A/N: Yay! I have no school until May 11 because of the swine flu! Yes! I am dancing for joy! I mean it's really bad about the people who are sick but I can find some happiness in this situation. The downside is that we have school until June. Anyways, this is like a preview and if I get reviews that people like this story I'll continue.

Disclaimer: This is mine, but i got inspration from:

chasing yeterday

maximum ride

national geographic shows

and anything else i forgot i'll post later

Adriana's POV

I watched my older sister and her boyfriend head out of the parking lot. I wasn't going to stop them, more likely I would have to cover for Lindsey and say she was with a friend. I knew my parents would not approve of her staying over at Mark's, her boyfriend of three years, house. I was glad for her; she was a senior with a cool head. If she wanted to get it on with Mark, I wasn't ratting out on her.

I waited around for Michaela to get dropped off; we were seeing the premiere of New Moon. We had both read all four twilight books and I was thrilled. Knowing she was probably late as usual, I headed to the Starbucks that was around the corner. The air was heavy with summer humidity and an iced caramel macchiato. It was dark, but there were streetlights at every corner. But when I saw the shadowy forms between me and the next lamp, I had second thoughts. I didn't really need a frappuccino, did I? I could turn around right now and make it to the safety of the movie theater. No. I have nothing to worry about, Adriana. Nothing is going to happen. It's probably some one heading to the theater or the shopping center that surrounded it.

Did normal shoppers wear all black? And ski masks? Now they were only a few yards away from me. There were three of them, all a good deal taller and bulkier than me. I froze, locked by fear. I sucked in a breath and screamed. It cut through the muggy air, but no friendly policemen came to my aid. I took one step backā€¦ into a man behind me. Quicker than I could react he had both my wrists in one meaty hand and another over my mouth. I kicked wildly and grunted as one foot connected with flesh. I felt a fist strike my head and stars crossed my eyes before I blacked out.

A/N: btw how do you get a beta? I can't figure it out so if someone could tell me that would be cool. : ) Review and tell me what you think.