//s t a n d a r d . d i s c l a i m e r . a p p l i e d//

A/N: I just made it into an Omake instead of a oneshot. I'm not quite sure if people will read it alone. :D Besides, this is supposed to be the prologue! xD I'm stupid, I know.

I stare blankly at my kouhai. He throws me the same look. 'This is it! I have to confess! After four friggin years of crushing on Uchiha-kun… I have… To… Tell… Him… My feelings!' I, Haruno Sakura (17, Sophomore), am sure that I'm overreacting.

'Gotta do this fast, honey. Any moment now.. Those screeching banshees are gonna come and glomp him! Hurry up!'

"A… Ano… Uchiha-kun… I…" I stutter, pushing my glasses further up my nose. I grip the bag of chocolate tightly and avoided his gaze. It wasn't a habit for me to stutter… Heavens no! It's just that I am really nervous and—



Melted Chocolate



Chocolate Kisses Omake


"KYAA~! Uchiha-kun! Uchiha-kun!"

"Accept these as a token of my love!"

"Marry me, Sasuke-sama!"

A horde of fan girls (I'm sure they're prettier than I'll ever be) ran over me and pushed to get to my raven haired junior. 'So much for confessing this year.' I've been trying to confess to my kouhai for three years now, this being the fourth. I frown when a blurry image of my glasses broken appeared in front of me.

"I just got those last year," I mutter angrily at the idiotic women in front of me. Seriously! Do they have to run me over? Stupid women.

I huff and pick up my bag. I stomp away from the ridiculous horde of females, telling myself that there'd always be next year to confess.

After all, Valentines day is the only day that boys are obliged to listen girls.


"Un! Bye bye, Pig!" I wave as my best friend disappeared with the rest of the crowd in the station. It had been a habit for me to walk her to her station. I sigh and began to bike my way home.

'Next year… I'll be able to confess to Uchiha-kun!'


The man clad in dark clothing chuckles. "And who are you? This little girl's Romeo?" he asks darkly, gesturing to the white eyed girl behind Sasuke with a metal stick.

He huffs tiredly and glares at the man. "Unfortunately, her Romeo isn't here yet. I'll have to suffice because I'll get a double beating from her idiot boyfriend and gay cousin."

"A-Anou… Sasuke-kun-n.. Please don't talk about Naruto-kun-n and Neji-i-nii-san-n that way," the girl stutters with a soft voice. "Look here, Hinata. When I say run, get yourself away from here and call the cops or get some help."

"Demo-o!" she retorts, "It's my fault for not bringing a bodyguard with me like Neji-nii-san-n told me…"

"I-I can't-t leave you alone. I'm lucky enough-h t-to have you p-pass by in this time of need… Even if Naruto-kun lived around this area, he wouldn't be able to reach me in time-e," she whispers.

"Look… You'll get us both in trouble if you stay. I'll get a beating from Naruto-baka and Neji-teme if you get hurt," he hisses. "Now… On three…" he reverts his gaze towards the man. "One…"

He sharpens his eyes. The man smirks.


Hinata's legs tremble.


And the white eyed girl made her escape out of the alley into a deserted street of Konoha.


"Ugh," I grumble as I tried to bike my way through the empty street—that led to my and my Aunt's apartment. "I'm lucky though… If this place had many people on it… Well… I'll be in a heck load of trouble," I mumble, trying to relieve myself.

I curse my farsightedness. I hate it when my glasses break (or get lost—something like that)! It takes a few days for me to get a new one too.

I sigh tiredly.

It was when a figure came running to me. "Onegai! Help me! My friend is getting beaten up by a guy—and…"

Her voice is teary. Her blurred figure is a mass of dark blue, white and pale peach. "What—?!" I exclaim. "Get on!" I gesture to the back of my bike which had an extra seat. "Tell me where," I say.

"In a narrowed alley… By the Hokage Street."

And in a moment, we were speeding through the empty street.


Sasuke pants as the man fell down. He wasn't badly beaten up, but his face did have a nasty bruise and had a few cuts.

The man however, was scratched and bruised all over. He hit a pressure point to keep him from moving.

"Sasuke-kun-n!" he hears a familiar voice. "Hi… Na… Ta…" he pants in return. "I brought help…"


'Sasuke—? No! Gawsh. It can't be the Uchiha Sasuke. He's too flawless! He'd never need my help.'

I near the blurry figure but his bruises were as clear as day. "I'll go get Naruto-kun to help. His house isn't far from here," the girl I just met mutters softly before running from the alley.

"Anou… Are you alright?"

"You…" I hear him say.

"Do I look like I'm alright?" he hisses. "That's rude. You know I'm only trying to help," I huff, opening my bag and getting my first aid kit.

"Go away! I don't need you here!"

"Listen. I am the niece and one of the apprentices of a doctor. At least let me do my job," I grumble, effectively shutting him up.

I rub antiseptic on his wound before putting on a gauze. "There.. Isn't that better?" I point out cockily. The man remains silent.

"Oh! I almost forgot," I say as I took out the bag of chocolates I was supposed to give to Uchiha-kun. "This was for my Valentine. I didn't get the chance to give it to him… So.. You can have it."


"I hate sweets," he mutters.

"Still," I press, "I want you to have these. To girls.. Giving chocolate to the guys they like is important… Especially if its on Valentines day… To girls.. Giving chocolate to the guys they like is important… Especially if its on Valentines day… Because… Because its like we're giving you our hearts."

I smile at him sadly. "And love is the best cure to everything, don't you agree?"

A pop a chocolate into his mouth, which he, surprisingly, accepted.

"There… Better?"

I stand up. He doesn't move a muscle. "I have to go now. My aunt is probably looking for me. Ja na!"



And she leaves… Just like that.

'That's… The girl from before,' I ponder, "The girl who was stuttering earlier."

I frown a bit, "Is she stupid? She wasn't even fazed… Earlier she was stuttering like no tomorrow."

I put a hand over the gauze. I could still feel the warmth of her hands on my face.

I smirk.

"I guess you're not what I really thought you were… Haruno-senpai."

As of now, I have to find a way to get her to talk to me again without losing my cool and without anyone being suspicious that I'm 'interested' in her.

Next year's valentines is going to be fun.














"So that's what happened. Why didn't you tell me earlier, Sasuke-kun? I should've known you were the guy I gave chocolates to!" the pink haired girl exclaimed, staring wide-eyed at her fiancé (who's still a high school student).


He pouted. "What's wrong now?" she asked. "I just had this realization that you could randomly give out chocolates on a Valentines day... Even when it isn't me."

She giggled. "Demo... If I didn't... Then it won't be like this ne?" she said as she put her arms around him lovingly.



"I guess you're right."

"Dear, I'm always right."

"Care to prove that?"








A/N: I'm free! 8D I don't have to do anything anymore!

T_T Still.. The ending wasn't so nice. O_O

Thanks for those who reviewed, alerted, favorited and loved! =D

Seriously! -hugs-