-1Disclaimer: Gundam Wing does not, sadly, belong to me, and I am making no monetary profit from writing.

Note 1 - Thanks to Kaeru Shisho and Snowdragonct for editing and encouragement.

Note 2 - This series can be read independently of 'Apres La Guerre' but it does take part in the ALG universe.

The First Day is Always the Worst:

AC 196, January 23rd. 11.32 am. Orientation Meeting. Board Room, Preventers HQ.

This is a total waste of time. On my left hand, Wufei has apparently meditated himself into a coma; to my right, a young female agent is describing, in excruciating and unnecessary detail, her hobby of line-dancing. Across the table, Agent Harris, who is the Preventers Personnel Officer, is smiling approvingly at this ridiculous charade.

The 'phone I'm hiding under the desk vibrates slightly; another message from Duo. Ever since I sent him a quick message to say I was quite likely to die of boredom at the Orientation session, he's been texting me.

Wufei slides me a look that's doubtless meant to be disapproving, but is spoilt by the little smile hovering on his mouth. He knows exactly what I'm up to; I showed him a few of Duo's earlier messages, which were very funny, but the latest ones have definitely been private. My boyfriend is much more adventurous on the 'phone than in person.

I look up from replying to Duo to find Harris looking at me and Wufei expectantly. 'Just your names and perhaps a little information that will help us to get to know you a little better.' She gives me an encouraging smile and I get to my feet. This is ridiculous; I'm sure they all know who we are.

'My name is Heero Yuy.' I give them a brief nod and then remember something Duo told me. Apparently, in social occasions it is appropriate to give a polite greeting. Granted, this isn't exactly a social situation, but he'd still approve if I tried to be courteous. 'Good afternoon.' He also said that it's a good idea to smile, but I can't see the point of smiling at so many strangers.

Instead, I sit back down and Wufei stands up briefly. 'Agent Chang.'

Honestly, his social skills are even worse than mine.

'I see.' Agent Harris looks slightly stunned. 'It's a pleasure to have you both here with us.' She glances at her watch. 'I think we'll take a short coffee break now. I'm sure you want to mingle a little and get to know your new colleagues. We'll start back in twenty minutes.'

11.43. Commander Une's office, Preventers HQ.

'Would you care to explain yourselves, gentlemen? I had thought that you could perhaps last the entire morning without assaulting your colleagues but I was apparently mistaken.'

'I acted in self defence,' I tell her woodenly. 'Agent Norton came up behind me unexpectedly; I simply reacted as I've been trained to do.'

'She only wished to shake your hand.' Une's mouth thins as she regards us both; she never wanted either of us in her personal organisation, but Relena did.

'Agent Harris informs me that you have both been highly unco-operative. Refusing to interact with your colleagues, even to shake hands this morning when you were all introduced.'

'The custom of shaking hands was never a part of L5 culture,' Wufei informs her firmly. 'Our elders believed it to be unhygienic and there is scientific evidence to show that it encourages the spread of bacteria.' He looks down at his hands, both stuffed firmly in his pockets. 'The Preventers manual I was issued with specifically states that agents will not be expected to engaged in any practices which are incompatible with their cultural backgrounds.'

She sighs and turns to me. 'Am I to take it that the custom is not a part of your belief system either, Agent Yuy?'

'I dislike touching strangers.' Actually, I dislike touching anyone who isn't Duo. 'In any case, I feel this whole morning has been a waste of time. Surely we could be assigned to something more productive.'

'It is productive to get to know your colleagues, with whom you will be working in the future. You could be partnered with any of these agents; you need to develop a relationship with them.'

I already have a relationship.

That makes me think of Duo; I wonder what he's doing now. I got to send him one last message before my 'phone was confiscated. I'll have to borrow Wufei's when we get out of this office.

'I hardly think that is necessary,' Wufei states loftily. 'Yuy and I will partner each other.' That strikes even me as just a little high-handed. Une is technically our boss, after all; she probably wants to feel that she has some input in what we do.

'So you are saying that you refuse to work with any other agents? Is that correct?'

'Certainly not,' I say, trying to ease the tension a little. Duo would be so pleased if he could see me now. Well, admittedly, it would probably please him more if I just shot the woman, but logically that isn't a good idea. Her frown lightens very slightly. 'We both know and respect Agents Po and Noin. Being partnered with them would be quite acceptable.'

'We trust each other implicitly,' Wufei chips in. 'To partner us with strangers would be pure folly on your part, and would significantly decrease our usefulness to your organisation. It would take months, at the very least, for either of us to trust a stranger to the extent that a mission requires.'

