I don't know why I am posting another fic... well, Graduation is being put on hiatus, as is Prank Wars until Saturday when I have to decide to continue with what I already posted or merge it with another idea I had a while back. And this... beats Graduation in the polls, so here it is. I wrote this about a year ago though, so it's about time I posted it!
Chapter 1
"Five… four… three…" Lilly Truscott mumbled as she kept her eyes glued to the clock in front of her, counting down till the bell rang. Last day of freshman year and she couldn't wait to get home.
"Two…" Miley added from behind. Lilly turned around to look at her and then forwards at Oliver who turned around as they counted down the last second together.
The bell went and the class cheered. The teacher sighed and nodded as the students grabbed their bags and ran out of class, excited for the summer that awaited them. Lilly was all smiles as she walked with Miley and Oliver to their lockers, getting the last books still in there before heading out the front entrance.
"This is going to be the best summer ever! Hannah has a tour coming up and she needs her two best friends there." Miley said as they walked towards the bus. Lilly's smile slowly faded.
"Oh, yeah, about that… I can't come." Lilly said as they boarded the bus. Miley stopped walking and turned to face her.
"What do you mean you can't come? I need you!" She said, eyes going wide.
"Sorry, but I have a… family issue?" Lilly said it as if it was more like a question then a statement. "Miley, my brother Jason is coming down for the summer to stay with us."
"Jason?" Miley asked, confused. "Why is he suddenly showing up again?"
"Doesn't he live with your dad?" Oliver put in as they all sat down at the back of the bus, their usual seating as it is easier for them to talk if they sat together.
"Yeah, when my parents got divorced he went to live with my dad, oh smart one." Lilly said and rolled her eyes. "Miley, I haven't seen him in ages and my mom wants us to spend time together."
"Tell your mom no! Or hang out with him for the first week, Hannah is still in Malibu then." Miley whispered.
Lilly sighed, she knew this wouldn't go over easy and she just wished she could tell Miley the truth, but she couldn't. "I'm sorry Miles, but I just can't."
"Don't worry Miley, Hannah will have Mike." Oliver said and put an arm around her to cheer her up. Miley smiled slightly and gave Lilly one last sad look before she dropped the subject. The rest of the bus trip consisted of Miley and Oliver talking while Lilly looked out the window, her now happy mood diminished.
"Why does this have to happen to me now?" Lilly asked as she walked into her house when she saw her brother.
"Is that all I get? No, 'Hi big brother, I missed you!'?" Jason asked, walking towards his little sister. Lilly just glared at him, arms crossed.
"Do you think you deserve one?" She asked. "Because of you, I have to help out with another mission! And you didn't even ask if I was ok with that."
"Chill Gerti, I just missed you and decided we needed to do some bonding." Jason, or Gary (which is his real name) said. "And what better then another mission from the OSS?"
"With Carmen and Juni, no less." Lilly said, walking towards the stairs.
"Hey, I'm not so happy about that either!" He shouted out to her, but Lilly just rolled her eyes. She was really Gerti Giggles, but when her father got sent to jail, she and Gary stuck around at the Spy Kids OSS, but soon after the incident with the game, she and Gary moved to Malibu, where they lived before. Then their father was released from prison and Gary soon left to go live with him while Lilly established a new life here. Now she was going back to her old ways.
"It's Lilly!" Lilly shouted as she slammed her door shut. Gary sighed and walked to her door, leaning against it.
"Fine, Lilly…"
"I hate you Gary! Because of you, I can't spend time with my real friends this summer! No, instead I have been dragged onto a mission with my brother!"
"And your crush." Gary muttered, but Lilly heard it. She opened her door and glared at him.
"How'd you find out I liked Juni?" She hissed. Gary just shrugged and smirked while Lilly narrowed her eyes at him. "It doesn't matter, that was a long time ago anyway."
"Yeah, right." Gary said and laughed. Lilly then slammed her door in his face. "Ow, that hurt my face."
"Good!" He heard Lilly shouted.
"Ok, Lilly, this is just getting ridiculous. There is a way for you to hang out with your friends if you just listen to me and come back to headquarters to get the briefing." Gary said. He heard some shuffling in the room and then the door finally opened.
