You've never been so used
As I'm using you, abusing you
My little decoy
Don't look so blue
You should have seen right through
I'm using you
My little decoy
My little decoy

[Decoy - Paramore]

Hermione hugged her knees tightly to her chest, resting her chin on them and keeping her eyes closed. She did her best to keep her breathing slow and steady, but inside of her a war was raging and she couldn't figure out what she was supposed to do.

Yesterday was when Ron had proclaimed his love for her. What was she supposed to say in response to that? She felt like the most horrible person for not being able to return his feelings and for also having fallen for his enemy. What kind of friend did that? She should have had more control over the situation!

Slowly lifting her head off her knees, she looked up at the cabinet which was beside her and bit her lip. It was time to let things happen as they would have if nothing had ever happened between herself and Draco.

It was better that way, because they were never meant to last in the first place.

She had wanted to go tell Harry all about what was happening and what Draco had been planning once she came to her own conclusion that he thought his mission was more important than her, but Harry had left a short time before saying he had to go talk to Dumbledore.

Hermione's thoughts were interrupted then. The door to the room of requirement was opened and she quickly but quietly stood to her feet, slipping behind the cabinet and waiting with baited breath.

Footsteps slowly approached the cabinet before stopping in front of it. Hermione's heart rate sped up and she felt sure that something would happen to reveal her to whoever it was – she was positive it was Draco – and she didn't want to face anyone right now.

Especially not Draco.

She wasn't sure what to think now, after what had happened in the library and with Draco being dragged off by Snape. What had Snape said to him? Was he now convinced that she was no good?

The person let out a sigh and immediately Hermione knew for certain it was Draco. She closed her eyes to will herself to stay quiet and listened as Draco tapped his wand against the cabinet gently before murmuring something.

She then heard his footsteps backing up and opened her eyes again, frowning as she wondered what was happening.

"I can do this. I can do this." She heard him mutter to himself and suddenly she was worried that he was about to fulfil his mission and bring the Death Eaters into the castle. And she would be standing right behind the cabinet as it happened!

Hearing pacing, Hermione was momentarily thankful that Draco still had to work at preparing himself for what he was about to do. Obviously it was a big moment, because once he had let them through the cabinet there would be no turning back and he would have to carry out whatever task he had been told to do.

After a few more steady and quiet breaths, Hermione managed to summon enough courage to walk out from behind the cabinet and approach him. This situation had already gotten too far out of hand and she now knew she could not allow Draco to do what he had been told to do. She would help him escape somewhere and they'd hide together.

"What are you doing here?" Draco exclaimed as he turned around to keep pacing and saw her. His eyes widened considerably and he held his breath in shock, waiting for an answer from her.

Hermione stood still as well, having frozen as soon as he spoke to her. What was she supposed to say?

"I came here to think." she whispered.

"Go think somewhere else." Draco snapped angrily, now narrowing his eyes.

"What did Snape say to you?" Hermione asked quickly. Draco hesitated before lowering his eyes and shifting his feet, putting his hands into his pockets.

"Does it matter?" he asked.

"It matters to me." Hermione replied smoothly.

Draco let out a sigh and leant against a table which was dumped to the side of where he was standing. He raised his eyes to look at her again and seemed to study her for a moment in silence.

"He didn't tell me anything. He just asked a whole lot of questions which I answered with lies." he said finally.

"So what were you about to do?" Hermione asked softly.

"What I've been working towards all year! I'm not about to give it all up for you, alright?" Draco pushed away from the table again angrily, pulling his hands from his pockets. They stared at each other tensely for a while.

"You said I could smash it." Hermione mumbled.

"I thought you knew me better than that," Draco laughed. "It was just to impress Potter."

Hermione turned around, finding it difficult to face him any more. She felt as though she were caught in a web of lies that she couldn't escape from. If Draco had lied to Professor Snape, his own house teacher who had seemed to terrify him, wouldn't he lie to her?

Of course he would.

"You don't love me either." Hermione stated. They both knew it wasn't a question. When Draco didn't say anything, Hermione continued, "What haven't you lied to me about Draco?"

With her back still to him, she couldn't see his face and use it to try and determine what he was thinking. She had to force herself not to turn around even though she really wanted to just so that she could know how he was feeling.

"What would you do if I told you I had only befriended you in the first place so that you would help me with the cabinet?"

Draco stared at Hermione's back, his eyes narrowed and his heart pounding in his chest. He was angry at her for still being here because her presence alone now brought doubts into his mind, and he was also annoyed that she was asking the questions she was.

"That can't be true." Hermione said quietly, still not turning around. He could hear the pain in her voice and knew he was affecting her. Now was his chance to get rid of her for once and for all. It was for the best.

"It is." Draco said calmly, putting his hands back into his pockets.

That was when Hermione turned around, tears spilling over her cheeks and a look of exposed pain on her face.

"You're lying to me again! Just as you have been doing all year. But I know this is a lie because when I first tried to help you you wouldn't let me! You told me not to." Hermione exclaimed.

Draco shook his head firmly and folded his arms, doing his best not to be affected by her appearance or her words. He couldn't let that happen or he'd never end up doing his task and his family would be murdered.

The choice was easy, really. Hermione or his parents?

"Perhaps I should be given an acting award." Draco shrugged. "Believe me, none of our relationship was real. Why else do you think I said I wouldn't care if you left me once I'd carried out my task?"

"No. You're lying." Hermione murmured almost to herself, wrapping her arms around herself and rolling her lips inwards. Draco watched her for a few seconds longer before turning away, not being able to take any more.

"You should get out. Unless you'd like to be the first one to die." he said.

"Not that you'd care." Hermione hissed.

"It's your choice," Draco shrugged, pulling his wand out of his pocket again and stepping towards the cabinet and, unfortunately, Hermione. "You have approximately five seconds to get out of here."

Hermione watched as he raised his wand to the cabinet before gasping and turning to run for the door. She heard him tap his wand against the wood and had almost reached the door when the sound of the cabinet door creaking open and a rushing sound of wind reached her ears. She dove behind a pile of junk and took a deep breath, crouching low and hoping desperately that they wouldn't find her.

"So far so good, Draco." said a female voice that Hermione recognised as Bellatrix Lestrange. She involuntarily shivered and closed her eyes tightly to try and make herself more invisible.

Then a lot of footsteps were heard as they began to make their way to the door and Hermione felt almost positive that they would be able to hear her heart because it was beating incredibly loudly in her ears. When they passed the place she was crouched she held her breath until they had continued on before slowly letting it out in relief.

The door opened and she heard them leave, but the last person paused.

"Wait, I forgot something." She heard Draco's voice and frowned, wondering what he was up to. "I'll catch up."

"Don't take too long." Bellatrix warned him before walking off. The door was shut and Hermione waited in silence before squealing as someone's hand came behind her and went around her mouth, pulling her backwards.

"Be quiet." Draco snapped quietly into her ear and she instantly silenced, but was still frightened. He removed his hand from her mouth and slowly turned her around to face him.

"What are you-"

Hermione never finished her sentence. Draco leant forward and stopped her from saying anything by kissing her, his arms holding her tightly as he did so.

But it was over too soon and he was striding away over to the door, leaving her for his mission.

"Draco!" she called out, but he didn't even glance over his shoulder as he opened the door again and slipped out, shutting it firmly behind him.



This is the last chapter of In the Library.



So keep your eyes open for that, kay? I haven't quite decided on a title for it yet... but I want it to be similar to the title of this story. So it will possibly be 'In the ….' but I'm still not quite sure.

Just make sure you don't give up on this story yet! Because this is only the end of the beginning!

Thought I'd just let you all know that.