She slowly woke up in a daze. It took her a minute to remember where she was. When she looked up, she saw Cameron standing at the window looking down, in the darkened room.
Thirteen slowly sat up. The movement caught Cameron's eye and she softly smiled at Thirteen. "Hey."
The younger doctor didn't know if she should get up and go to Cameron or stay put. She opted for the latter as it was safer. She ran a hand through her hair in an effort to make it look decent. "How long have you been up?"
"A few minutes," Cameron uncrossed her arms. Thirteen could see a phone in her hand, "I called the fertility center and they won't know what got lost in the fire until the morning."
Thirteen glanced at the clock. It was only eight forty-seven at night. "They answered their phones that late?"
"They've been working all day since the fire," Cameron answered still standing at the window. She paused, watching Thirteen sitting in the bed. The brunette quietly sat on the bed not saying anything.
Thirteen didn't know what to say. She wanted to comfort Cameron as best she could. Even in the dark she could see how red it was around Cameron's eyes.
"I never did thank you for coming," Cameron said quietly as she walked back to the bed. She slowly sat at the edge, a few feet from Thirteen.
Thirteen looked down at the sheets, "I…wasn't actually sure you would want me here."
Cameron quietly added, "There isn't anyone else I'd want here."
She tried to squash a smile. Now was not the right time to be smiling, but no one had ever said that she was the only one they wanted around when they were hurting, except in a medical setting.
The blonde scooted closer to Thirteen and leaned into her. The younger woman wrapped her arms around Cameron, closing her eyes as she felt the other woman sink into her.
After a few minutes, Cameron sniffled a bit and pulled away. She took a minute to regain her composure, "I'm gonna go wash my face, then how about we head to the bar downstairs?"
"Whatever you wanna do."
Thirteen watched Cameron walk into the bathroom and walk out with a face that didn't show any signs that she cried at all.
Almost an hour later, Cameron was staring into her forth or fifth Cosmo, while Thirteen was still sipping on her first bourbon. The blonde drained her remaining drink and signaled the bartender for another.
"I think you're two Cosmos beyond wasted," Thirteen carefully told Cameron who hadn't spoken much during their hour at the bar.
"That never stops you from having another," Cameron raised an eyebrow, finally looking at Thirteen.
The brunette was taken aback. She didn't expect such venomous comments from the blonde. Thirteen bit her lip to keep her reply behind her lips. She knew Cameron was in pain, there was no reason to insult her back.
Two Cosmos later, Cameron was giggling like a child and kept trying to make out with Thirteen in the bar. She was straddling Thirteen who was sitting on the barstool. She grabbed the collar of the leather jacket Thirteen was wearing. Pulling the internist close, she whispered into her ear, "Let's go back to the room."
Thirteen was relieved Cameron finally wanted to leave. Not the she minded Cameron all over her, she just liked it better when Cameron was sober and in a more private place. Plus Thirteen figured that Cameron would pass out as soon as they got to the room.
The brunette looked to the bartender who said, "It's already been charged to the room."
She nodded, "Thanks."
"Do you need help?" the bartender offered, gesturing to the blonde that had already grabbed onto the bar to keep from falling over.
Thirteen shook her head, "I got her."
The second Thirteen inserted the key into the lock Cameron quickly stumbled into the room and straight to the bathroom. Thirteen knew exactly what Cameron was doing and followed the blonde to hold her hair back and hand her, her toothbrush.
After she practically carried Cameron to the bed, Thirteen knelt next to her, "I'm gonna go downstairs and get some things."
Cameron sleepily nodded.
Thirteen swept some hair out of Cameron's forehead then kissed it before heading to the small store in the first floor of the hotel. When she returned, Cameron was back in the bathroom. Thirteen tossed what she bought onto the bed and helped Cameron in the bathroom before carrying her to bed again. This time she handed Cameron some aspirin and a sports drink.
"You're going to be hurting in the morning," Thirteen whispered as Cameron took the pills and sipped the drink.
Cameron didn't seem to hear her. She just pulled Thirteen onto the bed and snuggled into her. Thirteen took off her jacket then wrapped her arms around Cameron. She wasn't tired in the least, but she would never object to holding Cameron.
She stayed awake for a few hours, stroking Cameron's hair and debating the same thing she was the last time Cameron fell asleep in her arms. She thought about her own mortality affecting Cameron until she drifted off to sleep.
Cameron woke up in Thirteen's arms. She glanced at the clock, but the strain of her eyes hurt her head. She reached for the drink Thirteen bought her last night and downed it in a few gulps. Then she looked down at Thirteen whose arms were wrapped around her waist. Gently taking Thirteen's wrists in her hand, she tried to sneak out of bed without waking the brunette like she'd done the previous time she woke up, but Thirteen's eyes fluttered open and as soon as she regained her bearings, she studied Cameron, still unsure of what to do.
"Are you okay?" Cameron asked softly, stroking Thirteen's cheek.