Our commander splutters slightly; fortunately, her 'phone rings before she has a chance to retort and we are dismissed.

13.26 pm. Commander Une's office.

She doesn't look any happier to see us this time. Even when we inform her that it genuinely wasn't our fault. Wufei and I were told the training exercise involved extracting information from a murder suspect. When we found out that the gun we'd been given was loaded with blanks, it made perfect sense to use other means of interrogation. It's not as if we killed him, after all.

Une isn't persuaded by our logic. We are both to receive a written warning. Appointments are being made with a psychologist to address our tendency toward violent behaviour.

Ridiculous, as I've said before. I'm starting to regret this.

14.53 pm. Third floor office, currently being used for Preventer uniform fittings.

The room has been set up with a number of screens creating private areas for fittings. It's the first time I've had clothes made to fit me. I dislike the experience intently. Only Duo is allowed to touch me so intimately. Wufei's face is red when he emerges from his own small cubicle, pulling his clothes straight. Even more than me, he dislikes being in close proximity with strangers. With anyone, really.

'What are we going to have to endure next?'

'We're free until three fifteen. There is tea and coffee being served downstairs, apparently.'

I know we'd both rather die of thirst than have to go back down there. I have spent my entire life hiding my identity; anonymity has kept me alive. We've both been terrorists on the run for the past year. Now we are suddenly expected to live in the limelight, with the universe gawking at us. It's impossibly hard.

Instead, we find a cubicle with a windowsill to lean against. I borrow Wufei's 'phone to call Duo, and he does his breathing exercises. We both stiffen, at the sound of voices, suddenly on full alert. Less than a month ago, we were fighting for our lives against the people who are now our colleagues. I'm sure everyone in the entire organisation has some sort of grudge against Gundam Pilots.

The footsteps pause at the door and we can hear chairs scraping against the wooden floor. Two more people needing a break, perhaps.

'So…what d'you think of our two new recruits?' The voice is American, southern, I think. Young-sounding.

The first part of the reply is drowned out by the sound of a chair being dragged somewhere. '…wouldn't touch Yuy with a barge pole. You saw what he did to Harris this morning; broke her arm like he was snapping a twig and never even apologised. Fucking psycho. Probably wires himself up to a computer at night.'

Wufei and I exchange grins; Duo had said something of the sort when we'd first met. It will make him laugh to hear other people share his original opinion of me.

'Chang's hot, if he'd lose some of that attitude. Still, it's always fun to loosen up the uptight ones, right?'

Wufei gasps in outrage, and I shake my head at him. We're in enough trouble already; we don't need him to kill a fellow agent for the slur to his honour. He settles back down but his eyes are murderous.

'Pity Maxell didn't sign up. I wouldn't say no to a piece of that. Reckon it's true that Yuy is screwing him?'

The American sniggers. 'Oh, yeah. They're all alike from L2, like to spread themselves around. Maxwell grew up on the streets, right? Probably been selling his ass since he could walk. And if he's with Yuy, he probably likes it rough.'

15.11. Commander Une's office, Preventers' HQ.

'Gentlemen. Since you left this office less than two hours ago, two of my top agents have been transferred to Intensive Care. In addition, three of the agents who tried to intervene have sustained minor injuries. Perhaps you would care to explain what happened.'

'They insulted Duo Maxwell.' It's Wufei who answers; I'm not sure if I can speak coherently. I wanted to kill those bastards. I still want to.

'According to the Preventers Code of Conduct Manual, chapter 4, sub-section 7a, it is a disciplinary offence for any agent to utter derogatory remarks about another agent or his family or spouse based on race, gender, age or sexuality.'

Une blinks; I probably do as well. We'd both been issued with these manuals; Duo had torn mine up to make paper darts. Wufei had apparently learned his off by heart.

'Mr. Maxwell is Agent Yuy's partner and my former colleague. Those men made remarks that we both considered to be extremely offensive. In the circumstances, I feel we acted with considerable leniency.'

'No one insults Duo in my presence.' I manage finally.

'Or mine.' Wufei shifts slightly so he is standing closer to me.

'This is…not a school yard, Chang!' Une snaps. 'You are both adults. You are supposed to be able to rise above a little name calling and deal with it in a mature fashion.'

'I see. So you would not object, hypothetically, to Yuy and I discussing Treize Khushrenada in demeaning and derogatory terms.'

Oh dear, as Quatre would say. This is not good.

