A/N: Okay, so my sister LOTRRanger (.net/u/1619065/LOTRRanger) and I are big Camp Rock and Harry Potter fans. One day we decided that it would be hilarious if Draco and Hermione had to spend a summer together at Camp Rock. This will be an AU Post-Deathly Hollows fic. Established Smitchie. Other pairings will be discovered later. :) Flame us and we will throw it back. Feel free to leave kind reviews, as well as ideas if you have anything in particular you would like to see.

Happy Reading!

Chapter One

Draco Malfoy was not in the most charming of moods. Being a spy during the war had made him many enemies. The "light" wizards didn't trust him, and the "dark" wizards wanted him dead. The Magical Law Enforcement was convinced he was in a great deal of danger, and was trying to persuade him to go into hiding until the rest of the Death Eaters were captured- something he really didn't want to deal with. After all, the Order of the Phoenix barely tolerated him as a spy during the war, why would that have changed now that The Boy-Who-Lived-to- Annoy had killed Voldemort? He wasn't about to spend Merlin knows how long in hiding with one person, when that person could barely stand him. That not being enough to deal with, business had been difficult to deal with today. The Ministry was watching Malfoy Enterprises extra carefully for any Death Eater activity, which they would not find, but the Ministry must keep the appearance that it was doing something. So, Draco's grumpy ramblings continued in his head, as he moved around the kitchen in his flat, preparing himself dinner. Hermione Granger, one of the few members of the Order who accepted him, had taught him how to cook some basic meals after he'd joined the Order, as Draco didn't trust others not to poison his food if he ordered take out. Tonight he was making spaghetti.

Draco had barely eaten a quarter of his plate of spaghetti when the wards around his house alerted him to someone trying to break in to the flat. Draco quickly jumped up, wand at the ready. Before he had a chance to move out of the kitchen, Hermione and her fellow Auror Nymphadora Lupin apparated in next to him.

"Draco you're in danger; we have to leave now. Grab your bag.," said Hermione, her tone brooking no argument.

"What do you mean I'm in danger? I'm a traitor to the Death Eaters- I'll always be in danger," replied Draco sardonically, his trademark smirk firmly in place.

"Draco! Don't argue with me right now okay? I'm trying to save your sorry, conceited self. Grab your bag, get however much money you'll need for a few months and let's go!" growled Hermione.

"Alright! Alright!" shouted Draco, as he sprinted off down the hallway to his bedroom. With the speed and grace of a seeker, he opened and emptied the contents of his safe, which was half a million dollars split between muggle and magical money. On his way back out of his bedroom he summoned the bag he kept packed in case he had to leave in a hurry. It had his spare wand, an extra pair of shoes, and several changes of clothes suitable for occasions in the muggle and magical world.

"Let's go, they've almost breached the wards," said Nymphadora.

"Where are we going?" Draco asked, running up to stand by the women.

"I'll tell you when we get there." Hermione replied. Draco scowled at her reply. A Malfoy is always in charge of his own destiny. That does not include surprises in the midst of a life or death situation.

Without letting Draco argue any further, Hermione grabbed his arm and side-along apparated them to an abandoned alley in muggle London.

"Listen very carefully Draco: Until I tell you otherwise- you have a severe case of laryngitis. You can't talk a'tall and your name is Drew Bonnetti and I'm Gemma Bonnetti, we're adopted brother and sister. Just let me do all the talking and go with whatever I say. We're going to be around muggles for a little bit, so don't do anything rash," instructed Hermione, her chocolate-brown eyes boring into his silver-blue eyes.

"Yes, Mum. Wouldn't want to upset the muggles, of course." replied Draco in a droll tone.

Rolling her eyes, Hermione led the way out of the alley followed by Draco, with Nymphadora following behind him. Hermione quickly led the way to the London Underground, Draco looking extremely apprehensive and Nymphadora amused at her cousin's facial expression. Nymphadora took care of Draco's fare and without too much ado, they all arrived at Heathrow Airport. She reached into an inside pocket of her signature trenchcoat and pulled out a thick stack of papers.

"This has everything you'll need paperwork wise for the muggle or magical world. Everything is exactly as you asked for it," said Nymphadora, in a quiet tone. She gave Hermione a hug, "Be careful. I don't want to have to train a new partner."

Hermione giggled, "Of course, don't want to put you out at all."

Nymphadora hugged Draco next, "Listen to Gemma, and don't be a git- she's just trying to help. This isn't easy for her either."

Draco rolled his eyes, "I wouldn't dream of giving her any trouble at all." Under his breath he added, "She might hex me."

Nymphadora watched Hermione and Draco as they walked through the terminal to the security checkpoint. She barely contained her laughter at the scene. Draco was not too keen on the metal detectors, or the security guards waving their wands. Thankfully, Draco followed directions, kept his mouth shut, and didn't hex anyone. Between that and Hermione's natural charm, the pair was able to get on board their plane with no fuss. As soon as they were seated, in first class, of course, Draco pinned Hermione with a glare that clearly said 'Explain. Now.'

Since no one was watching, Hermione conjured pen and paper and began to write, The Auror Department received word yesterday that the remaining Death Eaters not in Azkaban have banned together and are attempting to continue Voldemort's work. As far as we know they have a hit list of their priority targets, which are to be killed as soon as they are found. We found out this afternoon you and I are at the top of that list. You even beat out Harry.

