Buahahahaha my first crossover! 3rd person :P at least I'm gonna try. p.s it's almost starting school time for Blackthorne and Gallagher.

Marshall had called a meeting with the cast of So Random! and Mackenzie Falls' producer called a meeting with his cast. As both casts stood in the same room Marshall announced, "We will be taking a break from our television series to go to a boarding school of single gender each. Boys, you will be going to the Blackthorne Institute for Boys. Girls, you will be going to the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women-"

Marshall was cut off by many groans from each cast. "Oh quit your complaining! You guys are going to see each other anyways. They are on an exchange, so the Blackthorne students will be staying at Gallagher Academy."

The Mackenzie Falls' producer, Arturo started talking, "Blackthorne and Gallagher offer great opportunities for all of you. It is a bit advanced. Truthfully it is very advanced. You will all have to start as seventh graders, but you will eventually catch up with your grade. One girl named Macey McHenry started as a seventh grader and caught up to her grade, so you people can do it as well."

More groans came out of the teenagers' mouths at the part of starting over at seventh grade. "It won't be that bad I promise," Marshall consoled. Little did they know, they were actually going to the top spy schools in the country.

"Go get your stuff packed up people. By the way, we already called your parents and they thought it was a great idea, so you can't complain to them," Arturo added. Many more groans came especially from Nico and Grady.

Tawni thought that this wasn't fair so she complained to Sonny when they got back to their dressing room, "I don't want to go to Gallagher Academy!"

"Tawni, we don't have a choice. I don't want to go either but Marshall said so." Sonny sighed.

Tawni groaned, "Did you hear they wear plaid? I have strict rules against wearing plaid." Then she burst into tears.

Sonny let out a dry laugh, "It can't be that bad, Tawni. Besides, there will be tons of cute boys."

Tawni sniffled and wiped away the tears, "I guess it's a little better." Sonny smiled, "See? There's always a bright side to everything."

Tawni pouted, "But I don't want to see the bright side! I want to stay on the dark side, they like me there."

"Yeah, I noticed." Sonny mumbled and turned to continue packing her things.

(With the boys)

Nico grinned as he put the clothes into his bag, "Man, we're going to an all girl school. God must love me."

Grady grinned, "True that, chicks dig funny dudes." They high fived and continued packing.

Nico stopped packing, "Wait, isn't the Blackthorne Institute like a private school? Dude, uniforms are totally bogus."

Grady nodded, "True that. Bet Mackenzie Falls won't have a problem with that."

Nico put a hand up, "Hold up, don't chicks dig a man in uniform?" Grady shrugged, "It depends on the uniform. I don't think they dig school uniforms."

"Neither do we." Nico added, Grady nodded, "Better get used to it."

Nico groaned, "I don't want to get used to it! I like my clothes, I'm not into the whole khaki pants and button up collared shirts with ties and blazers. It makes me feel all conformed and stuff."

"I wonder how they're taking it. The Gallagher and Blackthorne students." Grady thought out loud.

(With the Gallagher and Blackthorne students)

The girls and guys piled into the Dining Hall and took their place at the table.

Bex groaned, "Was it me or was COW extremely hard today?" She asked her friends who agreed.

Liz shrugged, "It was pretty easy; I mean who doesn't know how to convert the US dollar to Yen."

Cammie gave her an incredulous look, "Maybe it was for you, but the rest of us have to use the system."

Jonas smirked, "Well, sucks for you."

Cammie groaned and slumped her head on her boyfriend's shoulder, "Can I hit him, please?"

Zach smirked, "You could. Or you could have him be your partner in P&E." Cammie smirked and Jonas quivered in fear.

After lunch they made their way to Sublevel 3. Solomon was waiting patiently behind his desk.

When everyone was settled Solomon spoke, "An assassin is on the loose in the Los Angeles community. The producers of So Random! and Mackenzie Falls are deeply worried about their cast. So until the FBI are able to locate the assassin, they will be coming here for protection."

Everyone's mouth gaped open and their eyes widened, except for Grant, he looked somewhat ecstatic, "So Random!? I love that show. Especially that Sonny girl, she's hot."

Bex shot him a glare, "I mean, she's totally not hot." He cleared his throat and looked down, obviously embarrassed.

Solomon continued with his discussion, ignoring the protests of the students, "They will arrive tomorrow morning, seven AM sharp, and I expect you to be there to greet them."

Macey groaned, "But I have strict rules about getting up before seven." Solomon glared at Macey, "Miss McHenry. You are a spy in training, deal with it."

Macey scowled and rolled her eyes at Solomon. "Like I said tomorrow when they arrive you will be there to greet them. That is not a request, it's an order."

"Joy." Bex muttered under her breath.

There we are. Hope it's good =P