They lock gazes, and Une is the first person to break away, fiddling with her ridiculous new hairstyle.

'I'm going to speak plainly,' she grates. 'I didn't' want either of you in this organisation, but Relena Peacecraft did, and so did some other ESUN officials. You are here on sufferance. You will both receive an official reprimand. I would have you both out of here so fast you'd think a Leo hit but Princess Relena has been receiving terrorist threats, and has personally requested you both as security. You will be assigned details tomorrow. That is all.'

15.35 pm. Preventers' Garage.

We don't talk on our way down to the underground garage, not until we reach our respective cars. It's over. At least, we've survived the first day.

'Wufei. Duo doesn't need to know about this.'

He nods, looking mildly surprised that I bothered to say it. He gives a second nod goodbye and opens his door, and I feel a sudden surge of sympathy for him. I am going home to Duo; Wufei is going home to the small apartment where he lives alone. On impulse, I call after him.

'Wufei! Why don't you come and have dinner with us?'

He hesitates. 'Some other night, perhaps. Duo probably has plans for the evening. And he might already have dinner prepared.'

'Duo will be thrilled to see you,' I say firmly, regretting that I hadn't made the invitation earlier. Wufei is always reluctant to intrude. 'And you know perfectly well he won't have cooked; well, not unless he's mad at me for some reason.'

That makes him smile; Duo and Quatre's culinary skills - or lack thereof - were a running joke during the war. 'It seems rather forward to turn up at such short notice.'

'Duo won't care about that. You know you've got a standing invitation to visit us anytime and he's been dying to show you our home.'

'Very well,' he nods finally, glancing at his watch. 'I need to go home first to change. I'll come at six, if that's all right.'

'Perfect,' I tell him. Actually, this way works out rather well; I get to spend time alone with Duo before he arrives. Sliding into my new car and switching on my 'phone to dial Duo, I reflect that the day must have been difficult for Wufei if he's actively seeking out company. We've been asking him to visit for a week now and he's always come up with some excuse.

'Hey babe!' Duo picks up his 'phone on the first ring. 'How'd it go? Ready for me to pick up you up? That's cool that you get to finish early on your first day.'

'Actually, I don't need a lift. I've got my own car now and I should be home in about twenty minutes.'

'Really? You've got a special agent car? Does it have all kinds of cool gadgets?'

'It's got Sat Nav. And individual cup holders.'

He laughs. 'Reclining seats?'

'We can check later. Duo, I've asked Wufei over for dinner. That's all right, isn't it?'

'Cool! It'll be great to see him again, and he hasn't seen our house yet. Is he coming with you?'

'No, he had to go home first to shower and change.' I reflect suddenly that he'd actually said he had to go to 'my apartment' whereas I say 'home' at every possible opportunity. 'He said he'd be with us around six.'

'What, you mean you don't have showers in that fancy-shmancy Preventers building?' Duo laughs. 'Or was Fifi scared that Une might have CCTV to spy on all her cute agents in the buff?'

'One day you'll call him that to his face and he'll slice you into tiny pieces.'

'Nah, I've got you to protect me,' my boyfriend says carelessly. 'Right. What d'you think he'd like to eat? That little Chinese place on the lakefront delivers 'til nine; we can order from there. Sally says it's all authentic Chinese stuff, not Western imitations.'

'I thought I might cook something, actually. Could you take some chicken out of the freezer and start defrosting it? You'll need to put it on a plate in the microwave, and switch on the 'defrost' button.'

'No problemo. Listen, I was just on to Quat. His doctors are talking about discharging him in the next couple of days. They're running more tests tomorrow, and if they're clear, he's out of there.'

'That's excellent. Is he still planning to go to the circus with Trowa? It doesn't seem like the best environment to convalesce.'

'Probably not,' Duo admits. 'But you know what Blondie's like once he gets an idea into his head. He's got all sort of fantasies about him and Tro living in a caravan with roses 'round the door and cute baby animals everywhere.'

'His sisters won't like that.'

'Yeah, like they really care about him. Three weeks since that psycho chick Dorothy tried to make their little brother into a kebab, and not one of them's bothered to come and visit him. All they do is send messages about how disappointed their father would have been in his only son. That's really helping. Anyway, he got one of his surgeons to write a note saying it won't be safe for him to travel in space for at least six weeks. At least he's got a little bit of breathing space. Right, I'll go and find your chicken. See you in a bit, 'kay?' He blows a sloppy kiss down the 'phone and I'm smiling as I hang up.

