disclaimer: i only own rights to Night and Day. Everything else is not mine. Enjoy!:)

Prologue/intro thingy

At all of their family gatherings they always got the same thing. When they received clothes they always had to wear the same outfits. And on their birthday they received the same presents.

Night. The youngest of the twins, but only by a couple minutes was diagnosed with a heart condition at age 7. Because of her weak heart she didn't play outside any more and she lived indoors.

While Night lay in bed resting Day, the eldest of the twins, decided that she would take this as an opportunity to be an individual. Growing up for the all of 7 years with someone constantly beside you, Day became lonely and decided that she would play with Night in her room.

So while the two girls amused themselves by playing the, which one is Night game they became annoyed that no one could tell them apart. This made them particularly annoyed because Night was sick and was completely different from Day.

So the two girls grew up together and ended up becoming isolated. When they reached high school their rich parents sent them across the world to live with their rich uncle and aunt, so that they could attend to a high school in Japan.

And so it was here in front of the big wooden doors of Music room Number three, in the hall ways of Ouran Academy, which the two girls found themselves. They were both wearing the same yellow uniform that every girl wears at the school, and they both had their black hair that reached to the bottom of their rib cages let down.

One of the girls was wearing a pink clip to keep the hair out of her eyes. She turned to her twin and firmly said, "Night are you ready?"

The other twin turned to her and took a deep breath, "am I ready to meet the twins of the Ouran Host Club?" Night smiled. "If your there with me Day".

Each of the two girls grabbed a handle of the big wooden doors and pushed them open…