"Ok, fine. I'm coming."
"Gerti and Gary Giggles." Carmen Cortez said as they met outside the Spy Kids headquarters. Lilly sighed, she didn't like who she was when she was younger.
"It's Lilly Truscott now." She mumbled, standing behind Gary and avoiding Juni's gaze.
"Lilly?" Juni asked, a bit confused. Lilly sighed and looked up at him and met his gaze.
"Yeah, I've changed since the last time we met. And it's Gary's fault that I'm here again." She said and glared at her older brother who rolled his eyes and walked inside.
"It's the same with me." Juni said as he gave his sister a look.
"Ok, I'm sorry." She said and pushed him inside. She then turned around to Lilly and gave her a smile. "We have missed you, Lilly."
"Yeah, well I'm not so sure I missed this place." She said and followed Carmen inside again. Memories came flooding back to her as she walked down the hallway towards the briefing room. She looked up at the portraits of the 'Student of the Month' where she remembered Gary knocked Juni off when he got his badge taken away from him.
"This way." Lilly looked up as they were ushered into a small room by an OSS agent. Four desks were placed in the middle of the room with booklets laid down on each one. They each walked towards one and sat down as Gregorio Cortez walked in.
"Morning." He said to them and smiled at Carmen and Juni. Gary and Lilly looked at each other and rolled their eyes before looking back at Gregorio.
"I have called the four of you in for this mission because you are the top Spy Kids still in this agency. Or, were." He said and looked at Juni. "Your assignment is actually the protection of an important person. We have reason to believe that there is someone out there trying to kidnap this person for ransom. There is tight security around her, but we need our best agents closer to her, in case something goes wrong."
"Then why us? We're just teenagers." Lilly put in. Gregorio looked at her.
"You're right Gerti-"
"Ok then, Lilly. But this person happens to be your age. This person that you must protect is none other then Hannah Montana." Lilly went into shock as the projector then showed a clip from a concert. Her eyes went wide as she watched her best friend perform onstage.
"H-Hannah M-Montana?" Lilly asked, her eyes going wide. Miley? Someone was going to try and kidnap Miley?
"Ah, yes. Is that a problem, Lilly?" Gregorio asked her. She quickly looked at Juni who gave her a confused look and then looked back at Juni's dad.
"Uhm, nope. No, that's fine." She said, her mouth going dry. She felt sick to her stomach now and tried to pay attention to everything else that he said, but she just couldn't. She watched her best friend on the projection, trying to figure out who could probably want to kidnap her. And did Robbie Ray know about this? Was he the one who called them in?
"Lilly… Hello…" Lilly snapped out of daydream and looked to see Juni standing in front of her. She got such a shock that she knocked her booklet off her desk and scattered her papers over the floor.
"Sorry!" She said and started picking them up, but Juni helped her. He gathered all the papers and handed them over to her, a smile on his face.
"You've changed." He said. "But for the better."
"Oh, yeah." Lilly smiled at him. She then felt her face heat up. "Uhm, well, I've got to go then."
"Lilly…" Juni started, but she was gone. He sighed and leaned against the door as he watched her run down the hallway.
"This cannot be happening… This cannot be happening…" Lilly said as she walked in circles around her room. She could not digest this; she could not believe someone would want to kidnap Miley! Well, Hannah, but still Miley.
"And I have to protect her! That means I'll have another identity… again!" Lilly said and fell onto her bed. She was already close friends with Hannah as 'Lola', couldn't she protect Hannah that way?
"I've got to tell her then." Lilly muttered and then picked her phone up to phone Miley and tell her, but found she just couldn't.
"Tomorrow then." She muttered and then put it down. She then crawled under her bed sheets and fell asleep looking at the phone.
Yes, it's Spy Kids crossover, a challenge set by AlaskaRae3 which I took up about a year ago. I've got the first 4 chapters done, so hopefully this will motivate me to write more.
I need your help though, with Prank Wars. I'm going to put up a new poll on my account that I would like you guys to take a look at and vote. It will help me decide what to do. xD