Disclaimer: I don't own Yami no Matsuei, its characters nor make any money from it.
Watari was looking through one of the microscopes in his lab when he heard his cell phone going off. He leaned back from the microscope, got up and walked over to his desk. He looked at the caller id and saw that it was his nanny, Kumiko.
"Hello, Kumiko, what's up?" he asked. Watari's eyes widened as he listened. "Really? Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Don't worry, Kumiko, I'm coming right now. Yes, yes I know. I will be there in less than ten minutes to get him. I'm on my way." Watari hung up his cell phone, grabbed his coat and rushed out of his lab.
Tatsumi was walking down the hall past Watari's lab, when he heard Watari's and a child's laughter. A frown crossed his face as he stopped in the middle of the hallway. Tatsumi had thought he was just hearing things but then he heard the laughter again. He reached out, grasped the knob and turned it. He slowly opened the door to Watari's lab and stared curiously at the scene before him. Watari had music playing and was holding a baby on his hip, Tatsumi watched as they danced around the room. He didn't even know that Watari had even liked children. Is he babysitting? He watched as a broad smile crossed Watari's lips. Watari had turned until he and the baby were facing him and Tatsumi stopped in mid-step when he saw the baby's face. He realized that he was staring into a smaller version of his own face. Tatsumi remembered the only time he and Watari had ever fooled around was almost a year and a half ago. They were both on a case in Osaka and had gotten extremely drunk the second night there. They had made a pact to never speak of what happened that night and now here he was staring at the result of the only night of real pleasure he had ever experienced in his life.
"Are you Mommy's favorite little man? Yes, you are." He heard Watari say in a singsong voice and the baby giggled.
"Watari!" Tatsumi said and Watari lifted his head up quickly. His eyes widened when he realized who was standing in front of him. He tightened his arm around his son and lifted him higher up on his hip.
"Um, hey, Tatsumi. I didn't see you standing there. Was there something you needed me for?" Watari asked. He swallowed hard when Tatsumi just raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Is he mine?" was all Tatsumi said.
Tears welled up in Watari's eyes as he nodded in affirmation. Watari felt the tears spill over and run down his cheeks. He somewhat glad that Tatsumi knew he was a father but now he was worried that Tatsumi would reject their son like he had rejected him. He watched as Tatsumi walked closer to them. Watari closed his eyes so he wouldn't see the disappointment in Tatsumi's eyes. Then he felt Tatsumi's thumb gently brushing a tear from his cheek, Watari opened his eyes and looked up at Tatsumi in surprise. He stared into those deep midnight blue eyes that he fell in love with so many years ago.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Tatsumi whispered as he stroked his thumb against Watari's cheek. Watari closed his eyes as he savored Tatsumi's soft touch. He had waited years to feel this man's touch and when he had finally gotten to, he ended up having to be sworn to secrecy as if it was something dirty.
"I tried but we made a pact remember? Any time I tried to mention anything about that night you would pretend as if you didn't know what I was talking about so I stopped trying. I didn't think you would want to know. I understand that you felt ashamed about being with me and knowing that I had given birth to your child probably would have made the shame worse. I…" Tatsumi placed a finger against Watari's lips as he shook his head. He stared down into the golden amber gaze that had haunted his dreams every night for nearly two years.
"I never once regretted that night between us." Tatsumi whispered and Watari felt his heart skip a beat. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. If Tatsumi didn't regret that night, then why in the hell did he push me away.
"Then why?" Watari whispered as new tears slid down his already wet cheeks.
"I pushed you away so I wouldn't hurt you. However, I was wrong because you ended up going through a whole pregnancy and have been raising our baby by yourself. I never meant to hurt you but I guess I did. I'm sorry, Yutaka."
Everything Watari had been holding back for the last eighteen months broke free and he began to sob. He had been waiting for so long to hear Tatsumi say that he was wrong. He felt Tatsumi's arm go around his waist and he was pulled against him. Watari laid his head against Tatsumi's chest and let out all the pain he'd been holding in. Tatsumi laid his head down on top of Watari's, stroked his hair and held him while he sobbed. He had totally forgotten about their son until he was smacked across the face by a little hand.
"Mine Mama! Mine Mama!" their little boy yelled. Watari lifted his head off Tatsumi's chest, reached out and grabbed their son's hand. He stepped back from Tatsumi's embrace and shifted Tadashi on his hip.
"No, Tadashi, you don't hit. Yes, Mama is yours and only yours." Watari cooed at him. He looked up at Tatsumi and saw a red mark on his cheek.
"I can't believe he did that. I'm sorry about that, Seichiro. Tadashi doesn't normally do things like that." Tatsumi didn't say anything as he rubbed his cheek. Watari's eyes widened when he saw a slight smile on Tatsumi's lips.
"That boy can pack a wallop for his size. He is most definitely my son." Tatsumi said with fatherly pride and Watari let out the breath he was holding.
"I forgot to introduce you to your own son, Seichiro. I am such a blonde…" Watari said with a giggle. "Seichiro, this is your son, Tadashi. Tadashi, this is your daddy. Can you say hi to your daddy?"
"How old is he, Yutaka?"
"He just turned nine months last week. He's really big for his age. Most people think he's a year and they don't believe me when I tell them he isn't."
"He gets his size from me, Yutaka. I was always bigger than the other kids when I was little. Can I hold him?" Watari nodded and Tatsumi lifted Tadashi from his arms. Tadashi looked at Tatsumi with awe once he was settled in his arms. Watari watched as his little hand reached out and touched Tatsumi's face. Tatsumi smiled at him and kissed his little hand. Tadashi giggled when Tatsumi did that. Watari felt so out of place watching them. He went to walk away but Tatsumi grabbed his hand and made him stay by entwining their fingers together.
