for change. When she finally stopped crying Jethro continued to hold her running one hand up and down her back to soothe her while he kept the other hand firmly on the back of her head holding her against his chest. Jen felt as if she could stay in this embrace forever. It had been so long since she had allowed herself to really feel anything but fear and exhaustion it was a relief to have Jethro holding her and giving her some of his strength.

Jen eventually raised her head from his chest and Jethro took the opportunity to kiss away her tears. He cupped her face in his strong hands and softly brushed his lips across hers before he pulled her closer and kissed her deeply taking away what little breathe she had left. Jen felt her body responding to him in a way she hadn't in weeks. Her hands were moving over his body with a mind of their own as Jethro continued to kiss her and hold her firmly against his body.

When they broke apart needing to catch their breath they smiled at each other and laughed. "I think we better slow down here, Ducky's in the next room you know."

Jen frowned at him but agreed. "I know it's just that felt so good I don't want to stop. We need some time together, Jethro. I've missed you so much. I need to be with you."

Just then the couple heard Ducky clear his throat, "You know, Jack and I would agree with that. In fact we were just discussing him coming to spend the weekend with Jordan and me. What do you say to that? I could pick him up tonight on my way home and Jordan can have him all to herself tomorrow. We could keep him until Sunday night. You two can stay here or go away for a long weekend. I think it's just what the doctor ordered."

Jethro and Jen looked at each other and then back at Ducky. Jack was smiling and waving his hands around with enthusiasm. Jethro was the first to speak up.

"I think it's a great idea. Jen?"

"Are you sure Ducky? Have you even asked Jordan about this? I mean she just got back from being gone for a week. Are you sure you want to deal with a baby for three days?"

"Of course I'm sure. Jordan has been asking when we might babysit so I know she'll be thrilled. She loves Jack and I know she will enjoy him. You said he sleeps through the night so I can't see what problems we could have. And if there are any major issues you're not far away and I promise I'll call you. I have everything we'll need; he can sleep in the pack-n-play in the guest room next to my room. You just pack his food and clothes and I'll be by for him at 6:00. What do you say?"

Jethro spoke for both of them. "We say yes and thank you very much. He'll be ready to go when you get here. Thanks Duck." Jethro reached out and took Jack from Ducky.

"Good that's settled. I'll see you both at 6:00."

That afternoon Jen packed a bag full of Jack's clothes, diapers and other baby 'necessities'. She marveled that such a small person required so much stuff just for a weekend. After Jack had a short nap she gave him a bath and the two of them played on the bed. That's where Jethro found them when he came home from some secret errands he had gone on earlier. Jen had Jack wrapped in a towel and was rubbing lotion on his little belly when dad walked in.

"Looks like you two are having fun." Jethro leaned down and kissed his son on the head. "He smells so sweet. That's one of my strongest memories of Kelly as a baby; that sweet smell she had." Jack grabbed his daddy's finger and pulled toward his mouth. "No, no baby. You don't want that in your mouth."

"You want to take him and get him dressed? You haven't seen much of him today."

"Sure, I'd love to." Jethro picked his little boy up and started for the nursery. "You're going to have a fun weekend little man and so is your dad."

"I heard that."

"Consider yourself warned."

Jen just laughed and rolled her eyes. She had a few plans of her own truth be told. While the boys were in the nursery Jen took the opportunity to pull off the bed sheets and put fresh linens on the bed. She picked up a few stray items of clothing and put them in the hamper then put away the baby's bath stuff and cleaned out the tub. She had plans for that bathtub later and they didn't involve rubber ducks and sailboats. Jen looked at herself in the mirror and frowned. She couldn't remember the last time she really spent any length of time fixing herself up; it most certainly must have been before Jack was born and he was now almost 4 months old. 'My god' she thought, 'I'm a total slob.'

"I'm going to take a quick shower before Ducky gets here, okay?"

"Yeah, we're fine. Should Jack eat something now?" Jethro stuck his head in the bathroom and saw Jen getting ready to step into the shower. His breath caught just a bit at the sight of her naked. He missed their intimacy so much lately he wondered if he was losing his mind sometimes.