Draco quickly read what she wrote before replying, So why are you kidnapping me? Why couldn't we just stay in my flat? It's the most warded building in England besides Hogwarts!

Hermione sighed, and wrote back, Somehow they found out where your flat was. When Dora and I got to your flat, Selwyn was already there. That's what set the wards off. Somehow, they've found a way to get around them. So, I'm taking you to the safest place I can think of- the last place the Death Eaters will look for you.

Draco raised an eyebrow and wrote, And that would be?

Hermione looked nervous and replied, Don't be upset with me, I really just want to keep you safe. We're going to a Summer Camp for Teenage muggles in California. It's called Camp Rock. A muggle cousin of mine goes there every year.

Draco looked practically murderous. With an angry fervor he wrote back, A muggle camp! You want me to spend all summer with teenage muggles! Have you gone bloody mad? They'll know I'm different within minutes! I can't masquerade as a muggle.

Hermione glared at him, Would you rather be dead?

Draco opted not to reply. Hermione whispered, "My cousin's name is Caitlyn Gellar. She's going to pick us up from the airport. She'll also help me get you up to speed on how to behave at Camp Rock and as a muggle."

Draco snorted. 'Great. Quality time with a muggle.'

~~~ Hours later~~~

Draco had been having a nice dream about winning the Quidditch World Cup and finally defeating Harry Potter at something, when a soft voice and a gentle shove woke him up. "Drew- you have to get up. We're in Chicago. We have to switch planes." Draco groaned.

"But I'm sleeping!" Draco whined. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Not anymore your not. Come on. Up." Hermione stated.

"I'm not a broom." Draco managed, yawning.

Draco got out of his seat anyway. With another yawn, he stood up and grabbed his bag out of the overhead compartment. With sleep still in his eyes, Draco followed Hermione off the airplane and into the security checkpoint. After some more charming by Hermione, half of which Draco didn't understand, they were allowed into the United States. Turning toward Draco, Hermione said, "We have 2 hours before our flight to Oakland leaves. So I'm going to get us some food and then we can head through our last security checkpoint."

Draco looked at Hermione skeptically, "I'm hungry, but I'm not going to eat any weird muggle foods."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "I promise not to get you anything weird. I was actually thinking about sandwiches and crisps."

Draco smirked, "Actually that sounds good."

Hermione smirked back, "Yeah imagine that- I have taste."

Hermione led Draco to the Subway she saw farther down the terminal hallway. They each ordered turkey club sandwiches, a bag of sun chips and a water bottle. After they finished eating, they went through the checkpoint and sat in their gate area. When no one was looking, Hermione pulled what looked like a small wallet out of her pocket and enlarged it. It was her bag. Quickly, she pulled a book of medium thickness out of the bag and handed it to Draco. Just as quickly she shrunk it and stuck it back in her pocket. Then she whispered, "This is a guide on living among muggles. Read it. It will help give you a foundation of how to behave and speak."

Draco scowled but said quietly, "Thank you."

Until they were called to board, Draco read through the book, pausing occasionally to ask Hermione a question. Hermione would answer as best she could, and then go back to people watching. So far, she hadn't seen anyone that looked remotely suspicious. The flight to Oakland was fairly uneventful. Draco finished the book, and Hermione napped.

Once they were off the plane, Hermione quickly led them down the terminal and towards the baggage claim. Though neither of them had checked baggage, that was the easiest place for Caitlyn to meet them. Sure enough, not to long after they'd reached baggage claim, a brunette with auburn highlights strode to them a relieved smile on her face. The first thing Draco noticed about her was her expressive brown eyes. They sparkled as she talked to Hermione.

"I'm so glad to see you my dear cousin. I was worried when Dora called and said I had to pick up at the airport with a guest." the brunette said. Ah, so this was Caitlyn Geller, the cousin.

"Yeah, well, I'll tell you more about that later. It's good to see you too. Caitlyn this is Drew Bonnetti, my adopted brother," said Hermione softly and politely. Caitlyn's eyes lit up with recognition.

"Nice to meet you Drew. You're going to have lots of fun at Camp Rock. It's a great place to be for a summer." said Caitlyn, as she turned to look at Draco, gracing him with a civil, but genuine smile.

"Nice to meet you as well, Caitlyn." replied Draco, opting to avoid Hermione's wrath by simply not commenting on the subject of Camp Rock at all. There was no way he could have fun at Camp Rock, not while pretending to be a teenage muggle instead of the powerful twenty-something year old wizard on the run from Death Eaters out to kill him that he was.

Caitlyn looked at him quizzically, as if she'd picked up on what he hadn't said. Hermione simply rolled her eyes, and said, "Well we're tired and hungry. So I'd suggest Subway and then home."

"No problem. We can pick your car up tomorrow. For now, we have my Dad's Tahoe. It's in the parking garage. I even got a spot close to the door," said Caitlyn with a wide grin.

"No way! How did you manage that?" replied Hermione. Draco was lost. What in Merlin's name were they talking about? Car..car...oh that metal contraption that takes you places. So what's a Tahoe then?

"Just got lucky I guess." shrugged Caitlyn, as they entered the parking garage.

They stopped at a Subway near the airport, and once again Hermione ordered for him. Draco was surprised at how well Hermione was at ordering muggle food for him. So far, everything had been wonderful. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all, at least where food was concerned. After a forty-five minute drive, they arrived at Caitlyn's house. The three fell asleep quickly and didn't stir until morning.