Kathryn awoke and savoured the first few seconds of half-sleep. She felt incredible – happy, strong, beautiful. She noticed something was missing though – he was not next to her. The light had been turned up a little. She was just about to be disappointed when she heard his voice.

"Good morning – again." He smiled and sat next to her on the bed. He had put on some boxers and quickly thrown his shirt on, unbuttoned. She wrapped the sheets around her and managed to sit up a little, eagerly accepting a cup of coffee from him. He grinned and absently put a few hairs behind her ear, then kissed her cheek. She closed her eyes, breathed in the coffee and leaned her face into his hands. She loved every second of this moment.

"I could get used to this."

He laughed. "You better. Because now you showed me what I've been missing you won't get rid of me again. Ever." He really meant it, even if he was trying to joke.

She meant it, too. "I'm so glad."

He chuckled now. "I think you'll have to reinstate Tom as lieutenant for this. It did start with his innocent movie night!"

She grinned. "Yeah right, like his smug grin isn't enough to put up with!"

They started kissing again, realising they couldn't keep their hands off each other. But Kathryn quickly pulled away, duty in mind. He sighed, but understood that they couldn't let their new found joy disrupt their routine too much – but both of them immediately agreed that it would make it much more bearable to face every next day.

The day went by uneventful, but the command team seemed in an even better mood than the days before. Tom and Harry both wondered when they'd make it public, whether they would, or if there was indeed anything at all to make public in the first place. Tom had wasted no time – his betting pool was alive and kicking. News travelled fast on this ship anyway.

Chakotay headed for the ready room. He found Kathryn by the viewport, looking out to the stars with a cup of coffee, as usual. But nothing was usual about the smile she gave him when she turned around. Her features were softer, her hair a little more loose than before, as if a great amount of tension had left her body. He came up to her and wrapped his arms around her. She leaned back and they stared at the stars together for a while.

"You know..." she began quietly. "They look different now. Never so beautiful before. You have a way... to open people's eyes, Chakotay."

He grinned. "I should add that to my CV! As well as Professional Stargazer."

They both laughed. She turned in his arms and prodded him with a finger. "Are you planning to apply to anywhere else?"

"Oh there's this great archaeological project on the planet we passed a week ago. Good career opportunities I hear---"

"Permission denied." She glared with a sparkle in her eyes (that was No.1 – I'm the Captain, do as I say or else...) then put down her cup and sat on the couch. He joined her, shuffled closer and took her hand.

"I don't know how fast gossip reaches you, but have you heard the latest rumour?"

"Oh? What's that?"

"Well, Captain," he started, nodding mock-seriously, "I feel it's my responsibility to alert you to any personnel issues... you see, two crewmembers have become ...involved."

"Have they? Well it's about time." They laughed, and Chakotay continued. "I should probably also inform you that the Tom Paris Betting Pool is active again. With a wide range of bidding options... When, what, where... "

She pulled a face. "I know. B'Elanna already warned me." She thought for a moment. "We should really take revenge for all that messing with us over the years."

"I like that. What have you got in mind?"

"I think... I have an idea... and I kind of owe B'Elanna." He grinned at that. "You know, I happen to know what time and place she placed her bet on..." Only much later would she learn that he wasn't telling her the whole truth – what exactly B'Elanna had bet on.

Later that day, the command team had lunch in the mess hall. There were quite a few people in there, including Tom, Harry and B'Elanna, who were chatting with Neelix about whatever it was he was serving them. Harry had already observed the command team all morning and noticed that they seemed a little agitated. At first they seemed to be happy, but now both had quite unfriendly looks on their faces – ever since they left the ready room earlier, ...did they have a fight? - and poked their food while they discussed something in hissed whispers.

Suddenly, Chakotay pushed back his chair, jumped up and shouted: "That's it! Who do you think I am!"

The Captain looked slightly embarrassed and jumped up as well, fury in her eyes. "Chakotay, sit down, NOW."

"Or what, you'll throw me in the brig? Ha! You wouldn't dare!" He barked a laugh and glared at her, challenging her authority in front of the crew. The entire mess hall was frozen, all eyes were set on the Captain and her First Officer; they were in a stand-off.

"You'd be surprised." The Captain's voice was menacing, her eyes piercing Chakotay's.

He turned and took a few purposeful steps toward the door. She stepped away from the table and stood her ground behind him, fists clenched.

"If you walk through that door, I'll relieve you of duty for insubordination."

A few people took in sharp breaths. Only Neelix' kitchen stove was heard in the silence. Chakotay stepped right in front of the Captain, close, in her personal space. He looked tall and dangerous now, not the gentle First Officer but the aggressive Maquis Captain.

"You can't. Because I'm leaving the ship."

Everybody seemed to hold their breath as they watched the battle of wills between them.

"You wouldn't dare."

"You'd be surprised."

"You have a duty to this ship." She sounded all Starfleet now, and angry as hell.

This was wrong, something was wrong about the situation. Harry saw they were angry, heard what they said, but he couldn't for the life of him believe what he was seeing. There was something else there, unspoken. Chakotay's deep voice hissed in the silence.

"What about my duty to myself, Kathryn?" The mention of her name suddenly turned the mood in the mess hall. This was personal. People shifted on their feet uncomfortably, but noone moved. From the corner of his eye, Harry noticed B'Elanna staring with an open mouth. Tom's look was a mixture of doubt and worry.