I'm going home to my boyfriend. To our home. Life can never possibly be better than this.

He calls back in about five minutes.

''Ro? I think you'll have to stop and buy some stuff. I looked under 'C' in the freezer, and there's no chicken left. You must have used it all.'

'Sorry, Duo. It's filed under 'P' for poultry.'

'What the hell is poultry?'

'Chickens, ducks, geese. Any kind of edible domestic bird.'

'You are seriously weird; you know that, don't you? Like, it's not enough that the frozen stuff is filed alphabetically, you have to use words no one's ever heard of.'

'I thought it would be more efficient.'

'Well, memo to Agent Yuy; it didn't work.'

'Objection noted and taken under consideration.'

'Copy. You know, if this whole Preventer thing doesn't pan out, you have a great future as a filing clerk.'

16.03 pm. Private residence of Heero Yuy and Duo Maxwell. Address deleted for security reasons.

We're still debating the merits of my housekeeping system when I pull into our drive and park behind Duo's car. It's not the sports car he's always dreamed of; not yet. We've looked up a few car dealers on line and he was utterly shocked by the prices. Instead, we spent an afternoon visiting scrap yards and found this zippy little two-seater which he's sprayed a bright kingfisher-blue.

'Hey, 'Ro.' Duo pulls my door open and grins at me. 'So, this is what all the hot agents are driving this year, huh? Have to say, I'm not all that impressed. Une wasn't that generous with the budget, I guess.'

'It's not that bad,' I defend my new vehicle. 'We're supposed to have vehicles that blend in with their environment, and it's got a much more powerful engine than you'd think.'

'Just as well. So….what do you think of my latest project?'

It actually takes a minute to realise that our front door, which had been white when I left for work is now purple.

'If you hate it, I can cover it with something else,' Duo looks at me uncertainly. 'I just thought purple was your favourite colour.'

'Indigo, actually.' Of course it is; it's the colour of his eyes. 'I do like it. It was just unexpected.' Really, I couldn't care less what colour he chooses; he can paint the house tartan if it makes him happy. It's just so - conspicuous. Most of the other houses on our street have white or grey paintwork; I'm not sure if I like ours to stand out so much.

'They didn't have indigo paint. It says on the can that this colour is actually called heliotrope.'

'That's a purple flower.' I resolve to buy him some. Although I'll check with Quatre first that it's acceptable to give a man flowers.

'You're sure you're OK with this? I was talking to the old lady next door and she said she liked it. She's really cool actually; she brought over some home-made cake and we had tea together.'

'Duo! I can't believe you let a stranger inside! We don't know who she is.'

He rolls his beautiful eyes at me. 'Sure we do. Remember you did all those background checks on the neighbours before we moved in?'

'I could have missed something. And we can't have strange people in the house! You don't know anything about them.'

'She's over seventy, babe. She has this little dog that looks like the business end of a mop. I saw photos of her grandchildren. I somehow didn't think that she was a threat, not one I couldn't deal with anyway.' He tilts his chin at me, daring me to make an issue of this. 'I can handle myself, you know.'

'I know.' Damn, I don't want this to develop into a row. Not tonight. 'I never meant to imply you couldn't.' Before he can stop me, I manage to pull him into my arms. He's never comfortable with me touching him in public, but this is our garden, it's an extension of the house; it's surrounded by a high hedge and we're not overlooked anyway. It's private and he's just going to have to learn to put up with it. 'It's just that I like…handling you.'

He snorts at me; a sound that's slightly more amused than irritated. 'Nice save, Yuy. Doesn't mean you don't have issues with over-protectiveness.'

'You can't talk, love,' I laugh at him. 'You're the one who hacked into the Preventers personnel files to check the histories of the people I'll be working with, remember? And you covered me until I got inside the building this morning.'

'Oh, fine, we're both way over-protective,' he concedes. 'It's just - you're the one who says we should be living normal lives now. And normal people talk to their neighbours, and the pizza delivery guy, and the cashier in the DIY store.'

'You went shopping? By yourself?' I blurt before I can stop myself. I hadn't even known he'd left the house, but of course the paint had to come from somewhere.

'Yeah, all on my little ownsome.' He glares at me. 'No big deal, 'Ro. You get to go to Preventers by yourself and take missions; I get to go to the mall. Or what did you think; that I'd just sit at home all day counting the minutes for you to come home to me?'

'No.' Of course that's not what I want; not that he'd ever agree to do it anyway. 'I just…worry, that's all. It's not so long since…'

'Since everyone in the universe was trying to kill us?' Duo asks. 'I know. Really. But it's over now, all that stuff. We don't have to be those guys anymore.'

