With a yawn, Hermione closed the file she was reviewing, rolling her neck from side to side. She winced at the resulting 'popping' noise. Her stomach gave a pleading rumble and she realized how hungry she was.
"Ron?" she called out experimentally, hoping she could convince her husband to make her a sandwich. No answer, must still be up with Rose, she reasoned.
Pushing her work aside she stretched her sore muscles and padded into the kitchen in search of sustenance. Opening the refrigerator, she found a promising parcel in the back that had somehow escaped Ron's notice. Loading up the bread, she fumbled around the cupboard for a suitable condiment. Finding something that intrigued her, she assembled her snack and went back to work.
"What are you eating?" a deep voice suddenly asked over her shoulder.
"A sandwich. Want a bite?" she offered.
Ron took one look and promptly declined. As he took a seat beside her, he asked "Are you feeling okay?," his voice a bit strained.
"Mmm-hmm. Really tired though." She took another bite of her sandwich and hummed in satisfaction. "I would have liked some crisps to go with this - know where I might find some?"
Ron laughed, "I think I can help you with that." Making his way to his 'secret' stash in the kitchen he asked, "Anything else while I'm up?"
"Hmmm ... maybe a Coke?"
"Really?" he popped his head out the kitchen, brows raised in disbelief.
"Really. A nice cold Coke would be the perfect compliment to my masterpiece," she said teasingly, holding her sandwich aloft in triumph. "Salt and vinegar, if you have them!"
Ron brought her the requested soda and crisps and watched silently as she peeled open her sandwich and added some crisps to the mix before taking another bite and munching happily. She took a long pull of the drink and returned to her reading.
After a bit, Ron cleared his throat and asked, "Um, Hermione ..."
"I was just wondering ... aren't you, uh, more than a week late ..."
"Late? For what?"
"Your, uh, ... monthly. I just wondering ... could you be pregnant?"
"Why in the world would you ask me that?
"Well, it's just, your really, really tired lately - like pregnant tired; you're usually very regular - when it comes to, you know ..."
"Plus - the last time you ate something that disgusting was when you poured treacle sauce on your kippers - and less than nine months later Rosie popped out."
Hermione gave him an indignant huff, Honestly, what is he about? she thought crossly.
"My sandwich is not disgusting!" she declared in annoyance. She pulled back the bread and peered down at her creation - blue cheese and Nutella with bits of crisp sticking to the chocolate spread. Okay, maybe he does have a point - this is a bit unusual.
Mentally doing the calculations, her eyes grew wide in realization. Reaching for her wand, she said shakily, "I'd better do the test."