Hey guys! Here's the story I was telling you about. I hope it be an utter disappointment to how much I built it up. I don't think I built it up that much. I just told you to look for when Just One of the Guys was finished. Anyway, I finally finished it and here it is. Enjoy!

Escaping Reality
Chapter 1

It was the first day of summer; the Chipmunks and Chipettes had finally graduated high school. Brittany and Jeanette were sitting on the couch watching a DVD a college sent them. "This college looks boring." Brittany commented. "They're all walking around reading." She pointed out.

Jeanette turned towards Brittany with a furrowed brow. "That's what you do in college, Brittany." Jeanette said with a laugh. Brittany rolled her eyes and they both continued watching.


Jeanette turned her head towards the stairs where the scream had come from. "Was that Eleanor?" Jeanette asked Brittany.

"Probably." Brittany responded with her eyes still glued to the screen.

Jeanette stared at her. "Shouldn't we do something?" She asked.

"If it was really important, she'd yell again." Brittany explained still never removing her eyes for the TV.


"See?" Brittany said.

Jeanette rolled her eyes at Brittany as Eleanor ran downstairs excitedly."I got in!" She exclaimed bouncing up and down. Brittany and Jeanette only starred. Eleanor stopped bouncing and her smile faded. "Guys, calm down." She said.

Jeanette smiled. "We're sorry, Eleanor. It's just an acceptance letter. We're happy for you, but it's nothing worth getting out of a comfortable position and jumping around for. You've gotten plenty of other acceptance letters." Jeanette explained as her and Brittany redirected their attention to the DVD.

Eleanor smiled slyly. "Orientation is on a cruise around the Caribbean." She pointed out playing with the envelope and swaying.

Brittany perked up. "A cruise?" She asked. Eleanor nodded. "With, like, shopping in exotic places?" She asked hopefully.

"Well, it's mostly for educational purposes, but yeah, there will be some shopping." Eleanor explained.

"Take me with you!" Brittany exclaimed, dropping to her knees and grabbing Eleanor's legs.

Eleanor regained her balance and looked over the letter. "Well, it says I can take a guest. I guess you can come." Eleanor said.

"Yay!" Brittany exclaimed rising to her feet. "When do we leave?"

"Two weeks." Eleanor answered with a smile.

Eleanor and Brittany grabbed wrists and began hopping up and down. "Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!" They repeated.

"How long are you going to be gone?" Jeanette asked.

"A month and a half." Eleanor answered as she and Brittany continued hopping.

"I month and a half of shopping?" Brittany asked. "Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!" She and Eleanor once again began exclaiming.

"Are you sure Miss Miller will let you go?" Jeanette asked.

Brittany and Eleanor's smiles faded and their hopping came to a stop. "Miss Miller, can I go with Brittany on an all expense paid cruise for college?" Eleanor called to her caretaker.

"Of course, dear." Miss Miller called back.

"Yep, pretty sure." Eleanor answered with a laugh.

Jeanette rolled her eyes. "Come on, Eleanor. We have to go shopping." Brittany said tugging Eleanor towards the door.

Eleanor continued laughing. "Wait, we have to shop, before we go shop?" Eleanor asked.

"Yeah!" Brittany said pulling Eleanor out of the door.

"My sisters." Jeanette laughed to herself.


"Remember to call me whenever you get the chance, stay together, and most importantly, be careful." Miss Miller explained at the dock two weeks later.

"Of course, Miss Miller." Eleanor said hugging her.

"We'll miss you." Brittany said also hugging Miss Miller.

"I'll miss you girls so much." Miss Miller said squeezing them tighter.

"Okay, Miss Miller, we have to go." Eleanor struggled to say.

"Yeah, we can't breathe." Brittany gasped.

Miss Miller finally released them and apologized. They all said their final good byes. Brittany and Eleanor waved as they made their way to the porter. "Eleanor?" A voice called out.

Eleanor did not hear the call, but Brittany turned around and saw the face of the caller. "Oh, no." She whispered to herself.

"What?" Eleanor asked turning around.

Brittany let out a frustrated breathe. "Here comes trouble." Brittany said as Alvin approached them.

"Hey Eleanor." Alvin greeted. Eleanor smiled in response and turned around. Alvin's gaze then traveled over to a scowling Brittany. "Brittany." He said as his expression hardened as well.

"Alvin." Brittany greeted just as cold. Her eyes then fixed on a bespectacled chipmunk with his face buried in a book. A smile spread across her face. "Hi Simon." She addressed flirtatiously.

Simon looked up and smiled at the sight of Brittany. "Hey Brittany." He responded, and then returned to his book.

"This summer will be fun." Brittany said with a smile and turned back toward the ship.

Eleanor and Brittany gave the porter man their tickets and boarded the ship. "So, this cruise sounds pretty fun, huh, Eleanor?" Alvin asked as they made their way to the ship lobby to get their room assignments.

"Sure." Eleanor answered simply, not really paying attention to him.

"I'm looking forward to getting to know better." Alvin continued.

"Yeah." Eleanor basically ignored, finding more interest in the ship brochure.

"Eleanor Miller?" A voice called.

"Right here." Eleanor called.

The cruise director handed her two keys. "Room 207." She said. "Alvin Seville!"

"Here." Alvin spoke up.

The director handed him two keys. "Room 208."

Alvin smiled. "It looks like we're on the same hall." Alvin pointed out.

Brittany rolled her eyes at his determination and Simon shook his head from behind his book. "Great." Eleanor said with an acid smile.

Alvin chuckled. "Eleanor, I get the feeling you don't like me." He pointed out.

"Gee, I wonder why." Brittany butted in. "Come on Eleanor, let's go." She said grabbing Eleanor's arm. "Bye Simon." Brittany said pulling Eleanor away. Alvin let out a small laugh as he watched them walk away. More specifically, he watched Eleanor.

Eleanor and Brittany arrived at their cabin and were unpacking in silence. "So," Brittany spoke up plopping on the bed. Eleanor looked up at her and waited for her to go on. "It seems like you caught Alvin's eye." She said.

Eleanor rolled her eyes. "Please, he was just being his annoying and obnoxious self. You know how Alvin is."

Brittany pulled Eleanor down beside her so they were eye to eye. "Just be careful of him. He's a womanizer. He won't rest until he gets what he wants." Brittany warned.

Eleanor nodded. "I think I'll be fine." She reassured.

Brittany still looked uncertain, but nodded. Let's hope so. She thought and continued unpacking.

Whoo! What was originally supposed to be a oneshot, I decided at the last minute to make it a chapter story. *shrugs* It's only the beginning, but what do you think is going to happen next? Leave me a review about it! Also! There is a poll up in my profile. If you haven't already, go vote for your favorite story so far. It would probably help if you've read my stories. Lol! Review! Vote! Anticipate!