God, it's so easy for him.

'Anyway, I found this furniture store called Futon Fusion and they have some really great stuff. I thought maybe we could go there on Saturday and get a proper bed. It might be nice to get some real sheets and that sort of thing, instead of using sleeping bags all the time.'

'I'm not sure if I'll be able to. I may have to work this weekend.'

His brightly expectant smile…hardens, like he's only keeping on his face by pure will power. 'No problem. Some other time.'

'Why don't you just go ahead and pick something? Just surprise me. I'll like whatever you choose, once you're in it.'

'OK.' He sounds just a little subdued, and I have no idea what's wrong. We both knew this wasn't going to be a Monday to Friday, nine to five job.

'Duo….I'm sorry.'

'No big deal.' He pulls free and heads inside the house. ''So….how was it this afternoon?'

'Rather boring, actually. Une made a long speech while we were having lunch, about the aims of the Preventers organisation.'

He makes a face. 'I hope that one of them is to stop crazy women threatening to blow up the colonies when it's the wrong time of the month or something.'

'She didn't specify that one, actually. Then we met some of the other agents and got fitted for our uniforms.'

'I didn't think you got to wear a uniform. That's kind of hot. Is it sexy? Anything like those Ozzies used to wear? Tight pants and those cool thigh high boots?'

'Not exactly like that,' I admit, ' and I won't have to wear it most of the time. Just on formal occasions. I'll try it on for you tomorrow.'

He grins. 'And then I get to take to take it off, right?'

'Of course.'

'So … it was really all right? You liked it?'

I'd planned to lie, to tell him it was fine. Looking at the love and concern shining in his huge indigo eyes, I simply can't. I can't tell him all the truth either, so I … prevaricate.

'Not really. It was nothing like I'd imagined. It was mostly a waste of time; we sat around and listened to lectures. It was highly unproductive.'

'Well, they probably wouldn't give the new guys a mission straightaway.'

'I don't see why not. Anyway, the organisation is only a few weeks old; everyone is new. At least, I could have accomplished something rather than having to sit through interminable orientation sessions and those pointless socialising exercises that Une made us go through.'

Duo makes a face at me. 'You know, it freaking kills me to say this, but maybe she has a point. You're going to be working with these people, right? Probably a good thing to get to know them a little.'

'It was absurd. I worked with Wufei and Trowa perfectly well, and we never talked about our favourite hobbies, or our first childhood memories.'

'Yeah, that's pretty dumb,' he agrees. 'So what is it? Your first memory?'

'I'm not sure. Something to do with Odin, probably. I can't remember anything before that. I remember him giving me a gun; it was so big I could hardly hold it and he showed me how to load for him.'

'Figures.' He looks rather sad; I'm not sure why. I don't think it's a bad memory to have; I remember running my fingers over the cold steel and feeling flattered that Odin had trusted me enough to let me help him.

'OK, today was boring. That's bearable, isn't it? I mean, things'll get better once you've done all this meeting/greeting crap?'

'I don't know. Wufei and I both got into trouble. After the first orientation meeting, we were supposed to mingle with the other new recruits. One of them came up behind me unexpectedly; I broke her arm without even thinking about it.'

Duo says nothing for a minute, just slides one hand up and down my back; a light, soothing touch that suddenly reminds me I'm not alone. I have him. He understands me, more than anyone. When we're out together, he always walks on the outside, keeping strangers from brushing against me.

'Why'd 'Fei get into trouble for that?' he asks unexpectedly. Damn. I shouldn't have said we were both involved. I still forget sometimes how sharp he is.

'He…tried to help me. I had the woman on her back and he'd pulled a gun on her. Apparently, we weren't supposed to be armed on our first day.'

'Stupid policy. How'd he get on today anyway? I bet he wasn't into any of that social stuff either.'

'Of course not. I don't know…I think it was worse for him, almost. I don't really care about what Une says to me; but you know what he's like. We got an official reprimand, and he sees that as a huge stain on his honour.'

'Yeah, he would. Heero, the first day's always the worst, you know that. It'll get better.'

'I'm not sure I can do this,' I confess, sure he'll tell me it doesn't matter if I want to quit. He's never wanted me to join, after all.

'Sure you can,' he says firmly, gazing straight into my eyes. 'You've never given up on anything in your whole life, Heero, and you really want to do this.'