"Hi, Tadashi, I'm your daddy. Can you say daddy?" Tatsumi said with a huge grin on his lips.
"AHHHH!" Tadashi yelled and smacked him on the shoulder, Tatsumi just smiled.
"Close enough for me." Tatsumi looked down at Watari, "Where did you think you were going to run off to?"
"I was just going to…" The look Tatsumi was giving him made every excuse he could think of just flutter right out of his mind. Gods, this man is so fucking sexy. I want him so much and I can't help it.
"Why were you running away?" Tatsumi asked again. Watari had to break eye contact with Tatsumi so he looked down at their hands. He wished their lives were entwined like their fingers. "Tell me the truth, Yutaka."
"Fine!" Watari huffed, "I just feel out of place standing here next to you two and I'm jealous of my own son." Tatsumi could hear sadness permeating his voice.
"Yutaka, look at me." Watari looked up into those deep blue eyes. Then Tatsumi did something unexpected, he bent down and kissed him. Watari's eyes fluttered shut and sighed into the kiss. Tatsumi's mouth tasted like smoke and honey blended with spice, just like he remembered.
Hours later…
Tatsumi shifted onto his side and stretched out a hand with the intent to pull Watari close but discovered that his side of the bed was empty. He slowly cracked open an eye and stared at the spot where Watari had been laying only hours before. Tatsumi fully opened his eyes as he stroked his hand across the exposed sheet, it was still warm from Watari's body. Tatsumi sat up and pushed back the blankets, he had the sneaking suspicion that Tadashi had woken up. He got out of bed, pulled on his boxers and walked out of the room towards Tadashi's. As he walked down the hallway towards Tadashi's room, he could hear singing.
Spend all your time waiting for that second chance
For a break that will make it okay
There's always some reason to feel not good enough
And it's hard at the end of the day
Tatsumi stepped into his son's doorway and his mouth dropped open in shock. He had thought it was the radio playing but it wasn't, it was Watari singing. Tatsumi smiled and rested his head against the door jab. Watari was sitting in a rocking chair, holding Tadashi and rocking him. Tatsumi closed his eyes and listened to Watari sing their son back to sleep.
I need some distraction or a beautiful release
Memories seep from my veins
Let me be empty, oh, and weightless
And maybe I'll find some peace tonight
Tatsumi realized that Watari was singing Angel by Sarah Mclachlan. It was his favorite song.
In the arms of the angel
Far away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you feel
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You're in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort here
Then, suddenly Watari had stopped singing. Tatsumi opened his eyes and saw that Watari was standing next to Tadashi's crib, staring at him. He must have already put Tadashi back into bed. Watari stared at him intently, his golden orbs almost glowing in the semi darkness of the room. They didn't say anything and just stared at each other, then Watari began to sing again.
You set my soul at ease
Chased darkness out of view
Left your desperate spell on me
Say you feel it too, I know you do
Tatsumi breathed in quickly and watched as Watari slowly walked up to him. Tatsumi lifted his head from the door jab, Watari slowly slid his hands up his chest and snaked his arms around his neck. Watari smiled and continued to sing in his haunting, melodic voice.
I've got so much to give
This can't die, I yearn to live
Pour yourself all over me
And I'll cherish every drop, here on my knees
Tatsumi rested his forehead against Watari's and shuddered. The emotion in Watari's voice told Tatsumi everything he needed to know, Watari loved him. He had never thought that was the reason Watari had accepted what happened between them, Tatsumi let out a breathless sigh.
I wanna love you forever
and this is all I'm asking of you
Ten thousand lifetimes together
is that so much for you to do
He wrapped his arms around Watari's waist and pulled him closer. He smelled so good, clean and fresh and tempting. Watari trembled at being held so close to Tatsumi, the heat of his skin, the warmth of his breath and even the beating of his heart. Watari's heart stuttered, found the rhythm of Tatsumi's, and they began beating in unison.
Cause from the moment I saw your face
And felt the fire of your sweet embrace
I swear I know I'm gonna love you forever
Watari rubbed his body along Tatsumi's and Tatsumi bent his head down to Watari's. Heat raced over Watari's skin, spreading through his body instantly, his mouth melding to Tatsumi's. The world was gone in an instant. There was only heat and fire and the feel of his hard, masculine frame pressed so tightly to his. Watari's lips were warm, soft and welcoming. His mouth was hot, moist and exotic. For a moment, everything receded to a distant place. Watari tasted of honey and spice, of love and laughter. Tatsumi reluctantly pulled free of the kiss, Watari sighed and laid his head against his shoulder.
"I can't believe you just sang a Jessica Simpson song to me." Tatsumi said and Watari chuckled.
"I can't believe you even know it was a Jessica Simpson song. We're going to have a talk about that later."
"Is Tadashi okay?" Tatsumi whispered as he stroked Watari's golden tresses.
"He's fine, Seichiro. I think he had a nightmare. I woke up to him wailing hysterically. He stopped the moment I came into the room. Did he wake you up too?"
"No, he didn't. I reached out to pull you against me and found that the bed was empty. I figured that he must have woken up. Since he's sleeping peacefully now, let's go back to bed."
"Okay, Seichiro." Watari slid his arms from around Tatsumi's neck and let Tatsumi lead him back to bed.