The Captain's voice dropped a little to further indicate the private nature of their fight. But she was still audible. Why the hell don't they leave for someplace less public?

"Chakotay, we talked about this..."

"No, Kathryn, you talked about this. What about my opinion? My wishes?" She glared. Harry stood close to them and felt the hair in his neck stand on end – telling him that something was about to happen. Chakotay grabbed the Captain by the shoulders.

"One last time. Either you marry me – or I'm leaving the ship."

Gasps of shock rippled through the mess hall. Harry noticed something the others probably didn't. Chakotay was fighting back a grin, and Harry got the feeling that this had all been planned – apart from his proposal. People started to whisper now. The Captain stared at him in shock for a second, but then both simply burst out laughing rather hysterically as he threw his arms around her and picked her up in a big hug. The tension relaxed but everyone still stared. The command team broke apart a little and turned around, tears in their eyes from laughing. Janeway didn't leave her First Officer's embrace but spoke to everyone now. "Gentlemen - I believe you've been had."

Everyone broke out chuckling now, most people still with a look of utter disbelief on their faces, turning left and right to confirm in each other's faces what they'd just heard. Over the tumult, the Captain's voice could be heard. "Suits you right for participating in illegal betting pools!" She emphasised the word 'illegal' and looked at Tom. B'Elanna slapped Tom's shoulder, demanding her replicator rations. People laughed, chattered on - the noise was becoming deafening. But Harry still watched the command team. Kathryn turned to face Chakotay again and looked deep into his eyes. Her voice dropped almost to a whisper, but Harry could just make out what she was saying. "That wasn't part of the plan, was it?"

He nudged her affectionately with his nose. "Well... Will you?"

She searched his eyes for a moment, an incredulous smile playing around her lips. Suddenly, she broke out into a grin, tears forming in her eyes. "I don't see why not... of course I will!" He swept her into a deep kiss, which drew whoops and cheers from the crew around them. If it hadn't been quite clear whether they were really a couple or had just been messing with them completely – now it was. Harry grinned and turned to Tom and B'Elanna who were jumping up to congratulate their friends. B'Elanna grinned and winked at Chakotay, then Kathryn, mouthing a thank you for the favour. The new couple received hugs and slaps on the back from almost everyone - suddenly noone seemed so afraid of the 'untouchable' Captain anymore. Neelix instantly produced a few bottles of champagne and the whole mess hall was quickly turned into one big engagement party. This was a little piece of private happiness, away from command and duty – everyone could relate to it. Many surprised people started coming in from the corridors after hearing the commotion and quickly joined the party. The Captain notified the rest of the crew – those who could - to join them in the mess hall, it seemed only fair. Tuvok, the Doctor and Seven arrived and extended their best wishes – well, one more enthusiastically than the other two of course. The Doctor also began taking holoimages. Naomi and her mother made their way through, too, and Naomi was wearing her biggest smile. Kathryn kneeled down and hugged her youngest crewmember. "You know, I think I'll need a bridesmaid. As Captain's Assistant – that job would fall to you... if you're available, that is." She grinned and winked. Naomi was thrilled and accepted happily.

"Here's to the happy couple!" "A toast!" "Tuvok, you say something!"

Tuvok looked around, then raised his glass. "Captain. You have commanded this ship and led this crew through hardship in a manner that deserves the deepest admiration. Commander. We've had our differences in the past, but I have come to respect you as a fair leader and an irreplaceable support for the Captain. I am confident that your union will contribute greatly to your happiness and I wish you well. Live long and prosper."

"Hear, hear." They all raised their drinks and the command team smiled their thanks. This was indeed high praise from Tuvok. Harry was still standing close to the couple. He had nearly crushed his Captain in a tight and heartfelt hug. Kathryn was still fighting her tears. Chakotay had a protective arm around her as they thanked people around them with handshakes and smiles. Occasionally, those more familiar with Chakotay – mostly former Maquis - would lean closer and grab his shoulder, whispering "Who would've thought..?" or "Finally. You deserve no less." Chakotay looked immensely proud, and the Captain more flustered and speechless than ever. She exchanged a thankful smile and nod with Tuvok. Harry knew she valued his opinion above most others', and even in a personal decision, she seemed to need his consent somehow. Tuvok was her closest connection to where she came from, where her beliefs were anchored. Her protocols and standards had kept her, them, going. Harry remembered the trouble she had dealing with the Equinox crew – they had betrayed everything she believed in. She had probably long debated with herself whether having a relationship with her First Officer was appropriate or even allowed – and he suspected the guilt she carried with her all the time hadn't made it easier. Now, Harry sincerely hoped she'd found peace with her decision. Her smile strongly suggested she had.


That night they met at Chakotay's quarters for dinner. By that time, the entire ship obviously knew about the engagement and every crew member she and Chakotay passed on their way congratulated them again or simply offered a warm smile. Everything was alright now. As Kathryn snuggled up in his arms later, drifting off to sleep, she thought that home seemed not so far away anymore. Her home had been with her all the way – and she had finally found the door.

Last Notes

Thanks for reading & all the encouragement along the way! I hope the ending didn't turn out too cheesy, but I just had to marry them... ^.^

If you have any suggestions about editing the story, please tell me. I already corrected a few things in earlier chapters that I wasn't happy with. I'm a perfectionist.. n_n