Do I? I can't help wondering suddenly. I liked the idea of it; working for an organisation that aims to preserve the peace; to use my skills for that cause. Also, I've promised Relena to stay for one year; I can't really go back on that.

'You just need to think of it like a mission,' Duo tells me. 'Your objective is to pose as a Preventer agent for the next year, even if it means doing things you're not comfortable with.'

I give him a faint smile. 'I….don't know if I can, Duo. You know I don't like being around people that much, and they all wanted to talk to me, shake hands….'

'Well, I'm guessing they won't want to do that anymore, once the news gets around what you do to people who try!'

'I broke an innocent person's arm. That isn't funny!'

He just shrugs. ''Ro, they're all agents, right? They know who you are. They should have the sense not to touch you unexpectedly. Anyway, I'm guessing that's the last time anyone is going try that on.'

'Probably,' I agree. It's amazing how he can do this; make me feel better with just a few words and his smile.

'Anyway, I kind of like that my boyfriend doesn't like touching other people. I'll never need to worry about you cheating on me.'

'Duo!' I say, stricken. 'I'd never do anything like that! Never.'

'Just joking, babe.' He kisses me full on the mouth, then trails his lips along my jawbone. 'Maybe I should make sure that you're still OK with me touching you, hmm?'

'What if Wufei arrives early?'

''Fei? No way. He's like you with the whole punctuality thing. Plus he's way too polite to barge in without knocking.' He grins. 'I think he learned that particular lesson a long time ago, with Tro and Quat.'

According to Duo, he is no good at oral sex. He can't deep throat, and he doesn't like me climaxing in his mouth. He constantly underestimates himself. I think he's incredible. Anything he chooses to do is utterly amazing, especially when he closes one hand around my shaft, and flicks his tongue and lips around the head. Little flickers of heat and moisture and pressure.

'Duo, please …'

'Not just yet, hmmm?' He pulls back just a little to ask the question, and I shiver as his warm breath ghosts against my skin. Keeping his fist wrapped around me, his mouth drifts slowly, tantalisingly further south. 'Can't we play a little bit first? Please?'

God, there is nothing in the world I would deny him when he looks at me like that. In the few weeks since the war has ended, we have become to feel … comfortable around one another. To tease a little.

For the first time ever, we have a place of our own. I've discovered that I can be…rather loud, in certain circumstances, and that we both hav

'Ready to come, Blue?' He murmurs, making it a question and an order and an entreaty, all in one breathy whisper. Of course I am; his voice, the things he is doing with his hands, that nickname, all make sure of that.

After I've returned the favour, and we've both cleaned up, I start preparing dinner, while Duo shows me the paint charts he picked up earlier, and we discuss colours for our bedroom.

This is - exactly what I wanted for us. The two of us in our own home. Perfection.

'This is nice, isn't it?' Duo looks up from marking colours on the chart and smiles at me. 'Just the two of us, like this. I know you're desperate to be assigned proper missions and all that, but I'm glad you're going to be around for a few weeks for your training. '

I swallow, concentrating on slicing a mushroom into wafer-thin slices. I have to tell him now. It'll just get harder, the longer I wait.

'I may not be. Une called us in to her office just before we left. Apparently, Relena's been receiving death threats and she's requested me and Wufei to be assigned temporarily to her security staff.'

'What? She's coming here?'

'No. No, she's still in Sanque, but she'll be attending the ESUN summit next week and Une is taking these threats very seriously. There are still a lot of disaffected people out there, and Relena's such a visible target.'

'Yeah. I see that.' Duo places the colour chart carefully to one side and stands up. 'Sorry. I guess we'll do this some other time.

'No, I'm sorry.' I get to my feet, sliding my arms around his waist.

'When d'you have to leave?' He holds himself stiffly against me, although he doesn't pull away.

'The details haven't been finalised yet.' This is essentially the truth, although not strictly so. Duo has taught me how honesty can be….a malleable thing. 'We should find out in the next couple of days. I'm sorry.'

His eyes search my face, and whatever he sees there makes him suddenly wrap himself around me. 'It's OK, Heero. I do get that you have to leave. I knew you'd be doing a lot of travelling; just didn't think it'd happen quite this soon.' He sighs softly, brushing his lips against mine. 'Relena damn well better not try making any moves on you, or she'll be getting more than threats.'

'She knows I'm gay, baka. She knows I'm with you.'

'Good,' he mutters. His kiss is deeper this time. Possessive.

The sound of someone ringing the doorbell makes us both jump; it's the first time we've had a visitor.

