Disclaimer: I do not own the fabulous Mortal Instruments they, instead, belong to the insanely awesome Cassandra Claire

Please read and review, and though it pains me to say……… be brutally honest. I need all the opinions I can get. This is my first fan fic sojust tell me what you think!!!

Chapter One

Clary squatted low behind a large cardboard box wearing her new black shadowhunter gear. She looked up, her red curls in her face, as she stared at her victim. Jace stood a few feet away, back turned towards her, looking in the opposite corner. Jace was totally oblivious to her presence; Clary knew this was the time to strike. She crept forward a few inches, closing in on him, her prey. Perfect, she thought, I might actually win this time. She pulled out her steele, inhaling deeply, and smiled. She rocked on the balls of her feet preparing to pounce on him, but before her feet had even left the ground she was pinned on her back.

She looked up to see Jace straddling her, his steele pressed delicately on her collar bone. "You're dead," he whispered into her ear, his breath blowing her hair gently. She smiled lightly, and looked up at him, admiring how his blonde hair was falling into his eyes, almost like a halo.

"Surely you jest," Clary laughed slightly breathless from the way Jace was sitting on her. He brought his head closer to hers, just centimeters away, and all Clary could do was stare at his perfect lips. One of his curly locks fell into her face tickling her nose, and Clary had to bite her lip to keep from kissing him on the spot.

"And why would that be?" He asked softly, a look of mock confusion on his face. Ahh, how she loved that look, he looked so damn sexy with it. And as she thought that her teeth sank deeper into her lip, trying to fight off the inevitable.

"Well, you are Jace Lightwood, and you obviously can't die with me." She said releasing her lip. She looked up at him just as his lips crashed into hers. Then she started kissing him as fiercely as he was kissing her. It was as if her skin had combusted into flames at his contact and suddenly she needed more of him. She wrapped her fingers into his perfect hair, pulling him as close to her as possible. Jace sat up pulling her into sitting position with him and pressed his hands into the small of her back. Jace let out a small groan of pleasure as Clary caught his lower lip between her teeth. Clary was just starting to really get into it, though, when they were interrupted by a loud gasp.

Jace and Clary pulled apart to see Simon, wide mouthed and staring from the door. His eyes darted, back in forth, between Clary and Jace. "Wh..what…" Simon stuttered out.

"Come on Simon, I know you've seen foreplay before," Jace laughed," So what's the problem." Simon was just about to tell Jace the problem when Clary interrupted.

"That," she laughed," was not foreplay." Then she pulled back her fist and fake punched his arm. He chuckled, staring intently at her, and ran his thumb down the bruises she had from an Omni demon on her arm. She smiled looking into his bottomless golden eyes, but then Simon completely killed the mode by coughing.

"You two realize I'm still in the room right?" Simon asked looking grossed out by the total PDA he had walked into. "And that if you are going to play tonsil hockey you should probably lock the door."

"Simon of course I know you're here," Jace said with mock sweetness," and I'm waiting for you to leave. So, why don't you find Izzy, so you can have as much fun as me and Clary? "

"Actually Izzy's the one who sent me, She made pancakes and needs taste testers." Simon smiled as he saw Jace grimace. "She said if you don't come down she'll drag you by her whip down every one of the steps."

"Jace," Clary sighed sad to end the perfect moment, "we should probably go, if only for moral support."

"Fine," Jace grumbled standing up and helping Clary to her feet," we'll go."

"See," Isabelle smiled," they weren't that bad. I mean you are still breathing." Jace, Clary, Simon, and Alec all sat around the table looking at the burnt flat discs sitting on the plates in front of them. Alec the brave soul who had taken the first bite began to fake choke and the whole table erupted in laughs. "That is not funny," Izzy stated, though she was also smiling.

"Izzy can we please just order takeout," Jace pleaded. Clary laughed so hard at that she snorted. Jace could take on half demon shadowhunters and jump of buildings but he couldn't eat his sister's cooking. That's sad she thought real sad. "Hey Clary," Jace chuckled," Oink Oink." Clary then mumbled for Jace to do something with himself that was physically impossible and the whole table burst out into fresh peels of laughter.

"Alright," Izzy sighed after eating one bite of her own bad cooking,"I'll order takeout." Everyone began shouting out orders so fast that Izzy shouted at them all to shut uo and made them write down their orders. Just as she was about to leave to pick up the food though, something caught her eye. "Alec," she asked chewing on her lip to keep from laughing, "are those hickeys on your neck?" Alec pulled up the collar of his shirt as blood crept to his face. "Oh My God Alec," Izzy screamed," you're covered in glitter." And that's when everyone noticed the fine dusting of shimmer on Alec's clothes. "What were you doing?" Izzy laughingly asked.

"The same thing as Clary and Jace apparently," Simon chuckled.

"Shut up" Clary and Jace said in unison. But it was to late, both Alec and Izzy stared at them shocked.

"God," Izzy grumbled,"why is everyone but me getting some."