"Yes, he should have something before he goes." Jen didn't miss the expression on her husband's face and she imagined she knew very well what was going on behind those clear blue eyes. Seeing him standing there holding Jack and lusting for her at the same time was a strangely erotic turn on. She stepped into the shower before the temptation to go to him overruled her better instincts. As the water splashed down she told herself they had all weekend and she wanted to look a bit nicer for Jethro than she had been lately.

Promptly at 6:00 Ducky arrived to get Jackson. Jethro secured one of their carseats in the back and loaded Jack's bags in beside it.

Jen was standing in the doorway holding the baby and looking like she was having second thoughts about the whole arrangement.

Ducky stood off to the side and Jethro approached her. He kissed Jack on the head and whispered to his mom, "It will be fine. We need this Jen. You know Ducky and Jordan will take excellent care of him."

"I know it's just hard to let him go away from us, even to Ducky."

"My dear, I promise we will call if there is the slightest problem. And you can call me anytime you need to check on Jack."

"Oh, I'm being silly. Come on sweet boy, mommy will put you in your seat. You're going to have an adventure with Ducky." Jen buckled Jack into his seat and kissed him goodbye. "Be a sweet boy, I'll see you on Sunday." She turned to Ducky as he came around to get in the car. "Thank you so much. We do need this and I promise not to call too many times. I'm sure I've forgotten something but I can't imagine what it would be. I wrote out his normal schedule but you just do whatever is easiest for the two of you." Jen hugged Ducky and he whispered to her to have fun. With a knowing smile and a wink he closed the car door and drove away.

Jen walked back to Jethro who was standing by the front door. He held out his hand and pulled her back inside the house. The instant the door shut he had her in his arms kissing her as he backed his way down the hall to the living room. He lips left hers and moved to her jaw then down her neck and across her collar bone before returning to her lips. By now they were in the living room and he was maneuvering them toward the couch. He sat down and pulled Jen onto his lap. Jen wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Listen to that, Jethro." Jen closed her eyes and Jethro looked at her with a puzzled expression on his face.

"What? I don't hear anything."

"That's just it. We're alone. We haven't been alone in four months. It's so quiet. I'm not complaining about Jack of course. But do you realize how long we've had Noemi, God bless her, or Ducky or one of your team or a therapist or nurse in and out of here? I'm sooo glad to have you here all alone and to myself. You have no idea."

"I think I have a pretty good idea, Jen. You're right this is very nice."

"Okay, husband of mine, what are we going to do for the next two days?" There was mischief in her eyes and a big smile on her face as that question left her mouth. She certainly knew what she wanted to do and she was fairly sure she and Jethro were on the same page in that regard.

Jethro reached around and pulled a piece of paper out of his back pocket. With a devilish grin on his face he said, "I've made a list."

Jen laughed and reached for the paper. "A list huh. Let me see that." She unfolded the paper and looking at it she grinned. "Jethro all this says is, number one, make love to Jen and then there is a list of places in the house. Living room, bedroom, kitchen, office, shower, and hot tub. We don't have a hot tub. What is this list for?"

"That's my list of what I'm planning to do this weekend and where I'm planning to do it." Jethro looked at her with his famous smirk firmly in place and his hands roaming around under her shirt.

"Is that right? Well, that sounds like an interesting weekend. But like I said, we don't have a hot tub."

"We will by the time you get back from your massage tomorrow." Jethro pulled her shirt off over her head and tangled his hands in her hair.

"What massage?" Jen was kissing him so he couldn't answer right away.

"You have an appointment with Lauren at 10:00 tomorrow. By the time you get home, John will have the spa installed and we can christen it tomorrow night." Jethro let Jen pull his shirt over his head.

"So that's where you were today. Lauren told me last week she was booked until next Thursday."

Her mouth was making a trail down the side of his neck and her nails were lightly scraping up and down his chest.

"I asked her to get you in. She likes me. I smiled at her and I might have begged. I chose the spa you picked out before Jack was born. John and his guys will be here first thing in the morning to install it. No more talking. We're starting on the list now."

They did indeed spend the weekend fulfilling what Jethro had on his list. On Monday Jethro went back to work and the Gibbs family finally got back to normal…..or as normal as they ever would.