'Damn. He always did have a lousy sense of timing,' Duo mutters and leans in for one last kiss, before answering the door.

While Duo shows Wufei our car and our front door and our garden, I run upstairs and my lover makes a face when he sees what I'm holding. I have had my camera for precisely one week and already he hates the thing. I would paper the house with pictures of him if I could; he can't stand having his photo taken.

I hand the camera to Wufei; it's time we had some pictures of the two of us together. And slide one arm around Duo's waist. I feel him stiffen and then relax when Wufei doesn't immediately launch into a rant against indecency, leaning against me and laughing.

Wufei gives me back the camera and hands a small, square parcel to Duo.

'You didn't have to bring us a gift, Wu!' My boyfriend casts me a vaguely anxious look, and I just shake my head. I don't know anything about the etiquette of present giving either. 'We don't have anything for you.'

'On L5, it was a tradition to give a small present to celebrate a new home.' Wufei looks as uncomfortable as we both do. 'I hope you will accept this with my best wishes. Please, it is merely a small, worthless token; there is no obligation involved.'

'We would be honoured,' I say formally.

'Thank you so much,' Duo says quickly, getting us past the awkward moment by ripping off the layer of tissue paper. 'Wow. You did this, 'Fei, right? It's the …calligraphy stuff you do? It's beautiful.'

Our gift is a small piece of calligraphy; I hadn't even know Wufei knew how to do it.

'The symbols mean something, right?' My lover traces the delicate brush strokes with one hand.

'Peace.' Wufei says softly, glancing between us.

'It's perfect.' Duo wraps the little painting back up carefully, placing it on our dining table. ''Fei, what can we get you to drink?'

'Tea, please, if you have it.'

He laughs. 'We have the largest collection of herbal teas in private ownership. I even got some of that ginseng tea you like. It's in the cupboard beside the sink, 'Ro.'

I nod, heading for the kitchen. I'd seen the packet earlier and assumed he'd just picked it up by mistake. When I come back, holding a tray with three cups, they are sitting on the couch.

'Rough day, huh?' he asks softly. I should have told him Wufei won't want to talk about it.

Instead of denying it, Wufei just slumps forward, nodding and Duo edges slightly closer.

I can't help the most ridiculous little prick of jealousy. I don't entirely understand their relationship. They hadn't got on for months; Wufei disapproved of practically everything about Duo, and had no compunction about saying so, and my lover played up to that.

Things changed after they'd been prisoners together. Neither of them has ever really spoken about it, and it certainly wasn't like they suddenly became best friends. They still peck at each other, but I think it's more out of habit than anything; they're not really sure how else to communicate. They have become extremely protective of each other, though.

I can't hear what Duo is saying; Wufei has dropped his head on to his folded arms, and my lover is murmuring something in his ear. Watching them, I'm suddenly submerged by guilt. I have Duo, who loves me and whom I love more than life. Nothing is ever going to change that; so what right have I to feel guilty over him paying attention to our friend?

Duo talks for most of the meal; just little things like his visit to the DIY store and how he drooled over the power tools section. He tells Wufei about my filing obsession and how he's scared I'm going to file him away somewhere if he stays still for long enough.

By the time we're eating dessert, Wufei has actually lost that drawn look he's been wearing for weeks now, almost since the war ended. He is smiling as he says his goodbyes, and even allows Duo to give him a quick hug.

After he's driven out of sight, in the Preventers vehicle that is a twin to mine, Duo turns to me. 'Shit, he looks terrible. I know these last weeks have been tough, but he's really having problems coping. We should have dragged him out here days ago.'

'We tried,' I remind him. 'We've been asking him every day since we moved in. You know how much he likes his own space; even Quatre said we shouldn't pressure him.'

'Well, we shouldn't have taken no for an answer. Maybe he'll come out more often now that he knows we're half way civilised.' He fidgets with the end of his braid for a few moments, then takes my hand. 'We were going to take the Yuy-mobile for a drive, right?'

I nod, thinking he just wants to try out the car, but he turns left at the end of our street and on to the highway.

'Where are we going?'

'Surprise.' He leans over and takes my hand in his. 'You'll like it.' He presses my fingers gently and I squeeze back. 'Remember the first time we did this?'

'Always. The day you finally got around to asking if I was gay.'

'Huh.' He turns his head for long enough to stick his tongue out at me. 'It was the first day you ever brushed my hair. Damn near tore it out by the roots.' He's grinning though, and rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

'You know, I always thought of that as the day when we first became a couple.'

