This is my first fanfic ever!!! Hope you like it, and please Rate and Review! I love reading comments, and please criticise my work, just don't be too harsh! =P

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN ONE PIECE!!!

At first, in my planning, I thought that this story would have been rated M. But then, as the story progressed, I was fine with the way it was, as in not having all that explicit part in it, so I kept it as T. So, please enjoy!

April 25, 2009


Luffy's laugh can be heard throughout the whole Thousand Sunny. Currently, he was being chased by a group of marines who invaded the ship, yet, Luffy wasn't the slight bit worried.

"LUFFY!" Nami was very annoyed. She had been drawing her map when a cannonball rocked the ship, making her slip and ruin her map. "Why don't you just get this over with and stop

playing around!? You're giving me a head—" WHACK! A poor marine was lucky enough to be one of the chosen ones for Nami to put some of her anger out on.

"Weapon's Left! Captain, what should we do?"

"W-w-what s-should w-we d-do!? That is s-such an obvious q-question! H-hurry up and g-get the s-ship o-out of here!" Usopp didn't like the situation very much. Somehow, they had

gotten trapped inside a fleet of Marines.

"ARRGHH! GET OFF OF ME!!" Chopper was getting irritated with the Marines plopping onto him.

"Santoryuu, Oni—" BANG! "—WHAT THE HELL, ERO-COOK!?"

"What the hell my ass, marimo. You just pushed Robin-chwan, didn't you!?" Sanji yelled.

"That was to get her out of the way! Ahou-love-cook!" Zoro spun around to face Sanji.

"Then do it gentler!" WHACK! The unfortunate Marine, the one who Zoro was fighting, had tried to do a surprise attack, but instead was on the receiving end of a katana and a kick.

"Yohohohoho!~ Quit fighting, you two!" Brook was running around, sometimes on the water, sometimes on the deck rails, playing his violin attacks. "Yohohoho!"

"Cinco Fleur…. Clutch!" The sound of a spine cracking was heard.

"Franky, hurry up and get the Coup de Burst ready, damn it!" Nami screamed.

"Nee-chan, it's not that I don't want to, but I have to be able to get over there first!"

"Then hurry the hell up and get over there! And quit calling me nee-chan!" Nami shouted, her hand curling up into a fist.

"Usopp, get your ass over her and come help me!" Franky called.

"Ah, oh, uh, y-yeah!"

"Uwahahahaha!" Luffy was still running around holding his strawhat, and right now, he grabbed the sails and flew up towards the crow's nest. "Shishishishi! Gomu Gomu no Gattling



Everyone from the crew finished off their most recent enemy and looked over to see who was it that needed help.

"NAMI!!" Luffy was the first to punch the sneaky Marine away. "Daijoubu?? (Are you okay?)" He had stretched over to Nami's side.

"Aa…" Nami was a bit shocked.

"Kono kuso-yaro! How DARE you try to hurt my beloved Nami-swan!?" Sanji spat at the unconscious Marine while simultaneously kicking him.

"SUPPPPEEERRR! The Coup de Burst is now ready!" Franky called. "Hold on to something, and don't say I didn't warn you if you fall off! Coup…de…BURST!"

Sunny-Go shot off, leaving the Marines who were still on their ships aghast. Everyone else on Sunny-Go was throwing the remaining Marines overboard.

"Shishishishishi!" Luffy laughed while the ship landed elsewhere.


"Quit laughing! It's all your fault that Nami-san got hurt!" Sanji infuriated.

"EHHHHHHHHH! How is it my fault!?" Luffy asked incredulously.

"Not your fault!? You're the one who was running around like a shitty idiot!" Sanji kicked Luffy again.

"Sanji-kun, it's okay. I'm fine now." Nami emerged from Chopper's office, with bandages wrapped around her upper arm.

"Ah! Nami-swan! Daijoubu-deshkaaa~?" The cook asked, overwhelmed with love.

"Hai hai. I'm not gonna die that easily," Nami answered, practically ignoring the love-cook.

"Ah! Nami! Glad to see you're fine!" Usopp shouted over his workshop.

""NAMI! You're okay!" Luffy jumped over to the deck from his "special seat" on Sunny-Go's head.

"Aa, alive and well." Nami gave Luffy a grin.

"Shishishi!" Luffy smiled from ear to ear.

-stomach growling-

"Ughhh… After all that fighting, I'm hungry. SANJI!! MESHIII!! (food)"

"Hai hai. I'm just going to make it, so bear with it for a while," Sanji said.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah," Luffy said with his puppy face.

"If I hear you whine one more time, you're not getting ANY food for lunch today."

Luffy quickly slapped both of his hands over his mouth.

"Hahaha," Nami chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Luffy asked

"Nothing," and she walked off, leaving Luffy standing there alone.

One hour later…

It was not only the clanking of utensils against plates that was loud inside the ship where the Mugiwara Kaizoku were eating. The sound of yelling was also very loud, with everyone

trying to save HIS meal from his very greedy (greedy as in food) captain, Monkey D. Luffy. "His" because Luffy would never try to steal from the navigator or the archaeologist, knowing

that it would mean immediate death. And that death would not be pleasant. Not one bit. So, as everyone, everyone as in Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Chopper, Franky, and Brook, tried to keep

his captain's stretching arms away from their food, Nami and Robin were eating peacefully, if you could call it "peacefully" when everyone was shouting at each other.

"Shut up! Can't I eat my meal in peace for once!?" Nami threatened.

"Hahuhu," Robin chuckled.

"That's right, you shitheads! Be quiet and learn some manners for once!" Sanji agreed.

"OI LUFFY! QUIT STEALING MY FOOD!" Usopp yelled, stomping his foot onto the dinner table.

"I wiwn't sweal four food!" (I didn't steal your food!) Luffy denied, shaking his head, mouth stuffed with food.

"Talk when your mouth is not stuffed!" Usopp reprimanded.

"Yohohoho! Our captain sure is lively!" Brook commented.

"Suppeerrr! Sanji, your food is always the best!" Franky praised.

"Of course it is!" Sanji said.

"Robin, you are lucky you don't need to protect your food everyday from Luffy," Chopper envied.

Robin chuckled.

Nami sighed. "I guess things never change, huh?" She said to Robin.

"I guess not," and Robin chuckled again.

Seven hours later…

"Damn, the guys can't shut up and have a peaceful meal for once, can they? Especially for dinner!" Nami complained after dinner when she and Robin were resting, about to go the sleep.

"Huhum," Robin chuckled, covering her mouth elegantly with her hand.

Nami sighed. "I'm exhausted. Good night, Robin."

"Good night, Miss Navigator."

Nami headed back to her room, undressed, and changed into some clean and comfier clothes. "Good night, Bellemere-san," she said, looking at the picture of her, Nojiko, and Bellemere.