Alice: Hey, Jacob Hey Jacob wake up
Emmett: Yeah Jacob, You silly sleepy head wake up!
Jacob: Oh god you guys. This better be pretty freaking important. Is the meadow on fire?
Alice: No Jacob, We found a map to Candy Mountain. Candy Mountain Jacob!
Emmett: yeah Jacob were going to Candy Mountain come with us Jacob.
Alice: Yeah Jacob! It'll be an adventure! Were going on an adventure Jacob
Jacob: Yeah, Candy Mountain right I'm just gonna you know go back to sleep now.
Alice: NOOOOOOOOOOO! Jacob! You have to come with us to Candy Mountain
Emmett: Yeah Jacob, Candy Mountain it's a land of sweets and joy! and joyness!
Jacob: Please stop bouncing on me!
Alice: Candy Mountain Jacob!
Emmett: Yeah Candy Mountain
Jacob: Alright Fine! Ill go with you to Candy Mountain!
Jacob: Enough with the singing already.
Alice: Our first stop is over there Jacob!
Jacob: Oh god what is that!?!
Alice: It's a Leoplurodon Jacob
Emmett: A magical Leopleurodon
Alice: Its gonna guide our way to Candy Mountain!
Jacob: Alright Guys you do know that there is no actual Candy Mountain right?
Jacob: Yeah?
Leopleurodon: (funny noises!)
Alice: It has spoken!
Emmett: It has told us the way!
Jacob: It didn't say anything!
Alice: Its just over this bridge Jacob
Emmett: This magical bridge of hope and wonder!
Jacob: Is anyone else getting like covered in splinters? Seriously guys we shouldn't be on this thing
Jacob: I'm right here what do you want!?!?
Alice: Were on a bridge Jacob!
Emmett: Were Here!
Jacob: Well what do you know? There actually is a Candy Mountain!
Alice: Candy Mountain! Candy Mountain .You fill me with sweet sugary goodness
Emmett: Go inside the Candy Mountain Cave Jacob.
Alice: Yeah Jacob! Go inside the cave. Magical wonders are to behold when you enter
Jacob: Yeah Errrr… Thanks but no thanks I'm gonna just stay out here.
Emmett: But you have to enter the Candy Mountain Candy Cave Jacob!

Candy Mountain Song:
Oh when you're down and you're looking for some cheering up
Then just head right on up to the candy mountain cave
When you get inside you find yourself a cheery land
Such a happy and joy filled and perky merry land
They've got lollipops and gummidrops and candy things
Oh so many things that will brighten up your day
It's impossible to wear a frown in candy town
It's the mecca of love the candy cave
They've got jellybeans and coconut with little hats
Candy rats, chocolate bats, it's a wonderland of sweets
Buy the candy train to town and hear the candy band
Candy bells, it's a treat, as they march across the land
Cherry ribbon stream across the sky and to the ground
Turn around, it astounds, its a dancing candy treat
In the candy cave imagination runs so free
So now Jacob please will you go into the cave?

Jacob: Alright fine!! Ill go into the freaking Candy Cave! This better be good!
Alice: Goodbye Jacob!
Emmett: Yeah, Goodbye Jacob!
Jacob: Goodbye What?!?!?! HEY WHATS GOIN ON HERE!?!? hello? Who is that? Ow! oh god!