'Really?' He sounds surprised. 'You never told me that before. I mean, we didn't even kiss 'til weeks later.'

'You let me hold your hand. And touch your hair. So…when did you think we officially got together?' I've never actually thought about this before, but neither of us ever asked the other out.

'Um, I don't know really.' The faint note of surprise in his voice matches my own. 'I wanted to be with you for so long, and then ….we just were. I don't really remember exactly how it changed.'

'Quatre would be so shocked if he heard that,' I tease. 'You know what he's like for celebrating anniversaries.'

'Yeah. I guess…OK, here we are. Pretty huh?'

He pulls the car into a lay by that's marked as a view point. I haven't even noticed where we were going, but we're parked on a promontory overlooking the lake. The water is reflecting the city lights, like stars.

'That night you rescued me from that OZ base was special. I think I realised then that you really cared about me.'

'Well, we're not celebrating that night,' I tell him firmly. He'd been beaten up, tortured, almost raped. He'd never actually told me what those bastards had done to him, but I'd been the one who'd taken care of him after.

My mind is whirling off in directions I don't like. We'd been a couple for at least two months at that point, by my reckoning. What does that mean? Did he think I'd only been playing with him, that I hadn't been serious about how I felt?

'That was the first time you called me love,' he whispers, before I have time to get even more depressed. 'Remember? You said it seven times before I fell asleep, and you said you loved me. I've never felt so safe in my whole life, not ever.' His voice drops even lower, low enough that I have to strain to hear. 'I'd been so scared, before, that maybe it wasn't real, this thing between us, that I'd been imagining too much or something because I wanted it so damn badly, and then you just looked into my eyes, and promised that you'd stay with me, and I - I just knew you would.'

'Always.' He'd told me he loved me that night, for the first time. He'd breathed the words on the verge of sleep, and I didn't know if he remembered saying it. I'd never wanted to ask him. It just seemed so - needy, somehow.

Duo lifts my hand to his mouth, sliding his lips across the skin. 'I know it was a really shitty night and everything, but that bit was special. Just falling asleep with you holding me, and saying we loved each other. I'd never said that to anyone before, never heard it from anyone either.'

'I know.' I say it softly. 'It meant so much to me, that you trusted me enough to let me guard you, after everything that had happened to you.'

'Oof, serious sap alert, babe.' He's never comfortable discussing certain things from his past. That way, he can pretend they never happened. Stupid, Yuy. Stupid. Aren't you ever going to learn that there are some things he just won't talk about? Every time he starts to open up, even a little bit, I say the wrong thing and he veers away.

Before I can work out what to say next, my seat falls back and Duo is suddenly straddling me.

'Well, what do you know?' he asks delightedly. 'Guess these seats do recline after all.' He just curls up against me, reaching one hand up to touch my hair. 'I really missed you today,' he confides softly. 'I know it wasn't for long, but … I still missed you not being home.'

'I missed you too,' I tell him. Since the war ended, we haven't been apart for more than a few hours at a time. Duo…. you'll be all right without me, won't you?'

The question earns me a snort and an elbow to the ribs. ''Course I will, babe. I'll be fine.' Of course I will. I can't imagine, now, why I worried about him. He is adjusting to our new life without a second's thought. I'm the one who needs him.

'Quat told me about this cool Earth custom called 'parking' where you take your car and your boyfriend to a nice, deserted spot and make out. I thought it sounded kind of fun.' He raises his eyebrows at me, and gives me a teasing little grin. 'Want to try it? I mean, we're halfway there already….'

'I like it when you call me your boyfriend.' I reach up to kiss his lips, and shift slightly underneath him. I'm missing my spandex shorts all of a sudden; denim is considerably less…stretchy and having Duo sprawled over me is making my jeans uncomfortably tight.

'Well, it's true. Although, you know you never asked me out officially.'

'You never asked me either.'

His beautiful mouth twitches between a smile and a pout. 'Guess I didn't. You think we should do the whole asking thing? Maybe go on a real date sometime?'

'I'd like that. Would you like to go out with me, Duo?'

The smile widens. 'That's all I get? Quat says Tro was all romantic and eloquent when he asked him out.'

'I doubt that somehow.'

'He says Tro has hidden depths.' He gives a sudden snort of laughter. 'That wasn't meant to be a pun, by the way.'

He laughs even more at my loud groan, and I take advantage by flipping him over so I'm the one lying on top. 'You want romantic, Maxwell? I love you more than anything in all the universe. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You make me happier than I've ever been and I never want to lose you.'