Thirteen nodded, "I'm fine. Are you okay?"
Cameron sighed, "I…I'm scared.
The brunette immediately when with her instinct to wrap her arms around Cameron. In response, the blonde slid her arms around Thirteen's middle and closed her arms as tight as she could, keeping Thirteen pressed against her.
A minute later, Cameron slowly pulled away. "I need to go."
"Do you want me to go with you?" Thirteen asked expectantly.
There was a brief pause, "I think…. I need to do it myself."
Thirteen nodded, "Okay."
Cameron pulled Thirteen took her again, hoping to gain all the courage she could conjure between them to go see if what was left of her husband was still there. She pulled away only enough to kiss the younger doctor, before pulling away completely.
She slowly got dressed while Thirteen just sat on the bed and watched her.
"What are you going to do while I'm gone?" Cameron asked.
Thirteen shrugged, "I'll probably go get some clothes. I didn't pack anything when I figured out where you were. I just…hopped a plane." The last part sounded a little crazy as she said it.
Cameron smiled, sober for the first time since they'd arrived in Chicago. She walked over to Thirteen and kissed her again, deepening the kiss almost immediately. When she pulled away she said, "That's the sweetest thing anyone has every done for me."
The kiss was still affecting Thirteen so her brain was still in a haze when Cameron completely pulled away and went back to getting dressed.
"I'll be back later, okay?" Cameron paused at the door.
She waited for Thirteen to nod before walking out the door.
Cameron had been sitting in the waiting for close to an hour. She was tired and had a headache and sitting in a waiting room was not helping.
"Allison Cameron," the woman at the desk called.
Cameron's heart started racing. This was it. She would find out if she still had a chance to bear her dead husband's child or possibly children. She didn't know if she'd ever want to, but this frozen semen meant that she could if she wanted to.
"I'm Allison Cameron," Cameron told the woman.
"I'll need to see two forms of ID," the woman at the desk told her.
Cameron sighed and pulled out her wallet. She took out her driver's license and her hospital ID.
"Oh, Dr. Cameron," the woman studied Cameron before standing, "Come with me."
Cameron got more nervous with every step. Down the hallway they stopped at the second office on the left. There was an older man already sitting at the desk in the middle of the office.
As she walked in Cameron, studied the office. It was so much more organized than her own office and so much bigger. Cameron figured the man had a secretary or something to handle his filing while Cameron did all of her personally.
"Dr. Cameron to see you," the woman from the front desk told him.
The man nodded and waited for the door to close before addressing Cameron. "Have a seat."
Cameron begrudgingly sat down. She didn't like it when people told her what to do. She just wanted to get this over with.
"After going through all of the samples," the doctor paused, "We have found that your husband's sperm had partially defrosted."
Cameron felt tears spring to her eyes. Defrosted means they're already dead.
"However," the older doctor paused, "There is still enough that remained frozen for one, maybe two insemination."
The blonde sighed in relief. "Thank you."
He nodded as she stood and walked out. So much weight had been lifted off of her shoulders knowing that a little part of her husband was still alive.
When Cameron opened the door to the hotel room, she found that Thirteen had moved one of the two chairs in the room to the window and fell asleep in it.
The whole situation wasn't ideal, but it seemed that it had been a good thing, bringing the two women closer than they had been before. Cameron knew this.
The blonde walked over to the chair and softly stroked Thirteen's hair until her almost girlfriend's eyes fluttered open, "C'mon I bet the bed is a lot more comfortable than that chair." Cameron leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on Thirteen's forehead. Cameron noticed Thirteen's new white v-neck shirt and new jeans.
The younger doctor nodded and sleepily stood, walking to the bed in a deep mental haze. Even in her sleepy state, Thirteen had noticed Cameron's demeanor, "Judging by your smile I guess all is well." She practically fell on the bed, shimmying under the covers before she opened her eyes all the way to look at Cameron.
The ER head laid next to Thirteen, cuddling up to the younger doctor. She'd felt the need to be in constant contact with Thirteen so she wrapped her arms around her waist. Thirteen settled comfortable onto Cameron's shoulder and patiently waited for Cameron's response.
"Some of it is gone," Cameron paused, "So the fertility doctor said I'd only have one or two chances. If that doesn't take then that's that."
Thirteen looked up at the blonde, "Are you okay?"
"It's still two chances," Cameron held Thirteen closer, feeling the need to feel Thirteen's body pressed against her own.
There was a long pause and Thirteen was completely awake by then. She picked at the hem of Cameron's shirt, submerged in her own thoughts.
As Thirteen debated if she should share what she was thinking, Cameron asked, "What are you thinking?"
Thirteen hesitated before speaking, "That…I…I may only have a few years left." She paused, "And you lost your husband…"
Cameron craned her neck to kiss Thirteen, "I know what you're thinking and I've thought it over and over, but I never regretted any of my time with Danny and I have never regretted any of my time with you."