Theme 11: Oddness

Something odd was going on, but lately a lot of odd things had been occurring.

Actually they started occurring after Inuyasha had found Kagome sitting at the well for no apparent reason. Then for a while after that, she didn't go home… not even when Inuyasha asked her to! What was really odd though was when they found her after she had fallen off the bridge. She had seemed unusually happy for having been separated from them and with a wound too.

She had gone on daily walks by herself after that, but it wasn't too odd until Sango came back with a shocked look on her face. Was the reason she had that expression because she had found out what was going on with Kagome?

The girls soon left for the hot springs and Shippo watched them leave out of the corner of his eyes. "Hey Miroku?"

"… Yes Shippo?" The monk stopped inching his way to the hot springs as the young fox demon called his attention.

"Do you think Kagome's meeting someone on those walks of hers?"

Miroku blinked in surprise. "I hadn't thought of that… I wonder who it could be…"