okay so here it is! Fianally right?!?! Sorry it took so long to write this one! i just lost the ispiration and yeah...anywho its a short one but i promise...well ill try...but i hope the next one is longer...it should be! Anyways hope you like it and dont forget to review review review!!!

Supersam1906 out

Life Changes

Chapter 2

"Haruhi!" At the sound of his name the girlish host looked up from the instant coffee that he was preparing. Just as he looked up a big yellow blob ran straight into him. "Haruhi! The time we have spent apart has felt like eternity and-"

"We just had to come and see you!" the second blob cut in.

Haruhi couldn't help but smile, "Night, Day, good to see you two again."

The two girls stood beside each other and grinned revealing two sets of perfect teeth. Night looked around the room. "No theme today?"

"No my princess there is in fact a theme. Today we are fashioning the 'Ouran High School Host Club' theme," a tall blond boy said, suddenly appearing beside Night. Suddenly Night was trapped in his embrace, "now shall we continue this conversation over some instant coffee?"

"Are roses floating around his head?" Day whispered to Haruhi.

"Yeah, common Tamaki leave her alone," he replied with a sigh.

With a serious face Tamaki looked at Haruhi and then dropped Night and grabbed Haruhi, "don't worry Haruhi, Daddy hasn't forgotten about you."

Day raced over to Night and helped her twin up. After making sure that she was okay Day turned to Tamaki determination clear on her face, "Tamaki, don't just drop her like that! What if something hap-"

"I'm fine," Night cut in, "common Haruhi you're still my host."

Tamaki looked baffled. Normally the twins could finish each other's sentences and they were impossible to tell apart. They reminded him of Hikaru and Kaoru on normal days, but today they were like two different people. But he didn't dare say anything, he wasn't that dumb.

The twins split up without saying a single word to each other; Day going to the table where Mori, Honey and the mountain of cakes, Night to the table situated by the window.

When Night and Haruhi were seated Haruhi looked at Night taking in her every feature. Her normal porcelain skin looked sickly, and her normally bright green eyes were now dull. "Are you feeling well Night? You look sick."

Night turned her attention from the outside scenery to her host, "When are the Hitachiin brothers gonna get back from their trip?"

This shocked Haruhi. She couldn't recall telling Night about Hikaru and Kaoru, "umm, in a couple days."

Night looked down at the instant coffee in her tea cup. It was decorated by a rose that was blowing in a breeze, but its petals were scattered around the cup. To Night the black coffee seemed out of place being in a elegant tea cup such as this one. "Do you believe in heaven?"

Haruhi smiled, "yes."

Night looked up from the seeming coffee and shook her head, "I don't."

"Time to go," Day said, suddenly appearing behind Night. Night got up from the table and reached out her hand. Day thought about it but when she saw the look in her sister's eyes she laced their fingers together. With that the twins left the Host Club, the sound of an alarm echoing after them.